Principium Nexus

Top 3 Festivals Promoting Conciousness

5 posts in this topic

What are the best festivals you know or have experienced already?

I know Burning Man is one of the best events one can visit. In europe there is Boom Festival, probably the largest psytrance festival around.

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La tomatina.  Spreads consciousness about tomaaaaatuuuus


There is also another festival named La Mountaineipneumonia where a person stands on top of a mountain completely naked as the cold winds blow. Then he ought to make loud and strange animal noises. It's an instant method of raising consciousness to the highest level. Tickets are expensive though. 


Lol just kidding:P

Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Oregon Eclipse happening August, which I'll be attending. The Organization NonDuality and Science will be attending which I'm excited the most for. 

Been to Burning Man a couple times and it seems nowadays diluted with everyone on happy drugs. Slowly becoming mainstream and I feel is losing it's original essence.

Tribal Gathering is great. 18 day festival in Panama where dozens of different indigenous tribes get to come and share their culture and also their plant medicine. Ayahuasca, iboga, mescaline, etc

Edited by JustinS


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