
There are TWICE as many single men age 18-29 than women

103 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Blackhawk said:

Yes, or in other words: it sucks to be a guy.

Yeah, if you don't live in a big city and don't work hard at improving all areas of your life. Particularly, if you don't work at improving your social and seduction skills hard enough, then it really is going to suck being a guy.

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25 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Yeah, if you don't live in a big city and don't work hard at improving all areas of your life. Particularly, if you don't work at improving your social and seduction skills hard enough, then it really is going to suck being a guy.

Women don't have to do all that stuff, so just the fact that guys have to work hard, but women don't, means that it's worse to be a guy. Understand?

And there's many many guys who can't get a gf even if they do all that stuff.

Anyway, I know people hates to hear this unfair truth. I'm not gonna write more in this thread.

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19 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

Women don't have to do all that stuff, so just the fact that guys have to work hard, but women don't, means that it's worse to be a guy. Understand?

And there's many many guys who can't get a gf even if they do all that stuff.

Anyway, I know people hates to hear this unfair truth. I'm not gonna write more in this thread.

Yeah, careful man. If Leo sees this he may ban you for complaining. Haha.

I feel you, man. I used to complain a lot about the fact that women don't have work hard to get sex or get a date.

But actually I now realized that women actually have to work harder than men to keep someone in a relationship. It's just that most men give away their power of being able to easily keep a girl they've been dating too quickly.

Also, guys who have game actually have dating, sex, and romance easier don't just have it easier than all other men. They have it easier than EVERY women in the world. So, if you are able to greatly improve game overtime until you become like an expert at it, then you'll be on the top of the world.

Not even hot women will be able to get as many good choices as the top guys in the dating world are able to.

Btw, you actually are practically guaranteed to get laid at least once and get at least one gf if you approach hundreds of different women out there, even if your social skills are like barely average, even if you look homely, even if you are poor, and even if you have no social status.

Also check this out:


Edited by Hardkill

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18 minutes ago, Blackhawk said:

Yes, or in other words: it sucks to be a guy. Don't deny it.

Attraction is the challenging aspect for men. Neither path is easy.

But if I had to choose into a life based on who I thought had it easiER in terms of male/female dynamics, I’d choose to be male.

Though, I would suspect that most men wouldn’t understand why and might even take offense to this.

But let me first say, that there are a great many things about the female experience that aren’t obvious from the outside looking in.

There are dynamics that you have to live in for decades to even begin to understand. And these are things I couldn’t possibly sum up in this post.

But also, because men’s primary challenge is attraction… they may not understand that there are other problems that aren’t specifically attraction related… and even huge problems that come from being the pursued.

For women, being able to attract comes with both blessings and curses. There’s so much objectification with all of this. Many don’t even see you as human. And many men hate you for being attractive to them. 

And the whole conundrum makes your sexuality complicated… it’s quite confusing. It can give you a love-hate relationship to the whole gamut of sexuality.

And in the male path it is challenging to develop the skills of attraction…. but you have control over this element of your life.

And I used to get very jealous that I never got to develop myself this way.

There’s a lot more that women have no control over improving. Women have to die many deaths that men never have to die.

Such is the seasonal and surrendering nature of the Feminine. And many women get stuck in arrested development because they don’t let themselves die enough

Women are like deciduous trees. And men are like evergreen trees.

And if I were to choose into life based on beauty, I am understanding with age that the deciduous life is the most beautiful because of its many deaths.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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26 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Also, guys who have game actually have dating, sex, and romance easier don't just have it easier than all other men. They have it easier than EVERY women in the world. So, if you are able to greatly improve game overtime until you become like an expert at it, then you'll be on the top of the world.

Not even hot women will be able to get as many good choices as the top guys in the dating world are able to.

Dude, I hope you don't actually believe that. Not all guys can become the top of the world by improving game.

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2 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

Women don't have to do all that stuff, so just the fact that guys have to work hard, but women don't, means that it's worse to be a guy. Understand?

If you define your entire life around how easy it is to get laid, yea women have it easier. But that’s a fairly narrow slice of life.

Women also commonly get sexually assaulted, spiked, harassed, raped, and treated like dogshit in 3/4 of the world.

Even in the domain of getting laid, lots of women spend tons of money and 2 hours a day getting ready just to be attractive to guys. It’s not like they put in zero effort.

Grass is always greener.

Edited by something_else

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2 hours ago, something_else said:

If you define your entire life around how easy it is to get laid, yea women have it easier. But that’s a fairly narrow slice of life.

Women also commonly get sexually assaulted, spiked, harassed, raped, and treated like dogshit in 3/4 of the world.

Even in the domain of getting laid, lots of women spend tons of money and 2 hours a day getting ready just to be attractive to guys. It’s not like they put in zero effort.

Grass is always greener.

   Yeah, totally agree, grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when I'm on a fat green joint, writing, rapping, and drawing out my work, focused on my legacy and capturing that wind for me, meanwhile all you guys and gals ripping each other off, killing each other, chasing tails endlessly, makes me want to be ET or some alien. Happy to know when I'm gone, my legacies will be the ones that penetrate into your minds, picture peter pan's pike phase through your head, meanwhile you all too busy chasing bed heads and tails, too lost in the devil's details to make sense of you turning turtles, while I'm the Buddha, burning urges.

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10 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

Dude, I hope you don't actually believe that. Not all guys can become the top of the world by improving game.

Well, yeah I don't think that every guy can achieve top 1% level of game or higher. 

But I think that any guy can get above average game if you devote about 2 to 3 years of cold/warm approaching and dating and if you approach like 10 to 25 new girls a day 3 to 7 days per week.

Guys like us are really going to have do at least 5,000-10,000 approaches and get some good experienced wings to get dramatic results.

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If you socialize a lot, girls will sleep with you just by pure accident.

At some point a girl will literally just walk up to you and ask you to take her home.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 hours ago, Emerald said:

Attraction is the challenging aspect for men. Neither path is easy.

But if I had to choose into a life based on who I thought had it easiER in terms of male/female dynamics, I’d choose to be male.

Though, I would suspect that most men wouldn’t understand why and might even take offense to this.

But let me first say, that there are a great many things about the female experience that aren’t obvious from the outside looking in.

There are dynamics that you have to live in for decades to even begin to understand. And these are things I couldn’t possibly sum up in this post.

But also, because men’s primary challenge is attraction… they may not understand that there are other problems that aren’t specifically attraction related… and even huge problems that come from being the pursued.

For women, being able to attract comes with both blessings and curses. There’s so much objectification with all of this. Many don’t even see you as human. And many men hate you for being attractive to them. 

And the whole conundrum makes your sexuality complicated… it’s quite confusing. It can give you a love-hate relationship to the whole gamut of sexuality.

And in the male path it is challenging to develop the skills of attraction…. but you have control over this element of your life.

And I used to get very jealous that I never got to develop myself this way.

There’s a lot more that women have no control over improving. Women have to die many deaths that men never have to die.

Such is the seasonal and surrendering nature of the Feminine. And many women get stuck in arrested development because they don’t let themselves die enough

Women are like deciduous trees. And men are like evergreen trees.

And if I were to choose into life based on beauty, I am understanding with age that the deciduous life is the most beautiful because of its many deaths.

I see you returned to this hellhole, welcome back Emerald. ^_^

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This has always been kind of a thing. Our species is wired so that women are attracted to the dominant males, kind of like hens are attracted to Roosters. Before modern civilization and the advent of religion that gave humans an alpha male (God) and commandments, it was more of a tribal species. If you look at historical breeding ratios, only about 30% of men ever passed on their seed tops, and during some parts of history when the ruling class became particularly powerful, it was much less.

Given we are no longer constrained by commandments and religion, and women are no longer basically owned and controlled by or "need" men, they are free to express our true selves more, which for women generally means they are friendly, playful, and promiscuous. They are attracted to novelty, new experiences, and having lots of guy friends, generally speaking. Not all women are like this, but the ones that make the most noise (extroverts) certainly are.


Men are more emasculated these days, and generally speaking, women are not turned on by that, at least subconsciously. Leo has gone over this before in numerous videos.


"Women are not cruel by default. But they very often are cruel to men they view as weak. This is an important principle to understand: women are kind to strong men, and cruel to weak men. This is because women adore strong men, and women despise weak men.

Even women with good hearts. Even women who do not want to hurt anyone. If you show weakness (not vulnerability, but weakness) to a woman, she is going to feel the emotion of disgust. She may be self-aware enough to resist this emotion, and recognize an injured soul and tell herself to feel compassion for you, but she is still going to be disgusted nevertheless.

You must not go around showing or flaunting weaknesses to women."


Dating is a numbers game, and some guys just give up too easily. They live in their heads, and expect this fantasy they got through Disney or their upbringing that may or may not exist. They aren't being in the moment, accepting things as they are. They are too needy. Plus, this culture is generally overstimulated, with people glued to screens around the clock... could a woman sit in a room for an hour and meditate? Could a man? :P Men are more simple creatures I find.. they don't require the same level of novelty generally speaking. Women will get bored with this over time of course, especially the younger they are.

Edited by sholomar

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you socialize a lot, girls will sleep with you just by pure accident.

At some point a girl will literally just walk up to you and ask you to take her home.

Being from a small redneck town where everyone knew everyone… everyone was hooking up with everyone else.

And even the least socially graceful and least attractive guys that I knew were having no trouble getting girlfriends and hooking up.

There was a really creepy guy that my friends and I knew back in high school that looked uncannily like a walrus. 

He’s probably the least attractive guy I’ve ever encountered because of his looks/personality combo. And he was still having girlfriends and hook ups…. Just because he was social.

A lot of guys don’t socialize and just listen to horror stories on the internet. And you got regular guys thinking that zero women will be interested in them.

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3 hours ago, Scholar said:

I see you returned to this hellhole, welcome back Emerald. ^_^

Hey ?


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Remember the entire purpose of why we are here is self-actualization, not group-actualization. Some statistics might have a stark truth to them but you shouldn't use it as a reason to distract yourself. It's not your job to fix society (unless that's your life purpose I guess, good luck).

Work on yourself to be an exception to those numbers.


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5 hours ago, sholomar said:

"Women are not cruel by default. But they very often are cruel to men they view as weak. This is an important principle to understand: women are kind to strong men, and cruel to weak men. This is because women adore strong men, and women despise weak men.

Even women with good hearts. Even women who do not want to hurt anyone. If you show weakness (not vulnerability, but weakness) to a woman, she is going to feel the emotion of disgust. She may be self-aware enough to resist this emotion, and recognize an injured soul and tell herself to feel compassion for you, but she is still going to be disgusted nevertheless.

You must not go around showing or flaunting weaknesses to women."

 I see this thrown around the internet here and there. If this is actually true there's no point in dating lol. But idk it hasn't been true so far with the women I've been with 

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3 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

I see this thrown around the internet here and there. If this is actually true there's no point in dating lol. But idk it hasn't been true so far with the women I've been with 

This is just insecure men constructing narratives that confirm their greatest fears about women.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Just now, Jacob Morres said:

Not 0. But you just won't be able to pick really. And it'll be scarce 

That really isn’t true. It’s just what you fear to be true.

Just socialize and you’ll easily get women who are interested in you, who are around your level of attractiveness.

Now, if you have some crazy high standard where you can only date super-models, then yes… that would be a scarce situation.

But if you’re content with dating women who are the girl next door type who are the average kind of pretty (which is most women)… you can meet these women by being social, and eventually one will be interested in you who you’re also interested in.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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19 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:


Now it all makes sense.

Good vibes Danny!

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If you socialize a lot, girls will sleep with you just by pure accident.

At some point a girl will literally just walk up to you and ask you to take her home.

Has a girl who was not drunk ever asked you that?

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