
The outrage of Mr. Beast funding for blind people to see.

34 posts in this topic

   Even the right wing speakers are agreeing that there's an issue with this:




What are your thoughts? My take is that this could be potentially weaponized, these acts of charity and philanthropy. Plenty of historical examples of groups doing these. Also, yes, the problem is so much deeper and broader and relative based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and ego development, states of being and life experiences and other lines of development in life, plus ideologies indoctrinated into your skull from birth and upbringing.

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@Danioover9000 Even the Image of the videos ready make my inner sage to say "Dont watch this BS" . Is is like when I see the Merchandise of Burger King, my body say "No way" 

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What? How can you frame a guy paying for 1000 people’s surgery as a negative thing?

The only way I can see it as a negative is that the people shouldn’t have to fucking pay for it to begin with. But they were unlucky enough to be born into the world’s only first world country that makes them pay for it

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@Rafael Thundercat

35 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Danioover9000 Even the Image of the videos ready make my inner sage to say "Dont watch this BS" . Is is like when I see the Merchandise of Burger King, my body say "No way" 

   I'm sorry the thumbnails disturb you so. Having said that, some of the YouTubers I watch, who have nothing to do with the situation shared their commentary, which made me share my commentary, and here I am further sharing my commentary. Besides the haters and trolls, I think there's a valid point, outside the context, that capitalists can use acts of charity and philanthropy to 'look good'. This part, and some bigger picture factors is what I'm concerned about.

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33 minutes ago, something_else said:

What? How can you frame a guy paying for 1000 people’s surgery as a negative thing?

The only way I can see it as a negative is that the people shouldn’t have to fucking pay for it to begin with. But they were unlucky enough to be born into the world’s only first world country that makes them pay for it

   Never mind the haters and trolls, there could be validity to concern, because some people can use the image of being a philanthropist for PR points.

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   Tangent, Jesus this appeared in my thread. The guy is just too abnormal to relate with:

   The epitome of hyper capitalism and social media brain rot, my 'idol'.

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12 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Never mind the haters and trolls, there could be validity to concern, because some people can use the image of being a philanthropist for PR points.

Yea but that’s actually better than those 1000 people not getting the surgery

this kind of shit exposes the flaws in American healthcare where your healthcare is actually just hoping to god you can get funded on GoFundMe or be lucky enough to have a charity help you

thats the real evil

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6 minutes ago, something_else said:

Yea but that’s actually better than those 1000 people not getting the surgery

this kind of shit exposes the flaws in American healthcare where your healthcare is actually just hoping to god you can get funded on GoFundMe or be lucky enough to have a charity help you

thats the real evil

   Then I guess we have to disagree here about the scope of evil. I'm pointing to the entirety of hell, while you're locked inside a context about Mr. Beast's funding some charity for blind corrective surgery. I'm going meta and being open minded in the most radical forms that words can allow here, while you're locked inside specific forms of evil here. It's not like I'm against the charity act here by Mr. Beast.

  Consider another alternative context: Some Mr. Beast copy cat and scammer looks at what Mr. Beast does, and emulates that by being philanthropic with donations using a cryptocurrency scheme, but behind the scenes he's actually running an MLT/Ponzi scheme. When someone points that out, because of the philanthropy appearance you look like a jackass for trying to question whether that's a scam, until many years later. See what I mean?

   By your logic, I can get away with scamming you and making you in debt to me, because any time you try to resist me, it makes you look like the jerk for attacking such a charity looking person, and such a philanthropist and heart warming sweet heart!

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   Nice critique of Mr. Beast, not on the meta level but solid enough:


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The fact that we live in a society where people need the equivalent of GoFundMe or Patreon to pay for basic healthcare is reprehensible.

If Mr Beast were using his immense wealth to advocate for social change, and paying for these operations as a way to bring attention to the fact that society has completely failed these people and to bring shame on our lack of a fundamental right to Health Care, I'd have a higher opinion of him.

Instead, I get the same feeling in the pit of my stomach as when I hear about supposedly 'heartwarming' stories of kids setting up a bake sale to pay for one of their classmates unaffordable cancer treatments.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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Mister beast is an entertainer... who also happened to help 1000 people see. What the heck did you do in your life?

That being said, Ram Dass was part of a group who helped 100s of thousands of people see. same surgery. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:


   Then I guess we have to disagree here about the scope of evil. I'm pointing to the entirety of hell, while you're locked inside a context about Mr. Beast's funding some charity for blind corrective surgery. I'm going meta and being open minded in the most radical forms that words can allow here, while you're locked inside specific forms of evil here. It's not like I'm against the charity act here by Mr. Beast.

  Consider another alternative context: Some Mr. Beast copy cat and scammer looks at what Mr. Beast does, and emulates that by being philanthropic with donations using a cryptocurrency scheme, but behind the scenes he's actually running an MLT/Ponzi scheme. When someone points that out, because of the philanthropy appearance you look like a jackass for trying to question whether that's a scam, until many years later. See what I mean?

   By your logic, I can get away with scamming you and making you in debt to me, because any time you try to resist me, it makes you look like the jerk for attacking such a charity looking person, and such a philanthropist and heart warming sweet heart!

What? I don’t see your logic here I don’t think. As far as I can see you’re basically saying all charity is bad because the image it gives can be abused. Well duh, but just because some of it can be used for evil doesn’t mean the entire concept of charity is bad

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@DocWatts Your video makes a good point. But, I still think when people do a good thing in a broken system that is a good thing. Forget the story as well, and see a kid feeding other kids despite a broken system.

I think feel good stories can be misleading. But, I also think that... this is all very complicated.

Anyway, I am willing see see all the perspectives here. I think second thought makes a lot of good points. 

People are afraid to see the truth. Blinded by the systems they are in.

Good Video. I will need to contemplate further. Can't there be fair wages in our society? I still need to learn more. 

I don't think these videos lead to mass complacency. But that there is already mass complacency. I'd like to see the actual states.. do these videos inspire young people to go clean up their beaches? to study more ? Or make them more complacent?

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I really don't know enough. I would have to see more things all at once to know if these videos are good or bad. Considering things are already "bad" in many ways. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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lmao the people getting upset with mr beast are such a joke. first you complain that rich people should be using their money for good, and then when you finally get a genuinely successful youtuber whose entire content is designed around helping people, it's framed as somehow bad. these people just want to vent their anger on those more successful than themselves.



Edited by thepixelmonk

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Didn't watch all the content you posted, but I guess I got an overall picture of the situation. Don't really understand how people can twist what good you do against you. For example in the latest video you posted there was this person who got one million DOLLARS!! And then that person goes like oh, but he manipulated that person to show his home like wdym?? He got million dollars and if that would bother him he would as a last trick just change address and be happy with the money and clout he got for free. Feels like trying to just twist and rotate something to look like bad when there's no point to do so.

Could Mr Beast do better, probably, but remember to ask that could you and then you see that all of us could be doing better so what is the critique then. Lately I've been reading comments on Andrew Tate and now that and it just feels that were you normal person or spiritual person you gotta always choose people to hate or put down. I don't literally get it when we are trying to be as conscious as possible and people just like to take sides. Just understand that taking side always means not seeing the whole picture. You could say which perspective is better in some perspective, but calling some perspective or person solely bad is just having blindspots and biases. I've spoken.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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3 hours ago, something_else said:

What? How can you frame a guy paying for 1000 people’s surgery as a negative thing?

The steelman is actually that Hasan Piker is mad about the fact that some rich guy has control over people's vision and that this is the system we live in. He's not mad at Mr.Beast. He's mad at the fact that it takes some rich guy like Mr.Beast to go out of his way and say "ok I will grant people some vision today".

As for the other people, idk I'm too lazy to watch what their points are. I've only seen what Hasan had to say.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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2 hours ago, something_else said:

What? I don’t see your logic here I don’t think. As far as I can see you’re basically saying all charity is bad because the image it gives can be abused. Well duh, but just because some of it can be used for evil doesn’t mean the entire concept of charity is bad

   You think I'm saying all charity is bad, when I'm not if you bothered to look at my post carefully. I said acts of kindness and philanthropy from rich capitalists can be used to look like a good guy. That act is manipulation and exploitation for PR, and weaponizing because it's comparable to the moot and bailey fallacy. some who hate or troll Mr. Beast, some with mixed opinions and some, like me, who comment, review and critique from above higher developmental psychology, will all look like evil people attacking a saintly person.

   Like I said originally, I am not against charity works and acts of charity, kindness and philanthropy. I'm just saying that these acts can be deceived.

   But if it soothes your mind, I'll play that game of yours. I'm a conservative misanthropic Nihilist that hates this entitled squirrel who thinks that saving 1,000 lives makes any difference at all. He needs more sleeping pills for his hyperactive social media mind, and how he represents all that is evil and corrupt with social media, and gets to propagate his harmful views of the world is criminal. I don't even care what his net worth is, success /=/ growth, what success equals is a cesspool of misery and lies that loves your company.

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