
Logical Suicide

46 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

Death=Nothingness is Perfection indeed. That's one of my top theorems on the spiritual path in exploration of truth. The theorem is proven to myself, but it won't be satisfactory proof for you. Only you can prove that theorem to yourself, and you will, in due time, like everyone else. 

How did you prove it to yourself?

Was it through direct experience or an intellectual conclusion?

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@0ne I was about to say something, but actually, we are here on this forum to look for what reality really is and what life/death is.

The greatest impediments to serious contemplation are our cultural hang ups, theories and ideas (gross or subtle) of how things are... This is crazy how much we have filled our mind of those beliefs and believe in it not unlike fundamentalist religious persona.

Empty your cup first, then look (not thinking)

You should be able to question everything with no preconceived theories about how things ought to be.

Edited by Guivs

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3 minutes ago, 0ne said:

How did you prove it to yourself?

Was it through direct experience or an intellectual conclusion?

How do you intellectually conclude Perfection? With a mathematical theorem? It will fall short to the experience of no-self.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Suicide is the desperate and paradoxical attempt to fully live, to release and free oneself of all suffering/hopelessness/despair/pain. In that sense it's the ultimate lie. And obviously because there is no such thing as death

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@Echoes Some Albert Camus here? :D 

@0ne Well your dopamine seems to drive you to do this discussion, so you don't actually want indifference. 

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@0ne Q: Does not death dissolve the individuality of a person, so that there can be no rebirth, just as the rivers discharged
into the ocean lose their individualities?
A: But when the waters evaporate and return as rain on the hills, they once more flow in the form of rivers and fall
into the ocean. 

Edited by Garuda

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5 hours ago, 0ne said:

Suicide/why live?

The more intelligent you are, the more the idea will be coming again and again: Why go on living? For what? For this same rut? Only a very very mediocre person can go on living. Otherwise, one day or other, the idea arises: "What am I doing here? If this is the way life goes, I have lived for forty years repeating the same thing, I may live forty years more, repeating the same things again - then what?

This is the beginning of intelligence, although not the end. And by committing suicide, nothing is changed. You will be born again, and the whole nonsense will start, from ABC. That is pointless. When you are thinking of suicide, that simply says you are thinking that this life that you have lived up to now is not worth living.

But there are possibilities in it which you have not tried yet. I say to you: This life can become a great joy. It became a great joy to Krishna, it became a great ecstasy to Christ, it became a jubilation to Buddha.

The life that you have lived is not the only alternative. It can be lived in a thousand and one ways - there are other ways to live it. You may have lived a life without love. Why not try love? You may have lived a life obsessed with money. Why not live a life unobsessed with money? You may have lived a life which hankers to possess. Now live a life which is not worried about possessing anything. You may have lived a life of respectability - you may have always been considering what people think about you, what their opinion is. There is a life to live without bothering what others are thinking about you; there is a life to live individually and rebelliously.

There is a life to live which is of adventure and not of social conformity. There is a life of meditation, of God, of search, of going within. You may have lived an outside life, chasing this and chasing that.

There can be another life of not chasing anything, but sitting silently, disappearing within your being. A life of interiority.

And you will be surprised - the whole idea of suicide will disappear, and you will stumble upon a life which is eternal.

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If someone gifted you a beautiful boutique of colorful flowers, you wouldn't piss all over it right in front of them and throw it into the trash.

So why are you doing that with life?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura, life is a "paradigm". Do you keep yourself alive (in the paradigm) with this kind of thinking? :) 
You see, when we talk about death, logic doesn't really help. Experience does.

- So, how can we experience death without really dying?
- Good question, thank you for asking.

@0ne, try 5meo. In the 5meo experience you will become Nothing and one with Existence. In my definition this is death itself. The miracle is not that we can experience it, the miracle is that we can come back from this experience. Some people don't come back fully from this experience, but their bodies are still functioning somehow. They are the enlightened ones.

So 0ne, I would recommend you to try 5meo, and see death for yourself. If you like it, try a bigger dose, like 30 mg. If you still want to die then overdose yourself. This is the best way to die that I can imagine. :) 

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10 hours ago, Dodoster said:

How do you intellectually conclude Perfection? With a mathematical theorem? It will fall short to the experience of no-self.

10 hours ago, Dodoster said:

How do you intellectually conclude Perfection? With a mathematical theorem? It will fall short to the experience of no-self.

I wouldn't disregard mathematics like that - who knows, maybe it will some day allow us to develop technology to make us enlightened? 

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16 minutes ago, 0ne said:

I wouldn't disregard mathematics like that - who knows, maybe it will some day allow us to develop technology to make us enlightened? 

Actually, it does. It's called sacred geometry. :) 

Just look at this shit:


Edited by Barna

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14 minutes ago, 0ne said:


I don't know how,  if it's something for everyone to experience within themselves,  how is some formula going to achieve that?

Maybe a psychedelic formula sure :D

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If someone gifted you a beautiful boutique of colorful flowers, you wouldn't piss all over it right in front of them and throw it into the trash.

So why are you doing that with life?

Are You speaking of god? I can't know anything, so all I have is confusion. How should I know what I'm supposed to do?

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

If someone gifted you a beautiful boutique of colorful flowers, you wouldn't piss all over it right in front of them and throw it into the trash.

So why are you doing that with life?

That sound like a very emotional reasoning. Life is "beautiful"! Colorful flowers....!

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8 hours ago, 0ne said:

Are You speaking of god? I can't know anything, so all I have is confusion. How should I know what I'm supposed to do?

This might sound rough but you need to be painfully honest with yourself to see thru all this nonesens. 

When we see people torturing themselfs in some religius ritual we think they are crazy. 

When i look at you mentaly torturing yourself my ego says the same thing.

Trust me that you are able to stop this. You just need some time and study.

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52 minutes ago, Bob84 said:

This might sound rough but you need to be painfully honest with yourself to see thru all this nonesens. 

When we see people torturing themselfs in some religius ritual we think they are crazy. 

When i look at you mentaly torturing yourself my ego says the same thing.

Trust me that you are able to stop this. You just need some time and study.

I second this, we need to get a hold of ourselves and see how much we can endure, if things are not looking as we (ego) want them to be. Just endure, count eons, not hours and days! Things always change, you're not going to stay in that hole forever.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@0ne I just stumbled upon this book called "the truth contest" http://www.truthcontest.com. What if there is only consciousness, only life aka reincarnation. Killing oneself would not help at all. If anything I'd come back and maybe be less fortunate than now. Makes me appreciate my current life even more.

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@SC GM Ain't nothing "reasonable" or "logical" about your life. 99% of everything you do is emotional. Including any considerations of suicide.

The problem is that you don't have sufficient awareness yet of just how powerfully your emotions control you. You are like a puppet of your emotions. And you are never going to change that with logic.

Logic is the backwards rationalization you make for your emotional prejudices.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm very aware of my emotions and how they control me. And I never said I consider my life to be logical!

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