
Can you go into a psychedelic trip completely spiritually blind?

8 posts in this topic

What if someone took a low to intermediate dose of something like 5meoDMT or DMT without much (or maybe none at all) spiritual background and actually get something of high value from the trip and maybe not just get psychological damage trying? Assuming the person is at least somewhat aware of the potential and kind of knows what these substances may do. Say, your average normie person at a dead end job or whatever feels like something needs to change in their life and somehow lands on psychedelics. (I’m not talking about someone getting drugged unknowingly ) (also, for sake of the argument, assume set & setting aren’t a problem, I’m not going that route).

I once saw a quote from one of the Beatles, probably John Lennon, which said something along the line that the best way to do LSD (for the first time) is to go into it completely ignorant of its effects. Maybe it even said something about not even being aware of taking it, can’t remember. Anyways, I doubt that it’s true, what he said, or that he even said it.



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@Alfonsoo there is something on it. 


My first times where I did non know anything were so different than trips today. I have now so many expectations and fear issues. 

Back then I laughted often so hard and was full of curiosity. Now trips are more serious, I am less curious and dont laught anymore.. 

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@OBEler yeesh, who trip hurt you?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art the first time I took lsd. 220 micro on a good sunny day. Before that I did allad and I was surprised how more serious lsd is. This was totally overwhelming for me. My whole reality was kicked out of the window. I was never laughing again on psychedelics after this Trip, maybe because I see how serious it can get. 


Edited by OBEler

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I sought spirituality having a mystical experience coming from a materialistic background. I literally experienced myself as the entire universe. I had no idea people used LSD for spiritual work. It helped me with BPD and anxiety. I became a completely different person from it. I actually recommend it for over-materialistic people. If they're minimally respectful to truth, they will discover a whole new way of seeing the world.

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3 normal dudes try 5meo without and psychedelic experience prior. 3 different experiences. They are also grown adults that have lived long lives before the trip

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Richard Alpert had no spiritual background when he took mushrooms with his friend Timothy Leary. 

The mystical experience he had led him to the path of becoming Ram Dass. 

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