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ChatGPT, Nature of Language, its implication in our society, sailer of consciousness.

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core assumptions of this post is

1.Language is a Technology that we use in order to build collective Reality. (good example, Bible and chirstian society) Language we store Culture, identity, perspectives, model/map of reality

3.there are forgotten reality out of Language we are blind of(So, language is a model, it is a system, we lock ourselves into Language in order to function- but it is also limited)

4.Better Linguistic ability we have, better ability we can map and describe our Reality, and better the map is, better the functionality and efficient of our machine(model).

not only human language, better programming language, well coded program, much more efficiency there is. with ChatGPT, we have much more efficiency to paint our reality, If our Lens of our reality was too blurry in past- now, we can see things very clearly like 8K UltraHD Video

6.Problem is… whatever we build, what should we build?

it is framing problem it is lack of wisdom, lack of relevance realisation, what matters most?

but this Wisdom problem and systems collapse i will not tackle in this post.



So with chatgpt, we have immense ability to describe reality clearly, although that does not give us ability to create reality out of scratch, it gives us strength to detail it.


It is matter of painting a picture in low resolution, or high resolution.

With ChatGPT, with immense amount of Texts and programming codes we generate, now we are able to sail in the Landscape of linguistical virtual reality, an infinitely expanding self-constructed house of god.






Edited by Fluran

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