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Conscious suffering

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What happens if you constantly accept suffering? And u follow it

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18 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

What happens if you constantly accept suffering? And u follow it

You can accept suffering if its psychological..but I don't think that humans can stand a certain limit of physical suffering...the human being is so fragile. 

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@ivankiss I dont get what you mean. There are lots of ways i can interpret that.

@Someone here

If i know you well, u had been diagnosed with depression. Whats your experience with accepting suffering?


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Just now, ShardMare said:

If i know you well, u had been diagnosed with depression. Whats your experience with accepting suffering?

What a question. I suppose the same way some people don’t even know they are depressed; at some point, your psyche adjusts. You only have a handful of choices, after all. Suicide, obsessively thinking about it, trying to accept that life is misery at the moment, blatant escapism, etc.

as someone who has had (diagnosed) depression for a few years now, accepting and saying “I'm depressed" rather than saying “I have depression” is one of the worst mistakes someone trying to overcome any mental illness can possibly do. Depression is no more a part of who your are than any other illness is. You need to believe that it can and will get better. I truly promise you that it will. But, with that being said, it is going to take some serious determination on your part. Just don’t ever give up. So, in summary, it is entirely possible to accept depression as a part of yourself, but it is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make. I truly hope this helps. Just keep telling yourself that it will get better (as corny and cliche as that saying is) and that accepting that you are depressed rather than having depression is going to make you situation worse. And if you arent already, please talk to somebody. I hope you get better

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@Someone here i see, thank you. I go to psychiatry regularly.

So u shouldnt accept depression, accept suffering fully? Isnt that the good thing to do?

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20 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

@Someone here i see, thank you. I go to psychiatry regularly.

So u shouldnt accept depression, accept suffering fully? Isnt that the good thing to do?

If you truly accept suffering, it will no longer be suffering.

Suffering, by definition, comes from something that you reject, something that is unwanted but unavoidable. No rejection = no suffering.

But not just accept intellectually. That does not count. I mean really accepting, the way you willingly accept food into your mouth.

Have you seen small children eating broccoli? Intellectually they accept that it is good for them, but their faces tell a different story… I don't mean that kind of acceptance.

The question is then, how do you accept your own suffering? Easier said than done, right?

In my case it has been a long and windy road, which is not entirely finished yet. I can give few clues that helped so far:

1-95% of suffering is "personal” or otherwise thought-induced. E.g. something happens, and a thought follows: “Why did this happen to me?” Immediately, suffering seems to get much worse. But there is no person, only an idea of it. Realize it, and much of suffering will be instantly uprooted.

2-Recognize rejection of rejection. This creates a reverb effect: a rejecting thought is followed by sensation of rejection, which is in turn followed by another rejecting thought, and so on, multiplying each other in the process. So work on accepting rejection to prevent such loops.

3-Acceptance does not come as an act of will. It happens naturally by itself. Don't force it. Instead, focus on simply noticing. When something happens, notice which sensations arise and separately which thoughts arise. Identify and acknowledge them, and this will be the most important step on the way to acceptance. We eventually accept familiar things, so make them familiar.

Hope this helps 

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How do you know happines and bliss without suffering? How do you know God without knowing the devil? How do you know Truth without knowing falsehood?

God, there is no god but He.

He has let me wander in darkness with the devil, with a devil who claimed to be God, in falsehood, only to come and expose it. In this way, I learned what falsehood is, and I learned what Truth is, I learned who the devil was and Who God is.

He has let me suffer for a lifetime, only to come and make me happy. In this way, I learned what true happines really is.

He has let people corrupt my mind with falsehood, only to come and expose and destroy the falsehood, and show me the Truth. In this way, I learned what falsehood is, and what Truth is.

From Him we were created, and to Him we shall return.

Edited by Rahra

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suffering is desire. desire is the impulse towards the future or the past. an imbalance that keeps you moving. if you stop completely, it is because there is no desire/suffering. if you do the slightest thing, it is driven by suffering. life is suffering. The question is: is suffering bad? is it unpleasant? It depends on the degree, on the accumulation. A bit of suffering is wonderful. 

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