
Capsule Machine for DIY Supplements?

2 posts in this topic

Does anyone here have any experience with making their own supplements? 

Specifically with a gadget like this :

capsule machine.jpg


I mean if I buy Sodium Ascorbate powder or  Magnesium Bisglycinate and just measure and put it in the capsules, I'd save around 15x, minus the initiall 20€ of the machine and the empty capsules.

Aparently you can also do it to reduce the cost of DMSA and ALA, but I wouldn't take that risk. 

Yes it's less convenient, but I feel that over time you will become more efficient and it will be very worth it.


Edited by mmKay

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Yes, I used one for ALA, the only thing is the machine cannot compress  the powder as dense as the pre-capped, so instead of 5-600mg capsules I'd have 450mg homemade ALA capsules.

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