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Shadow Work That Works?

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Hi guys,

I'm a very neurotic person. So I use a lot of shadow work to heal myself through neurosis I have. Though shadow work doesnt really work with me. Like Through shadow work I become aware of what is causing suffering; for example why not being with my ex is causing a lot of suffering -> because it makes me feel worthless, beneath her, and obviously the attachment to her causes problems. But how do you then get rid of the suffering? And be ok with feeling worthless, or somehow change feeling worthless?


Thanks PEEPS

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@electroBeam WHat in actuality is the feeling of worthlessness? 

It is an energetical imbalance within your emotional body.

Now that was just to define things.


congratulations! You have found a core belief! "I am worthless".

awesome, most people live whole lives blind to these.

what to do about it now.

 Admit defeat. Your subconscious has you by the balls. You can't overpower your subconscious. It owns you, quite literally. So struggle won't help.


So admit it. You do think youre worthless. Youve been thinking that most of your life! In fact all of your actions can be kind of seen as an escape from your worthlessness.


But now you know better don't you! You know that the belief no longer serves you. You know you are worthy. Quite infinitely. You do deserve all you desire and beyond.


So there are 2 "energetical standpoints" 

1- your old belief system of unworthiness

2- your new paradigm of infinite worth which is more alligned with Truth


So know your goal. Acknowledge that now you feel unworthiness, yet you know it's not true. Allow yourself to viduslize what it would look like and feel like to be infinitely worthy. Use your imagination.


Now when you can sense the describency between the current and the desired BS, you are ready for the release of the old belief. Your body got the signal that you are shifting to infinite worth instead of worthlessness.


That doesn't make the old belief bad or wrong. In fact LOVE IT TO DEATH! Acknowledge that it has served you greatly in your evolution. It is perfect. It is love and light, your negative beliefs are perfect. Love them to death.

Then you will be ready for release.

This is an act of self-love and self acceptance. Any form of trying to escape the old belief will be anothet act of self-rejection. Know it. Feel it. Feel how youve been rejecting yourself, and allow yourslf to stop.

Good luck! :)

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@electroBeam I believe shadow is some parts of your character which you shut away deep in yourself as they are not acceptable to society like

- Loving to mock and humiliate people

- Being very sensitive and fearfull

- Loving to sing

etc. etc. etc.

Shuting them away is a work and they themselves are some part of your mind. So that cripples you. Moreover, this shadow parts still influence you as they are not perfectly hidden.

So in shadow work you become aware of such a part, embrace it, make conscious effort at reconsiliation like:

- Curing the actual neurosis under that part of your character if applicable

- Understanding that this part is not actually bad and that decision to supress it was ill informed

- Use some coping mechanism like sublimation

- Accept and love yourself

- Self actualize to get holistic sage perspective on the world (Like in a recent Leo episode on holistic view on Anger in us)

etc. etc. etc.

Edited by Alex K

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what we place importance in – whether good or bad – says a lot about us. 

Accept and love yourself. You're giving too much importance to your ex and that's causing you to suffer some self-esteem issues. Nobody is that important that you allow them to rule your life. 

Why don't you ask yourself - why am I worthless...duh ? 

And if you get the answer as - because I am not with her. Then say - how does that make a difference in my life. I am me and I will continue to be me. How am I different or bad or or ugly or worthless just because I am not with her. I am still me. And I can always be a great guy and live a good life. I don't need her nod or approval to feel great about myself. Who is she to judge me/my life. I am free from other's judgment/perspectives/opinions of me 

Don't be attached to someone who doesn't exist right now in your life. It only brings pain. 

Seek freedom from your emotions of self-pity, worthlessness and attachment. 

Break free and live your life and bury that unwanted past. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@electroBeam Idk if you saw it, I just remembered replying to you about shadow-work so here's how you do it mofo =D.



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@Martin123 your profile pic hurts the eyes

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Just now, Martin123 said:

@Loreena Its the light that I am shining forth thats hurting your inner darkness.

No I literally mean it. Its too flashy for the eyes. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Loreena And I literally mean 

12 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

@Loreena Its the light that I am shining forth thats hurting your inner darkness.

<3 hahaha

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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@Bronsoval I have the brightness on the lowest on my device. Its the nature of the image which is the problem

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Loreena Interesting!  I wonder why you have this reaction?  I am not bothered by the image, even with the brightness all the way up.  I suspect that it is psychological for me, as in: Loreena is bothered, so I will not be.   I don't know.  The image looks kind of like an embryo to me.  I think it is neat!

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@Bronsoval  People can have different reactions to different things. Its a spiral. When I look at it, I tend to look straight at the center where its brightest and kind of creates a spinning effect. Its too flashy for me especially the blue colour and the spiral, like a bright blue light in the center of everything. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to point it out because it had been bothering me since a few days. But the so called highly spitritual world peace loving people of this forum have to make it into a big deal.. their egos cannot tolerate small changes on others behalf. So I leave it and move on. 

Now no need of a debate on this thing. Shrugs

Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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