
Osho - Lsd: Shortcut To False Samadhi

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"Osho - LSD: Shortcut To False Samadhi" was released as a small book that is out of print but you can legally find an excerpt in the book "The Great Challenge" in Chapter 4. He seems not a big fan of LSD or any psychedelics.

If you've read it, what are your comments on it?

Edited by Toby

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The problem is that there are so many lower state of consciousness that are cheap mimics of higher consciousness. That's why people can take some 'lite' spiritual truths, meditate a little bit and think they've reached enlightenment, when all they've reached is a state of ineffective apathy. From the outside it looks almost just like someone who is genuinely enlightened. That's what you call a zen devil.The naive can even be tricked into thinking these people are high consciousness enlightened beings. 

People think MDMA brings you into a space of unconditional love, when at best it is a cheap mimic. Real unconditional love doesn't come with an exhausting crash and create craving.  People think they have stumbled onto all kinds of spiritual truths and have broken through the matrix with entheogens - perhaps it is a step up from the usual experience but these experiences often cause people to become so attached to their 'new' reality and this much attachment does more harm than good. It makes letting it go for a higher paradigm more difficult. It is possible to take psychedelics and take great use from them with far less risk if you are at a certain level of awareness, consciousness and self mastery, but the irony is that when you are that point, they aren't that useful for you anymore anyway. Psychedelics also create a lot of impact on the energetic system and can cause people to become unbalanced. It is true that meditation and any consciousness work can have negative effects anywhere from mild discomfort to full blown psychosis, but my observation has been that those who engage in consciousness work and meditation generally seem to become more effective in life, where as those too heavily invested in psychedelics talk a big game, but on the whole I personally observe that there is no reliable increase in the more important barometers of spiritual growth: being emotionally grounded, being effective in the world, being genuinely loving in your basic actions a not just your preaching. etc. 

That's my two cents. I become concerned with those freely promote psychedelics like candy - but I don't discredit the use of them entirely either.  I also think that sometimes certain souls are just meant to have certain experiences or tremendous shifts and this can come through psychedelics or similar experiences, as the life changing transformations of some through ayahuasca, iboga or other substances can't be denied. Some drugs are just better than others, too. 

I don't have experience in 5meo, it's possible that it is an exception to the discussion. 

Edited by Arman

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Just now, jse said:

It figures... Nitrous Oxide was his thing.  :|

And 60 mg's of valium a day to support his benzo addiction.  

Has he even done a psychedelic lol?  No?  Then everything he says is invalid.  If he has and someone lets me know I will read his thing and give an objective and fair critique.

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1 minute ago, Heart of Space said:

And 60 mg's of valium a day to support his benzo addiction.  

If that's true, no wonder he talked so goddamn slow. 

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Buddha said: "Don't listen to anyone. Not even me" 

So... Back to square one: it's up to you :)

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As per him, it was nitrous oxide to false samadhi !

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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22 minutes ago, Loreena said:

As per him, it was nitrous oxide to false samadhi !

We only know Osho took nitrous oxide because he publicized the fact himself. The first expose of Osho's apparent addiction was by the disaffected disciple Hugh Milne in his book Bhagwan: the God that Failed. There Milne tells how he was invited to photograph one of Osho's 'dental sessions' at the Ranch. Mystified he turned up to find Osho sitting in a dentist's chair with two tubes, one of oxygen and one of nitrogen, stuck up his nose, sort of lecturing.Horrified he took his pics and fled from the trailer. In his book he makes out that this was some guilty secret he, Milne, had uncovered– brushing over the fact the only reason he knew about it was because Osho had gone out of his way to tell him.

Osho himself. Indeed, right at the end of his life, during one of the Zen lectures he went into a lengthy aside on the desirability of producing a more highly evolved psychedelic which he called LSD 2:
"I am against all prohibition. My own understanding is that if LSD can give some glimpse of samadhi, then all its bad after-effects should be removed, because it is a chemical and it is in our hands. Those bad after effects are the problem. They should be removed and an LSD number two should be made – clean, taken in complete awareness that it is going to give you only a glimpse... Rather than prohibiting the drugs, what is needed is to produce drugs which lead people to samadhi, which give an indication: if a chemical drug can be such a blessing, what will the real thing be? It is just a dewdrop in comparison with the real oceanic feeling, the oceanic ecstasy." (v. The Language of Existence, pp. 27-33, Aug/Sept 1988.)

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1 minute ago, Loreena said:

In future, do not quote, respond, mention or comment on my posts.

I countered you when you stated something against Osho. In future I will not respond if it really hurts you. 

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The problem only rises if you have false expectations. A psychedelic is a temporary glimpse into Truth. Temporary of course. But not without lingering shifts in your mind.

If you expect one trip to change you much, of course that's foolish. No one has seriously made that claim. So all this talk against psychedelics because they don't cause an instant permanent enlightenment is a straw man. Meditation or self-inquiry doesn't cause instant permanent enlightenment either. So that kind of expectation is silly in all cases. And the idea that just because you do some psychedelics that now you can't also simultaneously be working hard towards enlightenment is also a straw man.

If you meditated or self-inquired for as few number of hours as you tripped on psychedelics, you would NEVER get enlightened. So it's really an unfair comparison. If you did 5000 hours of psychedelics for example (which might be analogous to 5000 hours of self-inquiry), well... who knows where you'd get. So be careful comparing apples and oranges.

It's very easy to poo-poo any spiritual technique simply by pointing out all the ways people fail to get enlightened. All enlightenment techniques are 99.9% ineffective. Not because of the technique. But because the person using it is ignorant.

Osho, Mooji, Eckhart, Buddha, Jesus, etc. all have 99.9% failure rates with their students. It couldn't be otherwise.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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