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Eternal Unity

100% Awake

2 posts in this topic

All paradoxes fade in Ultimate Reality. As a matter of fact, they are nonexistent. The Realm of the Relative is combined with The Realm of The Absolute.

We can't understand the universe by just using our minds. We need to go ever so deeper within. Into our hearts.

Primitive universal civilizations eventually destroy themselves. If at any time a hostile civilization comes close to earth, The Galactic Federation puts on a protective shield around us. They can't touch us.

Think of a 10x10 game board.

100 squares.

100 existential civilizations.

Infinity - GOD
100 - The Multiversal
90 - The Universal
80 - The Galactic
70 - The Constellatic
60 - The Systemic
50 - The Planetary
12 - Earth
10 - Primitive
5 - Primordial
3 - Cellular
2 - Atomic
1 - Consciousness
0 - GOD

Infinity Divided By Zero = Eternity

Alpha & Omega

I am linked to you by an endless thread. Impossible to break.



"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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