vindicated erudite

PUA to Incel pipeline? Why does this happen?

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On 08/02/2023 at 10:21 AM, Karmadhi said:

I have seen a few incel channels that tried PUA and then became Incels. 

What I noticed is that they tried maybe 100 approaches, it did not work out and they gave up.

I took Leo 440 approaches to get his first lay, many many people would have quit, become blackpill and blame their looks or whatever at that point.

Lack of perseverance is a big factor among incels.

So they try pua stuff but because of their bad social skills or bad appearance they do not get laid on the first 50 approaches as youtube makes it seem and they are like "fuck this, im too ugly, girls are trash" etc and become blackpilled.


Yea, 100%. This is the number 1 issue my PUA mentors talk about. Most guys aren't consistent and/or give up approaching, so it seems like it doesn't work. I've personally done ~300 approaches, with a bucket full of phone numbers but only 2 dates and nothing more than that. Yet I'm almost certain that if I did another 700 approaches spread out consistently over the next few years i'd have a lot of success.

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From Illimitable man blog on the red pill and its inception 



First and foremost, the red pill is about giving males direction in order that they may fulfill their innate potential, in a culture which gives the male gender little to no guidance on actualising their sense of innate and biologically driven masculinity, where society has ignored male needs The Red Pill takes centre stage, a reaction to a societal problem, it attempts to give men of all ages the tools they need to introspect (take a look at themselves) and address their shortcomings in order to overcome them.

No rites of passage, a common prevalence of absent fathers and a feminised gynocentric culture has essentially robbed fathers of agency over their children, with a lack of fatherly input into the raising of children in modern western feminist societies men are becoming increasingly lost. These are the same feminist controlled societies which shame masculine norms and values left, right and centre and resultantly has left a lot of teenage boys, young men, fathers and divorced men feeling disillusioned because society simply just does not care about their existence, their growth or their needs. They feel invisible because society focuses purely on the needs of the feminine and ignores masculinity outside of a negative context.

When broken homes and single parent families are the norm there’s a lot of children out there growing up without the direction they need to succeed in life. Young girls are hurt by the feminist destruction of the family unit too, however The Red Pill’s main focal point is the male perspective of the fallout that institutionalised radical feminism has created and what we, young boys, young men and older men can do in the paradigm our ancestors left us by successfully adapting to it. ''

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On 2/8/2023 at 2:43 PM, Consept said:

I think the black pill provides a path of least resistance which in any circumstance most people will take an easier path. With pick-up its actually hard work depending on your starting point, there are some PUAs that overpromise even and when guys dont see results they either have anger toward the PUAs or hate themselves because they feel like nothing works and this is when the blackpill can almost seem like a life saver for them because it absolves them of all personal responsibility. It tells them its not their fault because women are shallow and they will never want them because their eye shape is almond or not almond or whatever. 

I wouldnt even say PUAs are the best to follow but i think, if it doesnt get too toxic it can at least be a starting point and be progress for the guy. As someone else said the whole PUA industry was decimated by #metoo and things like that. But i dont think its a bad thing because now if you do want to be on youtube helping men you actually have to bring healthy content and i think its great to see people like Dr Tian and Hamza or the younger guys who do actually provide healthy advice for men. Its not going to be as popular as things like the black pill because it requires that you do a lot of work but its definitely as step in the right direction.  

   Not just that, but also lack of willpower and discipline. In today's age of information, with social media overconsumption, hyper consumerism, and rampant use and spread of Tik Tok like formats, has engineered the corrosive decline of focus, and increases of ADD/ADHD/, and designed an environment that increases neurosis and narcissism, giving lots of misinformation.

   Which is why you have to be in an environment that allows PUA to work more effectively, like Las Vegas for example, or other places that PUA is designed in to be expected and welcomed. Places where girls and women go to have fun and entertainment, are places that PUA works pretty well.

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