
I am annoyed with society at this point! Rant

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I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way but the close mindedness and blindness to be conditioned to the point of demonizing people who think something else is insane. 
it’s not even just about if your “spiritual” or consider yourself “woke” or anything like that. It’s about not even being able to see that you were conditioned to think a certain way that drives me nuts. Maybe I’m being judgmental but it comes across as just being unintelligent.

I noticed this to be the case as a child of maybe 9 or 10 years old. Christians frequently  grow up in Christian homes, Muslims in islamic homes, etc etc. I brought it up to my parents when I was a Little kid and asked how they know that they aren’t falling into the same trap and they literally laughed! Like it’s impossible that they could ever fall into the same trap that most of the world falls into!! Even though they both believe the things their parents told them to believe!! How fucking blind can you be! It’s right in front of everyone’s eyes and everyone misses it until they’re looking at someone with an opposing view. Like Christians couldn’t possibly be deceived by their conditioning but every single other person on the planet who isn’t a Christian only isn’t Christian because they were deceived by their conditioning?? What the fuck! Are people really this stupid or are they afraid of truth? Because it really seems like stupidity. 
I don’t even expect everyone to admit they’re wrong or anything but at least admit that you don’t know everything!

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I want to do 2 contradictory things simultaneously 

1. Not hold it against them seeing as they’re just doing what they know.

2. Move to a cave away from all of them

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Yep, try to see the beauty in it, even in the suffering. You don't need a cave but you probably need to live far differently than you currently are by following the world, minimalism works and you can still enjoy society, in moderation of course though.

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9 hours ago, Adodd said:

Even though they both believe the things their parents told them to believe!! How fucking blind can you be! It’s right in front of everyone’s eyes and everyone misses it until they’re looking at someone with an opposing view.

Lmao it's hilarious, isn't it? I feel extremely held back and attacked every time I question my parents or extended family (or anyone else) as they fall into these categories.

The funniest part is that even when they're looking at someone with an opposing view it is dismissed because they "know better".  

I think people really are plain stupid and I wish I could understand why this is. It's kind of an oxymoron but I feel stupid for not truly being able to understand their stupidity, which quite frankly angers me deeply because it hurts that I can't have a meaningful connection with those close to me and really most people. 

But what I really hate the most is that adults really believe that JUST because they're older they understand the world better, can take better decisions, and give advice that I supposedly wouldn't be able to comprehend because I'm younger. BUT I DO. The world and people operate in a way that is very self-evident and pretty straightforward to understand. I see adults make the shittiest and most childish choices all the time, really what those extra years over me give you is that now you're more attached to your worldview than you were before. It's not like they're constantly evolving, most don't. My grandpa thinks my grandma should always obey him and not leave the house without his consent, and surely this is the best advice I could get because he's way older than me, I couldn't possibly make a better choice with such a naive mind. How ridiculous can they be?

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You have to remember that other people's lives are their own lives. You just watch them as you watch yourself. All that exists are occurrences and changes in this conscious dream called life.

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That's how human society is, what did you think? be thankful they don't send you into a trench to run into a machine gun or get shackled and rowed in a boat to death. or that they make you marry at the age of 11 with an old man who beats and rape you. We come from the mud of madness that our genetics imposes on the evolution of the species, and little by little we are coming out of it. This is not an amusement park where everything is perfect, it is the battlefield.

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everything is for your benefit, all is a miracle, life is amazing and only getting more so

be tender, be compassionate, be merciful, be slow to anger and rich in loving kindness

each acts according to their accumulated consciousness, each contends that they are good right justified, each is doing the best they can

Edited by gettoefl

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14 hours ago, gettoefl said:

everything is for your benefit, all is a miracle, life is amazing and only getting more so

be tender, be compassionate, be merciful, be slow to anger and rich in loving kindness

each acts according to their accumulated consciousness, each contends that they are good right justified, each is doing the best they can

@gettoefl such wonderful advice. Thank you, you are 100% right

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