
There are TWICE as many single men age 18-29 than women

103 posts in this topic

4 hours ago, Emerald said:

Online dating is probably a factor in this as well, if the statistics in the OP are correct.

It’s the lack of real social interaction that comes from dating apps and everything being so heavily online.

But my point still stands that tons of men get influenced by the Red Pill stuff in anti-social directions online that are a detriment to their chances with women.

It's not just a desert for OLD, in person is just as difficult 

This dude went around to find a girl to go on a date with him. He spent an entire day talking to girls. He's not red pilled, dress well, good looking, social skills, status (though not visible) and confident and he couldn't find a single girl to give her number/go on a date the entire day.

The average guy can't even do what this guy did, it's incredibly nervewrecking to approach a girl

The standards for women are incredibly high nowadays , you're overestimating the impact andrew tate and that stuff has on that statistic. It's like this for like 60-70% of guys 

Both OLD and in person can be very desert-like for the avg dude 

I see on the internet/reddit guys will post having trouble with girls. And sometimes the top comment will be, "it's cuz you're a mysognist, and don't respecc women". I can guarantee you that's not the problem in 95% of cases. 

I don't wanna spread limiting beliefs tho as it's def possible with a ton of hard work on a daily/weekly basis though.

My hypothesis is that for a guy to even get moderate attention from women, he has to be extremely proactive, put in a ton of effort and provide a ton of value to the table. Being average won't get you Anything. 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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8 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

This dude went around to find a girl to go on a date with him. He's not red pilled, dress well, good looking, social skills, status (though not visible) and confident and he couldn't find a single girl to give her number/go on a date the entire day.

His approaches are kinda strange, it's like fake confidence. He's trying way too hard and the girls can sense it. The black dude he speaks to has a more natural and chill confidence which is more desirable.

Plus he's plonking a camera in front of them too which doesn't help.


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@something_else have you ever tried doing this? 

Also that doesn't disprove my point how challenging it can be for the average dude 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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16 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

@something_else have you ever tried doing this? 

I've approached a few girls I thought were cute as I go about my day, but I don't leave my house on a Saturday morning to go hunting for sex on my local high street, if that's what you mean.

Mostly I go to nightclubs or other environments that are naturally sociable and meet girls there. I went essentially every Friday and Saturday for about 1.5 years straight. I've stopped recently cos I'm in a relationship now, so I go out occasionally for fun rather than to talk to girls for the time being.

Edited by something_else

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@something_else unless you're conventionally attractive (honestly sometimes probably even then), most dudes that go to nightclubs to find a girl, will get 0 cheeks most of the time, including you 

But the video was for the guy to find a date, not for sex. But that's irrelevant 

 But my  My main point to Emerald was just to say that it's extremely difficult for guys and it's not about Andrew Tate

Girls love to give advice like, just be nice, just be yourself, just go socialize, don't be a mysognist. But even doing those things it can be often extremely difficult 

 Def v solvable tho with effort as long as you max out some strategy

Edited by Jacob Morres

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@Jacob Morres

47 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

It's not just a desert for OLD, in person is just as difficult 

This dude went around to find a girl to go on a date with him. He spent an entire day talking to girls. He's not red pilled, dress well, good looking, social skills, status (though not visible) and confident and he couldn't find a single girl to give her number/go on a date the entire day.

The average guy can't even do what this guy did, it's incredibly nervewrecking to approach a girl

The standards for women are incredibly high nowadays , you're overestimating the impact andrew tate and that stuff has on that statistic. It's like this for like 60-70% of guys 

Both OLD and in person can be very desert-like for the avg dude 

I see on the internet/reddit guys will post having trouble with girls. And sometimes the top comment will be, "it's cuz you're a mysognist, and don't respecc women". I can guarantee you that's not the problem in 95% of cases. 

I don't wanna spread limiting beliefs tho as it's def possible with a ton of hard work on a daily/weekly basis though.

My hypothesis is that for a guy to even get moderate attention from women, he has to be extremely proactive, put in a ton of effort and provide a ton of value to the table. Being average won't get you Anything. 

   Firstly, props to that guy for spending almost the entire day finding a date face to face, and it's still shocking the number of rejections he's had. Willing to bet there were way more rejections that were edited out of the video.

   We live in an increasingly polarizing world, and facing increasingly Narcissistic personalities that are born and develop via the internet and social media. I feel pretty bad for the Gen Z people, getting mind raped by social media and whatever spheres, mesosphere or some other ideology.

   Yes, while all depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, psychology, states of consciousness, life and lived experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing, go and make some simple plans to accumulate dating experiences, just like the guy above, just go out there and be corny cold approaches or something. 

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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

But according to the post, it’s not women who are dealing with the singleness problem. It’s men who are dealing with the singleness problem.

And you can’t go looking outward to someone else to solve your own problem.

The problem with these male grievance narratives is that they frame men as the victims of their circumstances. And they tell men it’s all women’s fault that they’re single, so that they don’t have to work on themselves.

“Its not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s those terrible Feminists that brainwash women into not liking me”


”It’s not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s that women’s standards are too high.”

or even

”It’s not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s that women in the West have too many rights.”

And this is soothing to these men’s insecurities. But it keeps them in victim’s mentality and always looking outward to blame someone. 

And that whole victim dynamic is going to scare most women off. 

But they’re never aware because it’s a silent rejection where most women will just keep away.

Be careful with victim’s mentality. 

You're right that men can't just complain about the fact that this is happening to them. Men do have to accept their share of the responsibility for this. 

In fact, true men always take full ownership of everything they do with women. A woman wants a man who she feels is her rock or hero that she can count on to protect her and guide her no matter how bad things are.

A true man is a man who accepts the burden of the great responsibilities that come with manhood including leadership, guidance, resolve, bravery, adaptability, growth, ambition, competitiveness, strength, protection, assurance, resilience, principles, integrity, wisdom, competence, and acceptance of his own mistakes and faults. 

Some say that being a true man is a thankless job.

Now, given how much the world has changed, men must work even harder to not only become successful with women, but also earn real respect from other people in general. 



Edited by Hardkill

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1 hour ago, Jacob Morres said:

It's not just a desert for OLD, in person is just as difficult 

This dude went around to find a girl to go on a date with him. He spent an entire day talking to girls. He's not red pilled, dress well, good looking, social skills, status (though not visible) and confident and he couldn't find a single girl to give her number/go on a date the entire day.

The average guy can't even do what this guy did, it's incredibly nervewrecking to approach a girl

The standards for women are incredibly high nowadays , you're overestimating the impact andrew tate and that stuff has on that statistic. It's like this for like 60-70% of guys 

Both OLD and in person can be very desert-like for the avg dude 

I see on the internet/reddit guys will post having trouble with girls. And sometimes the top comment will be, "it's cuz you're a mysognist, and don't respecc women". I can guarantee you that's not the problem in 95% of cases. 

I don't wanna spread limiting beliefs tho as it's def possible with a ton of hard work on a daily/weekly basis though.

My hypothesis is that for a guy to even get moderate attention from women, he has to be extremely proactive, put in a ton of effort and provide a ton of value to the table. Being average won't get you Anything. 

I’d wager to you that women’s standards are about the same as they’ve ever been. 

And honestly, I am surprised that cold approach on the streets works at all. Before I knew it was a thing and I would get cold approached, I was always wondering if cold approachers on the street ever had any success at all.

The thing that’s different here is that people are so online that they don’t build healthy social circles.

This is where natural attractions can bloom… and most women prefer this warmer and more organic style of attraction. 

So, why would a woman who already has her eyes set on Dave from next door, go for some random street approach guy?

It must happen sometimes. But I never understood it.

That said, I can see going to clubs and finding someone there, because that’s the setting where hook ups happen. But you should be aware that most women aren’t going to give the time of day to a guy on the street because those types of approaches happen all the time.

Day game from guys is kind of like spam in your inbox or the perfume sales people at the mall… you’re probably not going to trust it or take it that seriously because you realize that you’re just part of a numbers game and that you’re being sold something.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On 2023.02.12. at 6:11 PM, Leo Gura said:

You can't get laid if you are sitting online all day.


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16 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

You're right that men can't just complain about the fact that this is happening to them. Men do have to accept their share of the responsibility for this. 

In fact, true men always take full ownership of everything they do with women. A woman wants a man who she feels is her rock or hero that she can count on to protect her and guide her no matter how bad things are.

A true man is a man who accepts the burden of the great responsibilities that come with manhood including leadership, guidance, resolve, bravery, adaptability, growth, ambition, competitiveness, strength, protection, assurance, resilience, principles, integrity, wisdom, competence, and acceptance of his own mistakes and faults. 

Some say that being a true man is a thankless job.

Now, given how much the world has changed, men must work even harder to not only become successful with women, but also earn real respect from other people in general. 

You don’t have to be a Superman to get a girlfriend… and the requirements are even less for hook-ups.

Just be social in general and if you’re a regular guy that doesn’t come off as unsafe, you’ll meet women who are interested in you.

I’m originally from a little redneck town where there are lots of little social circles. And even the least attractive and most nerdy guys in my social circles got hook-ups and girlfriends before they left their teens.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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11 minutes ago, PenguinPablo said:

@Emerald What do you think are the mechanisms behind hookup culture in both men and women? 

For over-25s…. Looking for sex and intimacy… and as a way to temporarily get rid of loneliness.

For under-25s and late bloomers… as a way to gain experience.

And for young guys in particular and guys/women who have self-esteem issues, it tends to be about status and validation seeking.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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1 hour ago, Jacob Morres said:

@something_else unless you're conventionally attractive (honestly sometimes probably even then), most dudes that go to nightclubs to find a girl, will get 0 cheeks most of the time, including you 

But the video was for the guy to find a date, not for sex. But that's irrelevant 

 But my  My main point to Emerald was just to say that it's extremely difficult for guys and it's not about Andrew Tate

Girls love to give advice like, just be nice, just be yourself, just go socialize, don't be a mysognist. But even doing those things it can be often extremely difficult 

 Def v solvable tho with effort as long as you max out some strategy



unless you're conventionally attractive (honestly sometimes probably even then), most dudes that go to nightclubs to find a girl, will get 0 cheeks most of the time, including you 

Have you ever been in a trashy nightclub at the end of a Friday/Saturday night? There's people making out all over the place, I can remember occasions where I couldn't even move from couples making out. And that includes average/good/bad looking guys and average/good/bad looking girls. I pulled a lot of girls going out to clubs, but it took some getting used to the environment first.

The key is making it feel natural and not forced when you approach a girl. It's so fucking hard to do that on a street, which is why it seems like such a strange thing to do to me. But in a club you can approach girls super easily, smoothly and directly with much less effort.


 But my  My main point to Emerald was just to say that it's extremely difficult for guys and it's not about Andrew Tate

I actually don't think it's difficult for 'most' guys. You can go out to busy places and see that most guys are actually pretty alright with girls. I think it's difficult for an increasing minority of guys who spent their entire youth on the internet, and are paying for it now. It is certainly getting worse.


Girls love to give advice like, just be nice, just be yourself, just go socialize, don't be a mysognist. But even doing those things it can be often extremely difficult 

The average members of both sexes are pretty bad at giving dating advice to the opposite sex.

Edited by something_else

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3 hours ago, Emerald said:

I’d wager to you that women’s standards are about the same as they’ve ever been. 

And honestly, I am surprised that cold approach on the streets works at all. Before I knew it was a thing and I would get cold approached, I was always wondering if cold approachers on the street ever had any success at all.

The thing that’s different here is that people are so online that they don’t build healthy social circles.

This is where natural attractions can bloom… and most women prefer this warmer and more organic style of attraction. 

So, why would a woman who already has her eyes set on Dave from next door, go for some random street approach guy?

It must happen sometimes. But I never understood it.

That said, I can see going to clubs and finding someone there, because that’s the setting where hook ups happen. But you should be aware that most women aren’t going to give the time of day to a guy on the street because those types of approaches happen all the time.

Day game from guys is kind of like spam in your inbox or the perfume sales people at the mall… you’re probably not going to trust it or take it that seriously because you realize that you’re just part of a numbers game and that you’re being sold something.

I actually met my very first girlfriend ever from having done a cold approach on her during the daytime out on a sidewalk near a coffee shop in a city  we both lived. She was a really attractive looking older woman and we were together for a couple of years. 

Even before I dated her, I also dated a few other girls I met through other cold approaches I did during the daytime and nighttime. I went on a date with a woman whom I approached in a coffee shop during one evening. She was a little bit older than me. I went on a date with another cute woman whom I approached in a dark alley with some nightclubs and bars. She also was a bit older than me and we made out at the end of our date. I went on a date with a really cute asian girl I randomly met on one of my walks in the day time. She was very new in town and in her late teens.

2 hours ago, Emerald said:

You don’t have to be a Superman to get a girlfriend… and the requirements are even less for hook-ups.

Just be social in general and if you’re a regular guy that doesn’t come off as unsafe, you’ll meet women who are interested in you.

I’m originally from a little redneck town where there are lots of little social circles. And even the least attractive and most nerdy guys in my social circles got hook-ups and girlfriends before they left their teens.

Well no, of course a guy doesn't really need to be some kind of superhero to get a girlfriend or wife. Most women still end up settling for men who are mediocre, just as most men end up settling for women who are mediocre.

It's also true that if a guy approaches and talks to enough girls and make enough advances on them, then he will eventually get laid with at least one of them and at least one of them will want to be his girlfriend.

However, I know that women on a subconscious level are greatly attracted to men who are charismatic, socially savvy, masculine, and are strong and wise leaders.

I'd say that examples of men who exemplify all of these highly seductive traits that all men should strive for would be William Jennings Bryan, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama from the left.

Examples of men from the right would be John C. Breckinridge, James Blaine, Warren G. Harding, Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump from the right. Although Harding, Reagan, and Trump were all ignorant fools, they still have been widely considered to be very seductive to many people in general including many women. Eisenhower, wasn't exactly charismatic, but he was no doubt recognized throughout the entire country as a historic national war hero because of what he accomplished as a top commanding general during WWII. Plus, with regard to his character, he was a truly noble and honorable man with great compassion for those in need and had a really solid work ethic. Those are all great core character traits that all men should have and of course women want men in who have those traits, when it comes to long-term relationships.

Also, while you may not agree with on this, the fact is that a majority of women still are physically attracted to a guy who looks toned, strong, and fit. That doesn't mean that men have to go to the extreme by looking like a bodybuilder freak or giant strongman monster or a massive football player, but most women are still appealed to a guy who looks like he takes care of his body, doesn't look like a pussy, looks strong enough to protect her, and has a lot of stamina for sex. Also, some women like the idea of a strong guy who give her hard rough kinky sex.

That's why they say that it's the alpha males who get the most amount of women and the best quality women, whereas the beta males get only a small amount of women and usually women who are not of great quality overall.



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2 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Also, while you may not agree with on this, the fact is that a majority of women still are physically attracted to a guy who looks toned, strong, and fit. 

I never disagreed with that. Good looks and a nice body are definitely helpful for attracting women.

I was just saying that your frame from before was suggesting that men need to be some kind of Ubermensch to attract a woman.

And I was saying that that isn’t true. And I’m emphasizing that in case you feel like you have to be some kind of perfect specimen to attract women… which is counterproductive thinking.

Also, in your last post you framed things as men and women “settling” for mediocre partners.

But I don’t just mean that women will SETTLE for you if you’re mediocre and don’t live up to that Ubermensch level.

What I mean is that (even if you’re just a regular guy) the woman would PREFER you just as you are as her number one choice, simply because you are you and you’re who she likes.

Also, a lot of the guys you listed as being attractive are a bit questionable in my eyes. 

Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

I’d wager to you that women’s standards are about the same as they’ve ever been

Na dude it's probably the highest it's ever been now than ever 

Never has there been a time where most women could just open a dating app, put up some pictures and get hundreds of options within hours/days. The competition is fierce. OLD changed the dating game hard for women 



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As a married guy with a family, the idea of getting out there and dating again terrifies me. When I dated (more than 10 years ago) the atmosphere was just different. Social media was around but it wasn't so encompassing as it is today.  I can't quite put my finger on it but people (in particular young women) seem so much more colder and less approachable. I honestly feel sorry for young men these days and can partly understand why so many are falling into these toxic ideologies. 

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5 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

Na dude it's probably the highest it's ever been now than ever 

Never has there been a time where most women could just open a dating app, put up some pictures and get hundreds of options within hours. The competition is fierce. OLD changed the dating game hard for women 

First off, being a woman simply comes with tons of options just by the nature of being a woman. So I honestly don’t think online dating has made that much of a difference in women’s standards. 

Attracting potential partners is mostly an issue that men have to master.

While the thing women most have to master is becoming a highly intuitive sorter and selector who can accurately separate the wheat from the chaff as it pertains to who she invites into her life.

And if a woman is doing online dating, this suggests to me a dearth of options in her day to day life. So the selectivity bar is probably already on the ground.

Women’s primary means of finding a good partner is through intuition with face to face interaction. And there’s a zillion little micro-expressions and gestures to read off of a guy to see if he’s going to be a good fit or not.

So, dating apps are terrible for this because all you’re seeing are still pictures and words on a profile. And the vibes just aren’t clear.

Women need to feel the vibes to know if a guy is a real match. Otherwise she’s just making logical decisions about partners based off of “on-paper” qualities.

So, online dating isn’t that good of an option for women… even though I’m sure women get more attention on dating apps than men do, as is the case in real life.

But again, attraction was never a woman’s issue… sorting is..

Women actually benefit the most by having a strong social circle and meeting men through that social circle. This helps you sidestep a lot of unsafe guys… and you can see how a guy behaves in platonic scenarios.

And when women have a strong social circle, they can be much more selective and find more compatible, higher quality partners by using their intuition to find men who resonate with them.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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14 minutes ago, abundance said:

As a married guy with a family, the idea of getting out there and dating again terrifies me. When I dated (more than 10 years ago) the atmosphere was just different. Social media was around but it wasn't so encompassing as it is today.  I can't quite put my finger on it but people (in particular young women) seem so much more colder and less approachable. I honestly feel sorry for young men these days and can partly understand why so many are falling into these toxic ideologies. 

Which young women have you encountered in your personal life who are cold?

Is it young women you’ve seen on the internet?

Or is it young women you’ve encountered and had conversations with in real life?

I look around, and I see very little difference in temperament between young people now and young people 10 years ago when I was their age.

Social media makes everyone a bit more isolated. But there’s nothing in the temperament of young folks that stands out to me.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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3 hours ago, Emerald said:

First off, being a woman simply comes with tons of options just by the nature of being a woman. So I honestly don’t think online dating has made that much of a difference in women’s standards. 

Attracting potential partners is mostly an issue that men have to master.

While the thing women most have to master is becoming a highly intuitive sorter and selector who can accurately separate the wheat from the chaff as it pertains to who she invites into her life.

And if a woman is doing online dating, this suggests to me a dearth of options in her day to day life. So the selectivity bar is probably already on the ground.

Women’s primary means of finding a good partner is through intuition with face to face interaction. And there’s a zillion little micro-expressions and gestures to read off of a guy to see if he’s going to be a good fit or not.

So, dating apps are terrible for this because all you’re seeing are still pictures and words on a profile. And the vibes just aren’t clear.

Women need to feel the vibes to know if a guy is a real match. Otherwise she’s just making logical decisions about partners based off of “on-paper” qualities.

So, online dating isn’t that good of an option for women… even though I’m sure women get more attention on dating apps than men do, as is the case in real life.

But again, attraction was never a woman’s issue… sorting is..

Women actually benefit the most by having a strong social circle and meeting men through that social circle. This helps you sidestep a lot of unsafe guys… and you can see how a guy behaves in platonic scenarios.

And when women have a strong social circle, they can be much more selective and find more compatible, higher quality partners by using their intuition to find men who resonate with them.

Yes, or in other words: it sucks to be a guy. Don't deny it.

Edited by Blackhawk

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