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Some non dual ephipanies I had

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@Leo Gura these are some non dual ephipanies I had:

Infinite vs finite: there is no distinction between infinite vs finite because finite is part of infinity and infinity at the same time.

Beauty and ugliness: it's a matter of perception what might seem beautiful to others might seem ugly to some. 

Tall vs short: a guy who is 5'8 is short compared to a guy who is 6ft but is tall compared to a dwarf. 

Hot vs cold: What's considered summer is Canada is considered winter in the Middle East.

Rich vs poor: a person who earns $600 in Canada is considered poor but rich is an African country like Burundi.

success vs failure: spiritual enlightment is considered success to spiritual people but not materialistic people.

dark vs fair: A pale person is considered dark skinned in Europe but lightskinned in Asia. 

up vs down: when you look up at the ceiling it's considered up and when you hang to it upside down it's considered down. 

I still can't fathom red vs blue, men vs women,dry vs wet, etc. 

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you are pretty good - keep it up?

but I would say those epiphanies are about dualism and not non-dual - those are very advanced ones and they gotta be connected to how the universe works in some ways.

If you want to answer some questions sometimes cutting to the source is a very effective technique for example:

what is truly red and blue? they are dualities of color but what is truly color? what is color? if you answer questions that are searching for the making of reality you will get much deeper epiphanies.

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