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Hidden maps behind awakening

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I think this is an important topic because it demonstrates why many people will fail to awaken for a number of reasons. There is critical self knowledge which cannot be discovered through self reflection and people need other methods such as an outside source to point out hidden maps.

First of all, I have been reading some of the works of Ken Wilber. He explains that a person's level of cognitive development will impact how they experience deeper levels of consciousness. Anybody could experience radical degrees of consciousness, but spiral dynamics is an example of hidden maps that humans follow in interpreting consciousness.

What I am trying to discover is if there are other hidden maps under which people operate which impact how we self reflect. Language is one example of a hidden map because while typing this out, I automatically follow various rules without thinking about it.

Logic might be another hidden map because I am trying to communicate this message in a way that makes sense to people even though the rules of acceptable logic change with different time periods and cultures. The fact that I even think in terms of multiculturalism could be a hidden map with which I automatically reject absolutistic ways of thinking about any culture. It seems myopic from this point of view.

Morals could be a hidden map. Through constant conditioning from our culture we internalize various behaviors even if they are unhealthy. For example, is it healthy to condemn sex? What if it does not work anyway? Why is lying wrong? Lying is actually a normal part of human development for children. Lying is part of social survival and is neither good nor bad.

Trauma could be a hidden map. For example, people often get into spirituality in search of healing. They can have all kinds of self esteem issues while hoping that teachings of self love can change this. Although this works to some degree, trauma cannot be fully healed through spirituality because said trauma will impact the method through which we self reflect and therefore how we experience deeper levels of consciousness.

Psychological disorders and brain structure will almost certainly be a hidden map for some people. Autism explains many of my behaviors and it makes it seem like I am not really in control. Brain structure is a hidden map which cannot be overcome through self reflection. Although there is no brain in my direct experience, the imaginary neurons in my imaginary brain are still impacting how my imaginary ego behaves and therefore the way in which I self reflect. This certainly requires an outside source to change. It can be detoxing heavy metals, maybe it can be some kind of therapist to discuss autism, maybe something else. In all cases an outside source is required in order to change the way in which I self reflect, even if the outside sources are also imaginary.

Brain structure can be expanded to include male and female. Both brains operate in fundamentally different ways that make it hard to understand the opposite sex sometimes. Understanding brain structure not just for things like autism, but for all human beings in general is critical for understanding why so many people fail to awaken. For example, many Buddhist monks have an expanded neo cortex compared to the average human being.

Psychedelics will be required in order for some people to awaken. Most people will fail because of factors out of our control like a bad childhood, and genetics, different brain structures, trauma, the expectations placed on us by our culture such as the idea that psychedelics are immoral because drugs are bad and we should say no, and so on and so forth. If most people will fail to awaken, then all spiritual teachings must devolve into dogma because we are not grounded in direct experience. This applies to the average person on this forum. If we are not grounded in direct experience then we will turn Leo's teachings into some kind of ideology no matter how much he warns against it. We are not awake and many of us including myself probably never will be because of my hidden maps such as the ones I have laid out here.

Are there other hidden maps that I don't know about? Thank you for any input.

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Materialism is a hindering map, a dangerous one. It’s hold in some of Europa and all of Scandininavia is disqusting. Only in God-Consciousness is it destroyed, properly.

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@Rahra this is a very solid point. I can contemplate material existence and maybe through various intellectual positions I could reject naive realism. Even so, such arguments will never fundamentally transform my psyche and relationship to reality. Higher consciousness is critical for seriously seeing beyond the materialist paradigm.

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16 minutes ago, trenton said:

@Rahra this is a very solid point. I can contemplate material existence and maybe through various intellectual positions I could reject naive realism. Even so, such arguments will never fundamentally transform my psyche and relationship to reality. Higher consciousness is critical for seriously seeing beyond the materialist paradigm.

God must tell it to you ;)


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