
Trying To Quit Watching Tv?

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It will be fun, give that TV to someone else so it is not in your house, sa fait du bien! Or if you like sell it and buy books, a frizbee, a baseball glove, paints and canvas or whatever you want to do. I love having free time to improvise with. I can hang out with friends, go to the beach or the woods, learn to make jam or fix electronics,I have time to do Whatever I feel like because I dont have  a TV, or work for other people, or go to school. Fill your time with your ideas not someone elses. Tres bien cheri, bon chance!

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A lot of self-actualized people don't watch TV. Neither do I. Why? Because it's boring, I have better things to do :) simple as that

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@Lory I can totally understand this television mess because trust me, there was a time when it was literally my first love. I used to watch television for like 6-8 hours a day back then. I've reduced it to now half an hour a day and I'm aiming to completely remove it from my life. The best thing I can suggest you is to not cut it off completely, like all at once because that's not possible, trust me. It's just going to use your entire willpower and will make matters worse. If you're obsessed with some kind of show, just stick to it. Don't completely erase television but stick to some particular shows. Fix a time and stick to it. Plus try to avoid being in the room if someone else is watching the TV cuz you never know what might catch your attention. Plus find a habit to replace television because if you don't have one, your  mind will just force you to go back to watching TV so keep that in mind. It can be something as simple as enjoying tea with family or simply a walk outside. 

Stay motivated :) 

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