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What is the easiest and fastest way to achieve financial independence & earn money ?

26 posts in this topic

Does it simply boil down to getting a  boring job and making income via whatever means and then save some money every month to future investment? 

I don't even have a college degree yet and I won't for at least the next 5 years(I'm still at first grade ).does that mean I will be stuck depending on my family to pay my bills and stuff ? I don't like that. I feel like it emasculates me . I'm 26 now and it's time to be a grown ass man and afford for myself .

Also..Here’s why most college graduates will NEVER experience financial freedom.

So, first I wanna answer the question..why do most people pursue a college degree?

Because a degree increases the value of their skills... correct?

Yes, absolutely true, it’s been proven over and over again that college graduates are more likely to get paid higher wages than those who don’t have the fancy degree.

Well then, if that’s true, why will most college graduates NEVER experience financial freedom?

Because there’s zero leverage in HOW these people work!

Here’s the math if i take the traditional job-route.

My college-acquired skills are more valuable. So I will be able to make more per hour, per day or per month.

Yes, true!

But, this is how I will be  making  money if i follow the traditional path that most colleges teach us

“Go get a job.”


Paycheck = (Skill) x (Time)

That means I have to work my ass off for a good half a decade before I can get my shit (money situation) together in life . Isn't there an alternative?  I want to invest but I don't even have any income at all . I think that's the most important thing for me at the moment. Is to Start making money via any means possible. 

So I have few questions:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on? 

3-let's suppose I started making money seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ? How to save money for the long run ?

Thanks ? 

Edited by Someone here

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

That means I have to work my ass off for a good half a decade before I can get my shit (money situation) together in life .

That is so.

3 hours ago, Someone here said:

Isn't there an alternative?


3 hours ago, Someone here said:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

Become a Business owner, over 90% chance to loose everything and maybe 5% to get out financial free. I personally wouldn't recommend it unless you are skilled enough. You can roll the dice, but why make the gamble even more risky by not preparing?

3 hours ago, Someone here said:

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on?

Yeah, but is it likely you succeed with splitting yourself in half? No. Most likely it would be better to just pick up a part time job and focus on college thus graduating earlier.

3 hours ago, Someone here said:

3-let's suppose I started making money seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ? How to save money for the long run ?

This is where a rare skill comes in handy. If you are a craftsmen or programmer your only struggle is to not spend too much money on stupid stuff. I guess you are able to do nothing of worth, so you get jobs like waiter or clerk.

3 hours ago, Someone here said:


Thanks ? 


Edited by supremeyingyang

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@Someone here I guess the general answer is to become an entraprenuer and design a brand based on a service and/or a product to sell.
Watch some Dan Koe on YT.
How much time will it take to become financially indipendent depends on how much you are needed on the market. Chances are that to built something stable is a slow process, expecially when you have little time.


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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Financial freedom is one of the most valuable and rare things on this planet, and you want to get it easily and quickly? That is foolish and a sign your current mindset is doomed to failure. You need to have a 10-20 year vision. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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8 hours ago, Someone here said:

fastest way

the problem is that you are chasing shortcuts. 

Drop the get rich mindset and tackle the problem from a different perspective. How can I start delivering so much value to the world that people will want to pay me for it? You don't need 30K a month to become financially independent. If you are modest and have decent lifestyle 2.5K EUR a month can get you there if you can setup your life and your biz that way. 

So the next logical question is: where do you start acquiring the skill you need to build that? 

Forget what is quick, easy, cheap, effortless and guaranteed. Financial freedom is hard, painful and incredibly ungrateful struggle to get to. But it is worth it. 

Edited by Michael569

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Develop a skill (aka mastery).

You want to be a writer, no?

  1. Practice deliberately every day
  2. Get a copywriting gig (just cold email as many people as it takes for you to get hired)
  3. Build a personal brand on Twitter
  • Become the authority in some niche (maybe it's spiritual practice for you)
  • Position yourself well; who are you talking to? (e.g. successful entrepreneurs -- they have the money)
  • Create an offer (e.g. "I will get you a beautiful girl in 3 months - one that loves you, is loyal, gives great blowjob's and cooks dinner for you - by teaching you how to reach a state of no mind through meditation; - you will be able to approach and pick up girls effortlessly and you will have the necessary clarity of mind to make out the good girls from the bad")
  • Do consulting calls (you can charge 1000s of $s)

Something like that would be a rather straight forward path to financial independence. The key is that you consistently perform the procedures that are necessary to get there.

Edited by Nilsi

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Bite the bullet of this being an emotionally difficult thing to do. Realize that it’s also how you will grow immensely. Imagine how much you would have to grow from where you are now to where you will be when you provide enough value to the world to escape wage slavery. That’s a journey! That’s an epic life journey less than 1% will take. It can all be yours. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Also, dont have kids young. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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17 hours ago, Someone here said:

That means I have to work my ass off for a good half a decade before I can get my shit (money situation) together in life .

Yes. Welcome to survival.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

Isn't there an alternative? 


The reality for most people is you will have to work for somebody until they are probably close to 30. You don’t have the skills, experience, resources, self-awareness, maturity or business acumen to succeed in building a conscious business before then. You will get destroyed.

You want probably about 50-100k saved before you leap into entrepreneurship. That’s about will it will take at a bare minimum to get a full-time business off the ground. It might even be closer to 250-500k. Hence why people seek investors. 

The faster you want it, the more likely you are to cut corners in terms of quality and / or ethics. And you still will likely not succeed.

Exceptions of course exist. But they are exceptions.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

I want to invest but I don't even have any income at all .

Duh. Hence why most people don’t invest. You have to work towards that.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

I think that's the most important thing for me at the moment. Is to Start making money via any means possible. 

So get a job. Notice that you can make 50-80k a year in many entry level jobs with NO RISK and NO startup capital. You just get to build skills and make cash while the majority of business crash and burn. 

This is an incredible opportunity.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

But, this is how I will be  making  money if i follow the traditional path that most colleges teach us

“Go get a job.”

Yes, because that’s a pragmatic strategy that will actually work in most cases. Unlike chasing get-rich-quick schemes internet marketers are exploiting you with.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

Well then, if that’s true, why will most college graduates NEVER experience financial freedom?

Because there’s zero leverage in HOW these people work!


No, it’s because the point of college is not supposed to be financial freedom. It’s employment. This is obvious.

You need to build a foundation. College and employment can be that foundation.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

1) Get employed, ideally in an area that you feel you may be connected to your life purpose

2) Build skills and a vision for a conscious business

3) Save money and keep your expenses low

4) Slowly begin splitting your time between being employed and working on your LP / conscious business, using the money you’ve saved.

5) Fully transfer out of employment and full time into your LP

6) Save enough money from your business to start investing, ideally with conscious investments (not crypto-NFT nonsense).

7) Coast off the income from your investments and business

Obviously that’s a general guideline. You will have to adjust it to a degree. But that’s how you do it.

Notice this will probably take you a decade.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on? 

Unlikely. Hence why most college kids are poor. That’s a tradeoff. But it’s a good tradeoff because at that age you probably won’t succeed in anything else anyway.

Beware of people selling you fantasies of “beating the system”. More likely is that the system will beat you.

17 hours ago, Someone here said:

3-let's suppose I started making money seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ? How to save money for the long run ?

You gotta keep your expenses low and make more money at your job. Which is why you need skills. You will not get a high income without skills or without going into some shady industry. Which means you will never be able to create enough of a gap between savings and your expenses without skills.

Edited by aurum

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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14 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Financial freedom is one of the most valuable and rare things on this planet, and you want to get it easily and quickly? That is foolish and a sign your current mindset is doomed to failure. You need to have a 10-20 year vision. 

im starting  to take my first steps, im scared lonley confused and lost, i really wanna make an online business work, but i know its gonna test me, but my heart longs for it. Its scary putting yourself out there, trying to learn marketing and how to sell, its scary! especially when u have a stutter :[ its kinda funny tho 

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21 hours ago, Someone here said:

“Go get a job.”

Some people can't even get a job to pay their rent or buy food. You'd be lucky to even have employment. I think you'd be better off trying to get a good job instead of worrying about achieving financial independence.

Edited by The Mystical Man

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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2 hours ago, flowboy said:

@Someone here  Order MJ DeMarco's books. Thank me later.

Great books indeed.

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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@Someone here 

It's all permutations of: create something that you enjoy providing, that certain people are very eager to pay money for, and then get lots of people to buy it from you without the time it costs you increasing with it.

You have a creative brain, you can figure something like that out right?


I choose to disregard the voices that say you need to have a job first, because it takes very different qualities to be a successful business person, qualities that are not developed or stimulated at all when having a kushy job.

For example:

  • original thinking, being a dissident
  • being innovative and disruptive
  • being self-motivated
  • tenacity & persistence

All these are lulled to sleep when being managed in a 9-5, not saying you have to choose either-or and jobs are bad, not at all, I've just ran into too many people who think that if they work or study long enough, they "someday" will be more ready to start a business because of that. It's BS for the most part.

Yes you can get experience and knowledge about a certain field while working in it, but you would also get that if you would start a business in it, and much more quickly.

Yes 90% of business fail blah blah blah, a tenacious business owner starts something new after one thing doesn't work/stops working and they continue making a killing, I've seen it up close. 100% of tenacious people succeed.

Having said that, I have always been tenacious at certain things. I know 100% certain, in my heart, that I would never give up, no matter how many ideas don't work or how stupid I look. And that's good because I've already had many failures and adversities.

If you're not that tenacious, and most are not, better get a job because you'll never be financially independent.

If you are, then stop wasting time and go make some money.

Edited by flowboy

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On 5.2.2023 at 9:51 AM, Someone here said:

1- what's the fastest way to achieve financial freedom ?

Not the fastest, but the best way is to learn a skill that you like and that provides value to other people. You become a pro.


On 5.2.2023 at 9:51 AM, Someone here said:

2-can I start making income from any other source than 9-5 jobs because I don't have time because I have university assignments,exams and projects to work on? 

Sure, for example you could start teaching what you learn in university to other people.


On 5.2.2023 at 9:51 AM, Someone here said:

3-let's suppose I started making money seems to me that they will only serve me in the  short term..because I have Tons of bills to pay ..from food to electricity to rent I won't be saving much to invest in the future. So what's up with that ? How to save money for the long run ?

Food, rent and electricity will roughly stay the same. While your income as a seasoned professional will increase over time. By keeping your living costs low and increasing your monthly income you can build up capital very fast. Ideally you invest most of it back into providing better value to other people though.


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Thanks everyone for the great advice.  Unfortunately I'm not able to respond properly to all that (too much text ) but I will share what came to my mind after reading all the comments..

First and foremost..I want to know How much exactly money do i need to achieve financial independence? I'm planning to start a small business. 

I've seen a lot of posts on here in which people say I gotta develop valuable skills. .I consider myself skillful in philosophy and can I utilise this talent to help me earn money?

Also ,I'm asking people working towards financial independence, what is your target asset level across all investments, that you think will make it safe for you to stop working?  For those of you who became financially independent, how much did you have when you stopped working, and how do you feel about it now?


Also, sometimes I'll see people post that they'll still work a little bit after they're financially independent.  To those people, why not just start doing what you love now? 

 At this point, I'm  wondering: how is it possible to invest such a large amount early in my career without income ..I mentioned that I have zero income .so it seems like I have no other option but to work a wage slave job for few years and keep my expenses low to save money for investment.

I can achieve this by saving around 40% to 70% of my income. By keeping my expenses low, i can channel more money into investing. To minimise my  expenses, i may have to make certain lifestyle where I limit myself from buying some fancy stuff .like I will probably buy the cheapest food and not have Good nutrition. 

Thanks all for your time and advice ? 

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1) Get a a basic full time temporary job. Move out. You are 26 dude. 

2) Get rid off your hobies etc and after your main job work for 2 -4 hours on building a better way to make money (eg. learn programming -> build some proof that you are qualified, this can mean undercharging to build your portfolio or building a wordpress plugin or a game mod or creating a website where you show your graphic art or whatever). If you dont have the energy take some modafinil and do 22/2 intermittent fasting (temporarily).

3) transition from your crap job to your less crap way to make money

4) either stay there for a while to save up or immediately start working on your life purpose or on finding your life purpose in your free time (it may be very beneficial to set a strict time when you do business!)

or if it is satisfying just keep doing that, you will already have a better job than most people


This is way faster than going the university route. It just requires more discipline because nobody is going to tell you what to do which can be a downside when you are not used to it yet.

Edited by Michal__

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