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Why is the boyfriend frame demonized so much

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I had a question regarding this topic which I honestly do not understand. Why is the "boyfriend" frame as they call it, demonized so much when it comes to dating advice. 

I have nothing against the player frame, it can work very well and I have seen it work very well. However, I have also noticed it tends to attract specific types of girls and the results it gives are not what everyone might want.

If you want to get laid a lot, player frame is great. If you go to clubs or very short term hookup environements it is also great. If you are dealing with very open minded girls which talk to a lot of guys and have sex casually, then player frame also I think is better.

However, not all situations and girls are like this.

I notice often with the guys in my city when they do day game for example, they loose girls sometimes because the girls wants a relationship and they are too aggressive for them. Also, some girls tend to be more relationship oriented and they are very careful whom they have sex with. For some girls sex is a lot of a bigger deal than for others.

Therefore, If a guy wants to get a serious girlfriend that is not looking for anything casual, then what is wrong with the boyfriend frame?

Personally, the player frame to me feels extremely unnatural and fake and I dont even care about it.

I am sure this is the case for other guys in this forum also.

Note, I am not saying the boyfriend frame means you have no game, just that you are looking for something more serious.

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