
What causes someone to be an A-sexual?

22 posts in this topic

7 hours ago, Hello from Russia said:


Im such a horny dog, can't relate at all :(

D you usually have a good drive towards work/success? Could be the lack of testosterone

I've never really had much drive for anything except maybe to pursue certain hobbies.

I live a healthy lifestyle though, a lot of hiking, music and good food.

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 I used to believe I was an asexual as well. I could never relate to people who say they badly miss sex and all that stuff. when a guy touched me it didn't feel good. I was really frustrated with myself because I wanted to be like other people and then I found Kim Anami. Check her videos and podcasts out. She calls it the Kim Anami Guarantee that everyone is truly a sexual being and can experience all types of orgasms (gspot, cervical, analgasms, throat gasms, ejaculation, energy gasms and nipplegasms. she thinks that asexuality is a myth and for some reason certain people just introvert their sexuality. Through her work you'll be able to increase your desire, libido, sexual stamina, number of orgasms etc. you just gotta work on your blocks. 

Personally myself, I have already started to fantasize enjoying sex with a man, which is huge for me! I no longer believe I am an asexual and I am looking forward to a heavily sexual  relationship with a man.

she has an online salon called sexual mastery for men. there's 2 cons to this. one it's 1200 usd and secondly it's only released once a year. so if you miss this salon, you'll have to wait a whole year but I believe it's absolutely worth it. please check her out on YouTube, watch her podcasts and sign up for her salon. I am so grateful to this forum because i only found out about her because someone mentioned her on this forum. 

You are not asexual! You are just blocked from your true authentic self!  

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