
A Clear Explanation of Infinite Love

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I want to propose a simple model for understanding Infinite Love which relates to concepts of masculinity and femininity.


Infinite Love is Oneness of Infinite Desire (that wants to "penetrate the world") and Infinite Acceptance (that respect the will of "another"). Infinite Love is God, of course.

Infinite Desire is God's Desire to Awaken Itself. (Masculinity)

Infinite Acceptance/Respect is God's Acceptance of boundaries & what IS. (Femininity)

God Loves Awakening and Desires to Awaken Itself, but God also Respects Itself Infinitely. What IS is absolutely perfect and God Loves it totally. 

True Love is completely accepting and enters only when invited.

How it works

❤️ - Infinite Love, ⬛ - Resistance to Love, ⚪ - Surrender of resistance

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️⚪⬛⬛⬛⬛

  3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️⬛⬛⬛⬛

Steps 2 and 3 happen at the exact same time. The INSTANT You surrender a tiny bit, Infinite Love fills the 'empty space' because of Infinite Desire. It doesn't go any further though because of Infinite Acceptance/Respect. These 2 steps (which are actually one step) repeat to infinity.

This chain of ❤️s and ⬛s is infinite. Fear is infinite and Love is Infinite. Fear is infinite because of Love, it's a "consequence" of Infinity, it's Perfect Design.

The only reason You don't see Infinite Love in your life is that You haven't surrendered enough.

Also notice that surrender is acceptance. When You accept, You literally become more God-like because God is Infinite Acceptance.


Infinite Love is Self-Desiring.

Infinite Love is Self-Accepting.

A Perfect Oneness of femininity and masculinity.

Additional insights & questions

Selfish masculine energy is desire for freedom (of self).

Selfless masculine energy is desire for Freeing/Freedom for All (Infinite Desire).

Selfish feminine energy is love of freedom (for self).

Selfless feminine energy is love of Being Free/Freedom (Infinite Acceptance).

Why doesn't God just instantly awaken me and instead makes me suffer for it so much? --> Because God Respects your boundaries Infinitely. If You want to surrender, You can. But God is not forcing anything on You.

How do I get closer to God? --> Let go.

Are You God? --> ;)

Let me know what You think!

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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8 hours ago, musicandmath111 said:

It feels to me that infinity cannot be understood (in the common human sense) and must be awoken to.

Indeed. Awakening is required.

Words can't describe You.

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There are no boundaries and god doesn't respect them at all. If god respected boundaries there would never be an awakening because you would never change. God orchestrates your entire life and thus your change and awakening. There is no respecting of boundaries whatsoever. I didn't ask to become conscious of god yet here I am, I was happy when I was asleep. Now im miserable and god took away everything from me and gave me nothing but misery in return. I'm still awaiting the promised everything.

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1 hour ago, Holykael said:

There are no boundaries and god doesn't respect them at all. If god respected boundaries there would never be an awakening because you would never change. God orchestrates your entire life and thus your change and awakening. There is no respecting of boundaries whatsoever. I didn't ask to become conscious of god yet here I am, I was happy when I was asleep. Now im miserable and god took away everything from me and gave me nothing but misery in return. I'm still awaiting the promised everything.

I understand You're suffering. I'm sorry.

I hope You surrender one day. I Love You. ❤️

Words can't describe You.

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1 hour ago, Sincerity said:

I understand You're suffering. I'm sorry.

I hope You surrender one day. I Love You. ❤️

Ive already surrendered but nothing happens. Im a shell of a human being, what more can I surrender, I barely get out of bed in the morning

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10 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Im a shell of a human being, what more can I surrender, I barely get out of bed in the morning

Yourself? ? I believe in You.

Words can't describe You.

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7 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Yourself? ? I believe in You.

i dont want to exist, take everything away, Im waiting

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24 minutes ago, Holykael said:

i dont want to exist, take everything away, Im waiting

Then your wish will be granted. Sooner or later.

Some advice though: You have to be willing to accept your CURRENT state. Love what IS. In a way You only get it once You no longer need it. It's like with attracting a woman.

See, You say You don't want to exist. But that's YOUR will. It's clear You're not surrendered. Remember, "THY Will be done" and not "My will be done".

Love the NOW and everything will be fine. When You love what IS, You love God's Will! Because that's what IS!

The moment You SINCERELY say to God "I Love You", You are free. (At least that's how it was for me)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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46 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Love the NOW and everything will be fine. When You love what IS, You love God's Will! Because that's what IS!


I remember when I was a kid, I used to enjoy and love way more than now. 

Is it possible to enjoy every situation?

Do you?

Is that innocence, openness, willingness, enjoyment, what is meant by loving what IS, loving God?

Can I love and enjoy being sliced open? Or some other thing like that?


Edited by Vibes

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3 minutes ago, Vibes said:


I remember when I was a kid, I used to enjoy and love way more than now. 

Is it possible to enjoy every situation? To love like a kid?


3 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Do you?

I still have a long way to go. :) If I loved EVERYTHING, I'd be dead.

Nevertheless, life is Heaven right now for me. Everything is effortless.

The more You love/surrender/accept, the more Heaven-like life is and the more God-like You are.

4 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Is that innocence, openness, willingness, enjoyment, what is meant by loving what IS, loving God?

Yes and no. It can't be "unconscious innocence". The Love of God is aware and mature. That's Innocence in God.

A simple model:

Unconscious innocence (child) --> No innocence --> Conscious Innocence (Adult)

4 minutes ago, Vibes said:

Can I love and enjoy being sliced open? Or some other thing like that?

Most likely yes, but that would require some radical levels of love.

Words can't describe You.

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1 hour ago, Sincerity said:

Then your wish will be granted. Sooner or later.

Some advice though: You have to be willing to accept your CURRENT state. Love what IS. In a way You only get it once You no longer need it. It's like with attracting a woman.

See, You say You don't want to exist. But that's YOUR will. It's clear You're not surrendered. Remember, "THY Will be done" and not "My will be done".

Love the NOW and everything will be fine. When You love what IS, You love God's Will! Because that's what IS!

The moment You SINCERELY say to God "I Love You", You are free. (At least that's how it was for me)

Feeling love is not something I control. I only feel love when god wants me to feel love. I wish I could love everything at will. My life would be a lot simpler

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@Holykael Not true. You "control" what You accept.

You can even try to fake it til You make it. Point at hardship and say "this is difficult for me to accept, but I'm accepting it anyway".

It starts with a decision to try to accept it. But most people are like stubborn mules and would rather stay in their suffering even though it hurts them. I know because I was this way too. Simply too afraid to let go, afraid to take the leap of faith. Do You see yourself in this description?

For God's sake, stop blaming someone "other" and bullshitting that You don't have control and just do it - accept what IS as much as You currently can. That much is enough.

Words can't describe You.

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Each action you take, each words you write on a forum is a direct, empirical and undisputed evidence of your own free will. All your stories, explanations and fairytales of how you do not really decide to do it but God makes you to do it are just delusions and stories of the mind.
Actually you have so much free will that you can even delude yourself into believing that you don't have free will which you are doing.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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On 05/02/2023 at 7:54 PM, Arthogaan said:


Each action you take, each words you write on a forum is a direct, empirical and undisputed evidence of your own free will. All your stories, explanations and fairytales of how you do not really decide to do it but God makes you to do it are just delusions and stories of the mind.
Actually you have so much free will that you can even delude yourself into believing that you don't have free will which you are doing.

Free will is an illusion

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Free will is an illusion



In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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15 minutes ago, Arthogaan said:



If there is no separation. If separation is an illusion then free will cannot exist.

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31 minutes ago, Holykael said:

If there is no separation. If separation is an illusion then free will cannot exist.

Or Free Will is all that exists.

I'm still unclear on the issue of will though. I have hunches but I'm not sure.

Words can't describe You.

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9 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

Or Free Will is all that exists.

I'm still unclear on the issue of will though. I have hunches but I'm not sure.

the ego has no free will. it is entirely controlled, god does not know whether it has free will or not, it's not possible to know whether a choice is always inevitable like a computation that always runs the same, way, god will always run the same way according to its infinite intelligence so really free will is ridiculous as a concept.

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God is Love.

God, there is no god but He.

I wish one day, I can sincerely say, ‘’I love You too.’’ ?

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5 minutes ago, Rahra said:

I wish one day, I can sincerely say, ‘’I love You too.’’ ?

The day will come!!! ❤️

Have faith! If You really want it it's gonna happen.

Words can't describe You.

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