
Eating pussy

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So here's a thing. I licked pussy only once in my life, but it was rather horrible experience because I didn't like the taste (she took as shower and was clean). Ever since I haven't done it and afraid of trying it again. My question is: does every pussy taste the same? 

Please share your experience 

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1 hour ago, Vlad_ said:

My question is: does every pussy taste the same? 

lol no.

Same as the taste of semen of different men isn't the same for the same girl.

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Not the same, so try again.

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In my experience, the taste is different and can vary even with the same woman. There seem to be many different factors but the ones I have noticed are:

  1. Her diet: if she eats healthy foods including fruits like pineapple for some reason she tastes better. 
  2. If she is clean: Personally I don't care if she is dirty or clean but they taste different. If she cleans herself there with soap it tastes bad but if she rinses with water it doesn't taste like soap.
  3. How aroused/wet she is also seems to change her taste. When she isn't aroused and dry the taste is meh so give her time to warm up. Basically, the wetter she is the stronger the taste is but that also means that if you use a flavored lube you like to influence the taste as long as she isn't allergic to the lube.   
  4. If she puts perfume down there it's not so good.
  5. If she is on her period it tastes different.

Those are the main factors that come to mind with regard to taste. When you are exploring your partner during foreplay and you are close to her pussy smell so you get some idea of what she tastes like. In my experience that tends to be the easiest way to tell what she smells like. 



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11 hours ago, Daoguy said:

In my experience, the taste is different and can vary even with the same woman. There seem to be many different factors but the ones I have noticed are:

  1. Her diet: if she eats healthy foods including fruits like pineapple for some reason she tastes better. 
  2. If she is clean: Personally I don't care if she is dirty or clean but they taste different. If she cleans herself there with soap it tastes bad but if she rinses with water it doesn't taste like soap.
  3. How aroused/wet she is also seems to change her taste. When she isn't aroused and dry the taste is meh so give her time to warm up. Basically, the wetter she is the stronger the taste is but that also means that if you use a flavored lube you like to influence the taste as long as she isn't allergic to the lube.   
  4. If she puts perfume down there it's not so good.
  5. If she is on her period it tastes different.

Those are the main factors that come to mind with regard to taste. When you are exploring your partner during foreplay and you are close to her pussy smell so you get some idea of what she tastes like. In my experience that tends to be the easiest way to tell what she smells like. 



Thanks for such a detailed response!

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If she is clean they all mostly taste similar. You just gotta suck it up and do it. Somedays I'm not feeling it either. But it's my honor bound duty to get her off as a good man and boyfriend.

Edit: Try spitting on it and getting it really sloppy. Your saliva should dilute the taste. Just be careful not to swallow so much fluid you can get a throat/mouth infection called thrush and it fucking sucks lol. Have a towel nearby if you are gonna do oral.

Edited by Roy


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2 hours ago, acidgoofy said:

No, my last two gfs tasted amazing even if they didn't shower. My first gf didn't taste good, I was very happy to find out that this is not always the case, I think it has a lot to do with the diet.


If it’s because of diet it all makes sense. The girlfriend whose pussy I licked was smoking a lot, drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy food. 
Maybe it depends on the age as well. Probably the older the women the worse the taste of her pussy 

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Acquired taste

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They say eating pineapples makes the pussy taste good

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2 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

They say eating pineapples makes the pussy taste good

- "How do you prepare for a date?"

- "I eat pineapples." 

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so aside from having any health problems and just maintaining good hygiene and a clean diet, the big reason why you're averse to your partner's fluids is because energetically there is some part of you that is not completely accepting them. I know this from experience, the best head you'll ever give is to the person you can completely surrender to. people who are truly madly and passionately in love are also very nasty lovers lol because they accept every single part of each other at that moment. you need to work on your sexual blocks and clear the energy between you and your partner. try to contemplate what it is about your partner that you cant fully accept. 

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14 hours ago, iceprincess said:

so aside from having any health problems and just maintaining good hygiene and a clean diet, the big reason why you're averse to your partner's fluids is because energetically there is some part of you that is not completely accepting them. I know this from experience, the best head you'll ever give is to the person you can completely surrender to. people who are truly madly and passionately in love are also very nasty lovers lol because they accept every single part of each other at that moment. you need to work on your sexual blocks and clear the energy between you and your partner. try to contemplate what it is about your partner that you cant fully accept. 

She was married and I couldn't accept it 

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Tell her to wash before. 

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@Kshantivadin One of my ex's used to use perfume because it made her small nice on other parts of her body why not there too right? If she smells nice it must also taste nice too right? I can't fault her for that because most women just like most men are just trying to be nice to one another but since she doesn't have experience going down on a woman. This is why we all need to communicate with our partner about what you both like and dislike when it comes to sex because if you can't do that you shouldn't be having sex with them.

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I used to ask girls on Tinder whether they like pineapple as an opener, then they'd say sure why, then I'd say ok what about cinnamon, then send them this link :D

Can't say all women appreciated it but it made me laugh.

Edited by flowboy

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What did you expect, a banana flavoured? :D The inside of the vagina is acidic to prevent the spread of bacteria while the outside is kinda tasteless. 

I think you have to love the girl you are giving the oral to, to really enjoy it. It probably works the same way for girl, they enjoy giving BJ more if they feel more emotionally connected to the guy

Edited by Michael569

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@Vlad_ one day I licked a smelly one, and I kind of like it. I was high on truffes and even got visions while doing it. I don't  know, I kind of like exquisite favors and aromas, so for me if dont make me vomit is ok. So yeah, try different flavors.

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