
are people in the world doing bad financially

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we live in lebanon and when i hear my dad talking it seems that the whole world is doing bad financially, is there truth to that or is it just his bias ? 

now on one note my dad is a gigantic fool, basically stage blue fundamentalist, however i don't know if what he's saying maybe has some validity to it. 

now i think he's just done bad financially for himself and projecting that onto the world blaming outside circumstances because he doesn't self reflect. 

but even sometimes i hear french youtubers talking about bad financial situation in france. so i don't know it's really confusing. 

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Hi @Majed ,

there is the general problem of inflation, the broken supply chains through C19 and now the Ukraine-War, so one can say that it's generally a bad economic situation. However some poorer countries are worse of compared to the richer ones and I'd put Lebanon into it. There are a lot of Refugees from Syria and other problem in Lebanon.. So your Dad might manage the money badly, but I'd guess the times are not as forgiving as, say, 15 years ago. So my point of view is to be forgiving to ourselfs if we get into trouble financially but still take that not as an excuse. I wish you the best!

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