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love is the power that animates you, the energy that makes you exist in this particular form. it is what flows inexhaustibly from the bottomless source of infinity. it is the supreme mystery of existence. love is a stream of purity and existence that divides and divides millions and millions of times until it shapes what you are at this exact moment. you have to tidy up the mess to see it. we have a complex computer game on our hands and we must become masters to harmonize the dissonance of what we are

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

love is the power that animates you, the energy that makes you exist in this particular form. it is what flows inexhaustibly from the bottomless source of infinity. it is the supreme mystery of existence. love is a stream of purity and existence that divides and divides millions and millions of times until it shapes what you are at this exact moment. you have to tidy up the mess to see it. we have a complex computer game on our hands and we must become masters to harmonize the dissonance of what we are

sublime ... thanks for sharing

mind divides bickers conquers ... leave it at the door to enter that kingdgom where beauty perfection and the mother lode reign

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