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You can start your own business doing anything. Even lighting people on fire!

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**I'll start this by saying I am a licensed and insured professional. Do not even try to attempt this yourself**

I've been a professional Fire Performer for about 20 years. At events I started to do a form of fire performance, called 'Fire fleshing', where I would light parts of people's bodies on fire. I never charged for this, did it just for fun. This brings a great amount of joy to literally everyone who sees this form of art. People have spent their whole life avoiding being lit on fire, and here they can now be lit on fire, safely, and they just light up (pun intended) with excitement.

A photographer friend wanted to start doing photoshoots of this. After about a year of doing fire photoshoots together, we decided to start charging for them. We charge anywhere from $500 to $10,000, depending on if it's a solo shoot or a corporate event. We are planning on doing ComicCon events, where we can pull in around $50,000 for a weekend. We continue to expand our business ideas, and have nothing but fun doing it. We can be fully creatively expressed, and make some good money doing so, and meet some awesome people along the way. 

I'm posting this here as an example that anyone can start a business doing literally anything. If I can start a successful business lighting people on fire, you can start your own business doing what you are most passionate about. Hope this is inspirational for you to start your dream business.

* Each model has signed a release form to use these images for any purpose.









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Just learned today we got accepted into the most prestigious art show in our state. Second year in a row. They get thousands of submissions from all over the world each year, and are only able to accept about 10% of submissions, so quite the honor. Things are taking off!

Edited by Sempiternity

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