
Garlic: A Promising Antidote To Heavy Metal Toxicity

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Garlic, for centuries, has been well known for its medicinal attributes in addition to its other virtues. Garlic in different forms has antioxidant properties.

These properties are shown to be due to the existence of compounds such as water-soluble organosulfur compounds, S-allyl cysteine, and lipid-soluble compounds like diallyl sulfide.

It shows phenomenal ameliorating properties against heavy metal poisoning due to its possession of chemicals containing organo-sulfur groups, volatile oils, enzymes, carbohydrates, and amino acids. With the threat of heavy metal poisoning increasing every day — and lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and copper poisoning gradually attaining alarming proportions — garlic was extensively exploited to treat the metal-induced toxicities.

Recent supportive evidence indicates that garlic contains compounds capable of detoxifying lead, cadmium, methylmercury, phenylmercury, and arsenic. The restorative property of garlic was attributed to its antioxidant activity and/or chelating efficacy.

The clastogenic effects of the heavy metals were also pronouncedly reduced by the dietary administration of garlic. Fatal effects with respect to body metal burden, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial injury were effectively reduced by garlic.

The curative effect of garlic was superior to those of 2,3-di mercapto-1-propanol (BAL) and D-penicillamine(PEN), 2,3- dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), and N-acetyl-DL-penicillamine (APEN), and the current remedies.

In his commentary, the research advances on the chemistry and pharmacology of garlic and the potential and molecular mechanism of garlic-mediated attenuation of heavy metal toxicity are discussed.


Edited by eTorro
To format the text into a better version.* No words or edited modified.

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@Michael569 do you know if it will keep its properties after you fry it a bit? Or do you need to eat it raw?

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20 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

do you know if it will keep its properties after you fry it a bit? Or do you need to eat it raw?

what you want to do is crush it and let it sit for a few minutes before cooking. This triggers an enzymatic activity and conversion of allin to allicin (30 second - 5 minute duration). Once that is done, I believe allicin is fully heat resistant. If you cook it before that , the heat destroys the enzyme alliinase that initiates the conversion and garlic basically becomes a fancy oligosaccharide but you kill some of its healing properties. 

Once the reaction has taken place, cooking should not render the allicin concentration but it might affect bioavailability. Also, I have no idea if allicin survives gastric emptying and how much of it actually gets absorbed in the lumen of the gut. 

All the garlic studies we have are on allicin powders not on garlic cloves so we are talking hypotheticals here 

16 minutes ago, tezk said:

Not sure, but I take it for my POIS and it helps tremendously. I take it raw every morning, sometimes twice a day. 

interesting, never heard about that

the most cool thing I noticed is that megadosing garlic in food shortened my covid recovery and that also worked for my girlfriend when she got sick recently, but it could have been down to other things too so hard to say. 

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2 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

All the garlic studies we have are on allicin powders not on garlic cloves so we are talking hypotheticals here 

Would you recommend adding it to your food or taking some kind of garlic supplement then?

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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You can take a garlic supplement or allicin. It's also an immune system booster.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I ate a bar of dark chocolate (80 grams) every day for the past six months and oceanic Tuna fish regularly (4-5 times a week). Lately, I felt like something wasn't right with me — ADHD, heart weakness (stings/pricks around the heart), and confusion. So I did some research on garlic and found out that it is the most efficient, natural detoxifier on the planet. I crushed the raw garlic and allowed its substances to activate for about fifteen minutes. I also fasted. And now I'm at 100% — I feel amazing.

Don't underestimate the power of garlic.

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Yeah, I have been taking like 3 - 10 cloves of garlic with honey once every few months or so when I feel like something is going wrong or when I am sick and it makes a big difference.

It also seems to reset tolerance to substances. Not completely, but noticeably.

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8 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Is there anything garlic cannot do? ^_^


Well it can't make you smell nice...

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Fun fact: 

"Koreans' love for garlic is proved by statistics. According to the Korean Rural Economic Institute(KREI), the average consumption of garlic per Korean was estimated as 7.4kg in 2019, which is a staggering amount considering the fact that Americans and Italians consume about 1kg on average per person a year."

I had to fight my gf to stop eating garlic because her breath smelled so bad. ???

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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There's also a powerful heavy metal detoxifier called IP6 Inositol Hexaphospate. The moment you take it, you start to have harsh but bearable side effects, which means that it works.

Read the studies about IP6 Inositol Hexaphospate.

This is the brand I recommend (not to advertise; I only want to help people).

Again: just read the studies about IP6 and you will be shocked.

The benefits of IP6 go beyond its capacity to detox heavy metals. It can fix your insulin resistance issue if you consume too much sugar and refined carbs. It is a miraculous supplement, and it's a natural one; your body produces it.

Just read the studies — all of them if possible.

And don't forget about your raw garlic daily intake; it is a mystical, almost supernatural natural product.

Edited by eTorro
To make the title of the supplement bolder.

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"Recent supportive evidences indicate that garlic contain compounds capable of detoxifying lead, cadmium, methlymercury, phenylmercury and arsenic"


Which studies? What is this dubious commentary? dafuuuq

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13 hours ago, UDT said:

Which studies? What is this dubious commentary? dafuuuq

Take a look here, m8

Garlic (Allium sativum L., Liliaceae) was investigated for its potential to prevent the accumulation of lead or cadmium, major environmental pollutants, and to reduce their toxic effects in rats.

The oral feeding of minced fresh garlic during intraperitoneal injection of lead acetate or cadmium chloride, daily for 6 weeks significantly decreased the accumulation of these toxic metals and prevented the metal-sensitive biochemical alterations in blood, liver, and kidney.

The ability of garlic to provide glutathione, biosynthesize metallothionein or similar protein, and its antioxidant properties appear to protect against potential oxidative damage to tissues by lead or cadmium.

The regular intake of garlic may be beneficial in reducing the toxic effects of these heavy metals in the exposed population.


Edited by eTorro
Study Published Online: 29 Sep 2008

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"Garlic (Allium sativum L., Liliaceae) was investigated for its potential to prevent the accumulation of lead or cadmium, major environmental pollutants, and to reduce their toxic effects in rats"

We certainly have to appreciate the limitations of the rodent research. While it is definitely interesting, it would be a long stretch saying, garlic detoxifies heavy metals in humans. I'd still eat it tho because its awesome 

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2 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

We certainly have to appreciate the limitations of the rodent research. While it is definitely interesting, it would be a long stretch saying, garlic detoxifies heavy metals in humans. I'd still eat it tho because its awesome 

Indeed. But I talk from experience; only after a few days of garlic intake, I felt better. A lot better.

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@eTorro Yeaa so no miracle but triggers anti oxidant glutathione production by the body like 10000 other things


Im yet to find a plant compound that does something else than trigger Glutathione.

You can trigger glutathione in a gazillion ways,


Still garlic rocks






korean monks dont use it as it disturbs the chi 


just saying

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