Rishabh R

Got kicked out of a campus beside my campus

7 posts in this topic

I was talking to a girl suddenly a guy came he asked whom you were talking to and he threatened me , said that she is his girlfriend. Go out of the campus he told me abusing me . I was abused by him loudly, he was also a senior . I told this incident to my friends they told me to not to go and talk to girls - just study (which I always hear most of the time ). Which means that I will never get a girlfriend.

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First you need to reasses your friends.

Second guy is really insecure and afraid, thats why in this context he attacked you, that is unpleasent but also could a sign you doing good...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Rishabh R

It happens, just relax and accept it.

Never be ashamed of working on yourself and meeting your needs.

Go ahead and even more intensely.

List all places that you can do daygame and alternate between them, be strategic about it.

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By the way this has happened to me over the context of 1 month were I have approached more than 50 girls .

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You’re going to get one random person and the opinions of your dipshit friends stop you from talking to girls?

I’m a community like a college campus or a village, spam approaching will eventually get you a bad reputation.

You want to play a more indirect, authentic game. Organise social events. Be a leader. Stand out in some way. And hang out with a social group who is actually social, who follow your lead and respect you.

Read Models by Mark Manson

Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

Testimonials thread: www.actualized.org/forum/topic/82672-experience-collection-childhood-aware-life-purpose-coaching/

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