
There are TWICE as many single men age 18-29 than women

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On 12/02/2023 at 7:18 AM, Emerald said:

It’s a bit difficult to believe these stats.

But perhaps more women are dating other women or non-binary people… or older men… or are involved in polyamorous relationships.

Or perhaps women are more likely to label their relationships as relationships, where men might want to avoid seeing their relationship as a relationship to avoid feelings of obligation.

But I suspect that a lot of the Andrew Tate, Red Pill, manosphere stuff has created a lot of this singleness problem for young men where they end up developing mindsets and narratives that are untenable for developing healthy relationships… and chasing away potential mates using the methods that “experts” tell them to use to attract potential mates.

I think it's just a lot of young guys are fucking immature and stupid. Modern day environments turn people weak and infantile.

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@Karmadhi  True and what about promicious women with 4-5 dudes? I see this more than the other way arround. Sex is easy, relationship is hard.

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On 2/12/2023 at 2:27 AM, P Michael said:

The singleness problem comes before the red pill. 

Not according to the statistics stated in the post.

The post states that 10 years ago there was relative parity in singleness between men and women.

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On 2/12/2023 at 3:21 AM, StarStruck said:

Yea, it is all the fault of men.. 


I didn’t say it was men’s fault. It’s the opposite actually.

I’m saying that men have fallen victim to predatory grifters and entrepreneurs who siphon money from vulnerable men who are often inexperienced and insecure.

The manosphere is basically a huge community of people who are dealing with shame… where men who feel insecure and lonely come to communally complain about their issues and to engage their shame, fear, and anger by directing it toward women as a scapegoat.

And grifters see dollar signs and a desperate target market that can be exploited.

And they create narratives that are simultaneously threatening and comforting/validating to that target audience.

So their echo chambers are where these men go for advice.

Then, when that advice doesn’t work (and it’s designed purposely to NOT work) and the men get rejected, they return to that echo chamber to grouse about women to self soothe.

So it creates an addictive cycle where the place that causes the pain is also the place that soothes the pain. Hate groups and cults tend to employ similar tactics.

And when they’re there, advice is sold to them in the form of courses and seminars as a helper to attract women… whilst simultaneously giving them false narratives about women (who are framed as heartless monsters) that froth them into an insecure ragefilled person.

And this attitude is something that women have experienced many times before. So, most women will avoid these men once they catch a whiff of it as it isn’t a healthy secure form of masculinity.

But this is actually the intention of these predatory entrepreneurs. If men are less lonely, then they don’t have a target audience to exploit and sell products and services to.

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2 hours ago, ZenAlex said:

I think it's just a lot of young guys are fucking immature and stupid. Modern day environments turn people weak and infantile.

The biggest difference between men in my generation (30s) and men in this new generation (20s) is that there are way more propaganda pipelines that are designed to suck them in and prey off their shame and insecurities about women.

According to the post, things were about even 10 years ago when men my age were in their early 20s… but now there’s a huge disparity.

And if I assume these statistics to be true, then the main thing that I can pinpoint is that there’s a lot more internet traps for men to fall into.

One would be not socializing and just being on the internet all the time.

The other is falling into unhealthy counterproductive echo chambers that froth up men’s anger and insecurities and blame it all on women… which puts them in victim’s mentality about women.

And this victim’s mentality shows and is unattractive and even repellent to women.

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@Emerald Interesting thing is that this post(statistics) is exactly that! feeding you fear so you can keep getting stuck and listen to the content that further put you down in a hole, rather to elevate and break free from it,all that ego is doing is taking information and then using it againts you,when for example approaching a woman to feel fear(thinking its helping you, because you heard on an internet women are bad and you should stay awy from them)..but its only helping to keep you stuck..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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22 hours ago, kamwalker said:

...The red pill stuff has started going mainstream BECAUSE of stats like this. Not the other way around. Young men were getting frustrated at the lack of attention from the opposite sex and found something that they felt understood and explained what they were going through (it doesn't actually help though...some of the RP stuff is true but it won't help these kids get any better with women sadly) 

To me it comes mostly down to social media/dating apps and also that it has become more difficult to live independently. Guys in their 20's are living at home longer and because most of them won't stand out on a dating app it has become increasingly difficult to find partners. A dating app profile is very similar to a job resume these days. The older guys have better resumes and are seen as more desirable. Guys who are 30+ who keep themselves in good shape and have a nice job have access to these 20-27 year old girls now when in the past they probably wouldn't have without going out to a night club. It has made it much harder for the younger guys to compete as a result. 

The Red Pill/manosphere did have its seeds in the original insecurity that men naturally have around dating.

And it grew into something that amplifies that insecurity tenfold by creating common narratives that FEEL validating but are actually deeply disempowering to men.

But yes, online dating certainly amplifies the issue.

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12 hours ago, Hardkill said:

At the same time, more women in western societies are become less relationship material, because most women in countries like the US, Britain, or Canada these days don't know how to behave in a feminine manner due the amount of the ever increasing amount of equal rights and pay that women, particularly those from the younger generations, in these countries have been experiencing. 

Even though, I am all for equal rights and equal pay for all women, this growing sense of equality that have had women in countries like US has influence them to behave in a more masculine manner. Most women in 1st countries these days have grown up believing that because they can now do just about everything that men can do and can become about as successful as men, they never learned how to become compliant and respectful with men in any kind of relationship.

That's why there have so many women out these days who have a terrible attitude around men, act like spoiled brats, and get too controlling. This ruins the gender polarity needed to make attraction and relationships work between men and women.

Of course most men in 1st world societies are also very much responsible for this because of how weak, lazy, and entitled they've become in their own ways. 

This is one big reason why more people in western societies have been getting divorces and why more families are breaking apart. It also one major reason why more and more men and women are becoming miserable in the relationships they are in.

But according to the post, it’s not women who are dealing with the singleness problem. It’s men who are dealing with the singleness problem.

And you can’t go looking outward to someone else to solve your own problem.

The problem with these male grievance narratives is that they frame men as the victims of their circumstances. And they tell men it’s all women’s fault that they’re single, so that they don’t have to work on themselves.

“Its not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s those terrible Feminists that brainwash women into not liking me”


”It’s not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s that women’s standards are too high.”

or even

”It’s not my own thing that I need to work on… it’s that women in the West have too many rights.”

And this is soothing to these men’s insecurities. But it keeps them in victim’s mentality and always looking outward to blame someone. 

And that whole victim dynamic is going to scare most women off. 

But they’re never aware because it’s a silent rejection where most women will just keep away.

Be careful with victim’s mentality. 

Edited by Emerald

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35 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Emerald Interesting thing is that this post(statistics) is exactly that! feeding you fear so you can keep getting stuck and listen to the content that further put you down in a hole, rather to elevate and break free from it,all that ego is doing is taking information and then using it againts you,when for example approaching a woman to feel fear(thinking its helping you, because you heard on an internet women are bad and you should stay awy from them)..but its only helping to keep you stuck..

Yes, exactly. That’s why I prefaced my first post that I have difficulties believing these statistics.

There’s so much propaganda out there to amplify men’s insecurities and then sell them ineffective solutions to it.

And these narratives frame women as cold heartless monsters that love nothing more than to eat the hearts of men.

And this amplifies men’s natural insecurities about dating and relationships to a fever pitch.

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13 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:



 You ever see those videos of girls trying out guys tinder profiles?

 It's actually extremely challenging for the average guy to even land a single date

 It's a ton of effort for just a single date that will probably be lower than your league

Can take weeks if not months 

Without a phenomenal profile/system ofc 

 It'll be quite eye-opening ??

Online dating is probably a factor in this as well, if the statistics in the OP are correct.

It’s the lack of real social interaction that comes from dating apps and everything being so heavily online.

But my point still stands that tons of men get influenced by the Red Pill stuff in anti-social directions online that are a detriment to their chances with women.

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4 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Now, we have situations where 1 guy can sleep with 20 girls which are all loyal to him, leaving 19 guys dry.

Do you really think that there are scads of women lined up to be with a guy who has 19 other girlfriends?

A woman would have to be very insecure to put up with this. And the vast majority of women aren’t that insecure.

Most women are monogamously oriented and want to be a guy’s only partner.

And even polyamorous women wouldn’t be cool with this dynamic because it’s so lopsided.

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25 minutes ago, Emerald said:

And these narratives frame women as cold heartless monsters that love nothing more than to eat the hearts of men.

What is the truth, then? 

I'm not taking any ideological position here, I'm asking for your opinion on this. 

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6 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

What is the truth, then? 

I'm not taking any ideological position here, I'm asking for your opinion on this. 

The truth is that both men and women are human beings capable of both positive and negative actions.

And some people are more trustworthy than others. And this is true in any group in similar measure.

So these narratives that frame women as cold heartless monsters that chew up the hearts of men is a false narrative that’s simply intended to demonize women and amplify men’s insecurity and anger.

And it paints a good guys vs bad guys narrative where men are the good guys and women are the bad guys.

And this soothes and vindicates men… whilst also creating deeper problems for them that will bite them later on down the line.

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@Emerald Are women capable of love, according to you? 

I mean, I don't know. I'm not a woman. 

I've tried to ask this question to a lot of people. Everyone's dismissed it as a 'stupid question'. And nobody's given me a straight answer. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Just now, mr_engineer said:

@Emerald Are women capable of love, according to you? 

Women and men are both capable of love.

But that isn’t just according to me. It’s just true.

At our very core, we ARE love.

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6 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Women and men are both capable of love.

But that isn’t just according to me. It’s just true.

At our very core, we ARE love.

I may be coming across as asking silly questions here because the people who subscribe to these ideologies literally believe that this isn't true. Which is why they will play games to get the other side to invest emotions first. It is truly sad, to believe that the other side has to be manipulated into it. Cuz the only explanation you can have is that they're not fundamentally capable of love. 

This is what I believe they need to hear. A positive narrative. It's not obvious to either side. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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1 minute ago, mr_engineer said:

I may be coming across as asking silly questions here because the people who subscribe to these ideologies literally believe that this isn't true. Which is why they will play games to get the other side to invest emotions first. It is truly sad, to believe that the other side has to be manipulated into it. Cuz the only explanation you can have is that they're not fundamentally capable of love. 

This is what I believe they need to hear. A positive narrative. 

That’s true. Lots of people doubt that the opposite sex is capable of love.

And the reason they doubt is because it is what they fear… being unlovable.

And it puts external reasoning onto their pre-existing feelings of shame and unlovability.

Also, because there is mystery in knowing how women function from the perspective of men… and how men function from the perspective of women… we project our fears of confirmation of unlovability onto that mystery.

For women, it’s something like “Men are not capable of love and are only interested in appearance. And once I age and/or lose my beauty, I will lose my utility to them and they will leave me for a more attractive woman.”

For men, it’s something like, “Women are not capable of love and are only interested in money and status. Women will pretend to love you for their own Machiavellian reasons, but will leave you for men who are more masculine or higher status.”

And because there are people who exist who will actually do these things, it can be registered as further evidence that love from the opposite sex is an impossibility.

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5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Now, we have situations where 1 guy can sleep with 20 girls which are all loyal to him, leaving 19 guys dry.

They might have sex with that many girls but he won't have actual relationships with those girls. One sided open relationships are incredibly rare, so even if there are guys who can fuck multiple women, those women won't dissapear from the dating market and you can still date them its not like all of them are engaged to one guy.

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The discussion is done to me. The claim of the OP is alarmistic and disempowering to men. It's a lil like that, dating is skewed to women - yeah, but put in work as a men and you will be served.

Don't hate the player and don't hate the game. Hack the game. Level up. C'MON.

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