
Top fruits and vegetables

29 posts in this topic

Hey guys, would you mind to share your top list of healthy fruits and vegetables and why do you think they are healthy. I want to clean up my diet as much as I can 

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Hi, that's a worthwhile goal! What are your eating habits like now ?


- rule of thumb veggies > berries > fruits

- avoid eating much low quality carbs via potatoes, bananas etc. EXCEPT before a workout or to gain muscles

that being said let's look into my list of the best veggies:

1. Brokkoli - you should eat it every other day. It's high in antioxidants which fight stress and other vitamins and secondary plant nutrients.

2. Garlic - It's healthy for just about anything from heart health to immune boost.

3. Onion - like garlic, but a bit different in the details.

Meals: Black Rice with Kidney Beans and Brokoli, Onion and Garlic - steamed with a lil Olive oil at last..


1. Blueberries - Super high in antioxidants and nutrition

Meals: Oat (super healthy as well), Nuts, Blueberries and Pea Protein for muscle gains.


1. Avocado - Healthy fats.

2. Red Paprika - High Vitamin C

3. Lime - the juice is high in Vitamin C

Meals: Salad with the above + beans, maybe cheese and some other leafy green like baby spinach.


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27 minutes ago, supremeyingyang said:

- avoid eating much low quality carbs via potatoes, bananas etc. EXCEPT before a workout or to gain muscles

That’s only true for processed foods. Yes you should avoid refined sugars, artificial fructose, .. but for Whole Foods that doenst apply. Even though fruits are high in sugar they still lower blood sugar levels. Even a dried date does that even though it’s a sugar bomb. 

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I anticipate that people who struggle with their diet will as a first move heavily eat fruits and high carb veggies like potatoes, because all fruits and veggies are healthy^^ Or to make it more easy: Most people eat fruits already (too much, think about all fruit smoothies), you need to bring them to the veggies and berries.

However, you are right and bananas are very healthy if eaten in moderation.

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17 minutes ago, supremeyingyang said:

because all fruits and veggies are healthy^^

Yes. It’s just that some are even healthier then others. :D

17 minutes ago, supremeyingyang said:

Or to make it more easy: Most people eat fruits already (too much, think about all fruit smoothies),

I think it’s a small minority of the population who makes all fruit smoothies regularly. But even then if it’s not the only thing you eat a fruit smoothie is healthy.



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It does depend a lot on your genetics. I had a lot of bowel issues from eating too many vegetables, especially raw spinach, and kale. 

If you're a caucasian then the healthiest diet for you is going to be a lot of meat, fish, fruit, and berries because this is what your ancestors ate. 

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Can't go wrong with any vegetable or fruit. Read The 150 Healthiest Foods.

A few of my favs:

  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Kiwifruit
  • Pomegranate
  • Red bell peppers
  • Red cabbage
  • Tangerines
  • Red onions
  • Apples
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Coconut
  • Dates

Cruciferous vegetables are king.

You can search healthline.com. Alternatively, the book above offers many reasons why these are considered the healthiest ones according to the author. It also cites various scientific studies.

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Just now, Jannes said:

Yes. It’s just that some are even healthier then others. :D


10 minutes ago, Jannes said:

I think it’s a small minority of the population who makes all fruit smoothies regularly. But even then if it’s not the only thing you eat a fruit smoothie is healthy.



True of the general population maybe less than 1 of 1000, but of those who try to eat healthier you'll find people eat too much fruit and not enough vegetables and if they eat vegetables only a few. However, I can't back this up with statistics, these are my observations here in Germany.

12 minutes ago, Stovo said:

It does depend a lot on your genetics. I had a lot of bowel issues from eating too many vegetables, especially raw spinach, and kale.

Interesting, how did you eat? I know some people who can't eat onions for a similar reason (a friend of mine was real sick and lost almost 20kg).

14 minutes ago, Stovo said:

If you're a caucasian then the healthiest diet for you is going to be a lot of meat, fish, fruit, and berries because this is what your ancestors ate. 

I'd doubt that, even though it will yield better results than SAD (Standard American Diet). However, I'd also add that ALL our ancestors fasted a lot (they just had nothing to eat), which is something I'd like to bring into the discussion at this point;)

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You can go by: 

  1. Whatever you can get without money (e.g. family garden, neighbour exchange, farm giveaways of unsold produce, supermarket leftovers etc) - this is not practical for most people but if you are lucky or live in the right part of the world or have family orchards, gardens, live next to people who are too lazy to pick the fruits themselves etc. you can get a lot this way. If you are a bit crafty and can dry some of it and freeze the rest you cna save hundreds of dollars/euros/pounds each year. Make sure to exchange the freebies with some booze or other gifts as nobody likes  a one-sided deal. 
  2. Whatever is local & seasonal at the given time - if you care about carbon footprint and ecology, then this is the first rule. Again, not always practical and not fort everyone. Sometimes due to economies of scale and long standing commercial partnerships and negotiated deals, it is cheaper to actually by from 10,000 miles away than what was grown 20 km from you. That presents a bit of a conflict when shopping so choose whatever is more important to you. 
  3. Whatever is currently on sale / reduced or what the local supermarket is endorsing on their points card - some supermarkets do produce discounts all the time especially as it is nearing "best by" date which btw has nothing to do with the quality of the food. So keep an eye out for what local supermarkets reduce and when and then be there among the first. I'm savings hundreds of pounds a year this way. I also don't mind shopping by the points card discounts as long as I can get good quality produce for cheaper. Yeah, you're helping the supermarket create an avatar of your own customer behaviour profile but who cares. It's not like google already has all your information anyway :D 

My own personal thing is also whatever is not wrapped in plastic. But this is also impractical for many people so again, do your best. But when you have choice to be more ecological or less with same type of food, I'd opt for green unless the price difference is substantial. 

If nothing of the above applies to you, then just go by what you like. Focus on variety and where possible avoid overhyped and overpriced produce (e.g. things like pomelo, dragon fruit, cherries, exotic mushrooms are outrageously expensive in UK for their nutritional content which is comparable to products half their price.

 Get the largest variety you can by becoming comfortable with many new recipes. Different cultures endorse different produce so a good way to use more veggies is to learn some Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, French, Morrocan and Israeli cooking for a great variety. If your country's local foods are awful (e.g. German/British/French) , then abandon them completely and become a multiculti chef. I find that to be the best way to learn to incorporate new ingredients

Basically you want your grocery cart to look like a magnificent colourful rainbow forest rather than a freaking "cart of death and disease" the way most people's carts look which are filled with meat, eggs, flour, sugar, junk and more meat. 

Fill most of your grocery kart with plants and only add up refined grains and animal products at the top than the other way around 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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8 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

You can go by: 

  1. Whatever you can get without mone

I was really hoping you would elaborate this point into Freeganism. 

Also one of my neighbors took your advice last year and looted my avocado tree

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19 minutes ago, mmKay said:

Also one of my neighbors took your advice last year and looted my avocado tree

haha yes this is unfortunately very common once you start planting your own :D A strong barbed wire surrounding your land should do the trick. Or a dog (not always practical). Get to know your neighbours and have good relationships with them and they'll watch over your land. 

19 minutes ago, mmKay said:

I was really hoping you would elaborate this point into Freeganism. 

edit: I think I misunderstood the point and went into elaborate response so deleted all that 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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11 hours ago, supremeyingyang said:

Hi, that's a worthwhile goal! What are your eating habits like now ?

I eat:

1. Brown and red rice, red lentil, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta (sometimes)

2. Organic chicken, salmon, shrimps 

3. Fruits: bananas, blueberries, apples, mangos. 

4. Vegetables: spinach, tomatoes, avocados, garlic. 

5. Nuts. 

Am I missing out on something really really good? 

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16 minutes ago, Vlad_ said:

I eat:

1. Brown and red rice, red lentil, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta (sometimes)

2. Organic chicken, salmon, shrimps 

3. Fruits: bananas, blueberries, apples, mangos. 

4. Vegetables: spinach, tomatoes, avocados, garlic. 

5. Nuts. 

Am I missing out on something really really good? 

cruciferous vegetables. I heard they are really good for you. You already got red lentils on legumes but maybe there are other legumes that you also like like chick peas or kidney beans for variety?But thats some really high level protest. You already almost eat perfect I think. 

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16 minutes ago, Vlad_ said:

I eat:

1. Brown and red rice, red lentil, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta (sometimes)

2. Organic chicken, salmon, shrimps 

3. Fruits: bananas, blueberries, apples, mangos. 

4. Vegetables: spinach, tomatoes, avocados, garlic. 

5. Nuts. 

Am I missing out on something really really good? 

Legumes, spices and seeds! Turmeric, cinnamon, oregano, paprika, etc.

You're also missing apples! Much more variety when it comes to fruits and vegetables: carrots, cabbage, red bell peppers, celery. Some high-quality fish or any other omega-3 rich food, like flaxseeds.

Also you may want to drink green tea daily or from time to time.

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17 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

green tea

Doesn't it contain caffeine? 

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8 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

I eat:

1. Brown and red rice, red lentil, buckwheat, oatmeal, pasta (sometimes)

2. Organic chicken, salmon, shrimps 

3. Fruits: bananas, blueberries, apples, mangos. 

4. Vegetables: spinach, tomatoes, avocados, garlic. 

5. Nuts. 

Am I missing out on something really really good? 

It's a good list. I eat like this 80% of the time minus chicken, salmon, shrimps but plus Kefir and Organic Eggs (seldom).

You could eat Kefir, Organic Eggs, alga, especially brazilian nuts (3-4 every other day), nettles (at best fresh). I like Peanut Butter for Post-Workoutsnacks.

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On 2/12/2023 at 10:55 AM, supremeyingyang said:

Hi, that's a worthwhile goal! What are your eating habits like now ?


- rule of thumb veggies > berries > fruits

- avoid eating much low quality carbs via potatoes, bananas etc. EXCEPT before a workout or to gain muscles

that being said let's look into my list of the best veggies:

1. Brokkoli - you should eat it every other day. It's high in antioxidants which fight stress and other vitamins and secondary plant nutrients.

2. Garlic - It's healthy for just about anything from heart health to immune boost.

3. Onion - like garlic, but a bit different in the details.

Meals: Black Rice with Kidney Beans and Brokoli, Onion and Garlic - steamed with a lil Olive oil at last..


1. Blueberries - Super high in antioxidants and nutrition

Meals: Oat (super healthy as well), Nuts, Blueberries and Pea Protein for muscle gains.


1. Avocado - Healthy fats.

2. Red Paprika - High Vitamin C

3. Lime - the juice is high in Vitamin C

Meals: Salad with the above + beans, maybe cheese and some other leafy green like baby spinach.


I'd love to know how you consider bananas a low quality carb. 

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