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Penis enlargement creams are a scam!

52 posts in this topic

My penis' length is 12 cm. It's not that big .I would say it's average.  When I fucked my girlfriend a while ago. .she told me that I didn't reach to her" G-spot " inside of her .I didn't know what G-spot was back then . I Googled it. It's located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall closest to the bellybutton. My penis wasn't tall enough to hit that sweet spot inside her .

Now, Im having sex with her again in a few weeks from now (because she is busy in work ,she works two jobs ). So I wanted a solution to enlarge my penis . 3 weeks ago I ordered MaxMan gel .it's a gel that you massage your penis with and it helps with enalgering it. Or so I thought . But the results were shocking . I didn't notice ANY increase in length whatsoever. 

I've been scammed.  The cream will not, repeat NOT, enlarge your penis. Penis size is determined by genetics. You are wasting your money and time. If you think it is working, it is pure fantasy and placebo.

This is the product below .

 (I repeat. Don't waste your money and time on it .it doesn't work )


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Are you really surprised? :P How would a cream make your dick bigger? These sites are praying on your insecurity, don't let them.

Honestly, it's more about the angle than the size. Like you said, the G-spot is like an inch inside. You don't need a big dick to hit that, you need the right angle.

Watch Leo's video on making girls squirt, I know it seems like it might be kinda cringy but that fingering technique really gives you a good feel for which parts of a girl you want to be hitting to create maximum pleasure.

Edited by something_else

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7 minutes ago, something_else said:

Are you really surprised? :P How would a cream make your dick bigger? These sites are praying on your insecurity, don't let them.

Honestly, it's more about the angle than the size. Like you said, the G-spot is like an inch inside. You don't need a big dick to hit that, you need the right angle.

Watch Leo's video on making girls squirt, I know it seems like it might be kinda cringy but that fingering technique really gives you a good feel for which parts of a girl you want to be hitting to create maximum pleasure.

What do you mean by "the right angle "? We only fucked doggystyle. With my penis straight inside her vagina . I honestly am not comfortable with other positions because it makes my whole body uncomfortable. 

As far as the gel..yeah I thought it contains substances that make blood flows more into the penis and that way it can increase its length. But no increasing whatsoever.

I did jelqing for about three months. My penis size increased from 2 cm . Jelqing definitely gives positive results. But all these pills and creams and sprays are a scam. Unfortunately i had to learn the hard way (by losing ton of money ).

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3 minutes ago, flowboy said:

At least you're getting laid now! That's great, congratulations.


Thanks dude .

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41 minutes ago, Someone here said:

What do you mean by "the right angle "? We only fucked doggystyle. With my penis straight inside her vagina . I honestly am not comfortable with other positions because it makes my whole body uncomfortable. 

You want to angle your dick to hit the walls of the vagina.

There are like a million variations on doggy that hit the G-spot better:

Or something like this if you wanna go really deep:

Now that you're getting laid you should experiment with different stuff and find out what works. Soon you'll realise you can do a lot no matter how big your dick is as long as you get the right angles.


I honestly am not comfortable with other positions because it makes my whole body uncomfortable. 

Don't worry, this is normal when you start out. Over time you learn how to efficiently support your body in different positions. 

Edited by something_else

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2 hours ago, something_else said:

You want to angle your dick to hit the walls of the vagina.

There are like a million variations on doggy that hit the G-spot better:

Or something like this if you wanna go really deep:

Now that you're getting laid you should experiment with different stuff and find out what works. Soon you'll realise you can do a lot no matter how big your dick is as long as you get the right angles.

Don't worry, this is normal when you start out. Over time you learn how to efficiently support your body in different positions. 

Thanks. These are all relatively safe positions. Im especially afraid of her riding me from the top because of the risk of breaking my penis xD(yes it's a thing). 

Most women  find stimulation of the inside of the vagina to be more pleasurable than merely rubbing their clit. I've discovered also pleasure is different from that of stimulating a dense cluster of sensitive nerves like a woman's g-spot.

stimulating the prostate in males can produce a pleasurable sensation akin to female orgasm. Now that made me thinking.. If God hates homosexuals,why did he put G-spot inside men's ass lol? 


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When in doggy angle the penis so its aiming down towards the lower wall of the vagina (where the g-spot) is. Feel the head of the penis putting pressure against her downward wall. 

When in missionary or any frontal position angle the penis up to hit the G-spot on top, because the gspot is on top now (she is flipped on her back). 

Alternatively when in missionary i cant angle my penis up because i have a down curve so i figured out another way to angle is straight down and use the shaft to rub the G-spot this works very well surprisingly i hear no one talking about this technique. It requires a very steep down angle. 

Next when you get a good angle with your penis hitting her G-spot, wet your 2 fingers with your mouth and use it to stimulate her clit, this should send her into a crazy state. 


The most important factors for sex for her pleasure using a penis is:

  • Her physiological level/forplay both mental and physical BEFORE the bed room so through out the day and forplay in the bed room.
  • Penis hardness (strong blood flow) make it as hard as possible, she feels it way more. So dont watch porn anymore and conserve that sexual energy for her.
  • The duration that you Last (stamina) try not to cum for as long as possible and if your about to cum stop for a minute (even pull out) wait a second or 2 then continue, get your stamina up to over 30 minutes- 2 hours.
  • Next is penis shape so make sure to understand if you have a curve how to use it. 
  • Next is how wet and lubricated she is i find that to much lubrication is not ideal depending on your size so i like to remove some of her natural juice by pulling out and cleaning my penis with a towel and doing this a few times to remove a lot of her internal juice increasing friction and her pleasure. But becarful not enough juice is bad.
  • Next is her ability to "tighten up" her vagina, this is the same muscle she uses to hold in a pee, she has to contract her vagina muscle so her vagina gets smaller and she feels it more. So i tell my girl to tighten at the right time and some how magically gets stuck like that. No idea why. 

The above was for penis, but of course learn to use mouth and fingers and master her body with every other tool you have. Next is sex toys. Next is energy body. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Penis cream!

It sounds so stupid I am splitting my side laughing.

It's so stupid I'm crying!

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

 It's located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall closest to the bellybutton

yes, use your fingers to stimulate it. You know straight away once you find it because she goes from :) to :o in a second.

A vaginal orgasm feels different to clit orgasm and different to clit + G-spot orgasm (which you can not achieve through penetration). 

5 hours ago, Someone here said:

I've been scammed.  The cream will not, repeat NOT, enlarge your penis.

have you not grown up watching porn and realising this stuff is fake bs in your 15s like the rest of us? :D 

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Don't take this advice for granted, because it might be total bullshit, so do your own research on this topic.

What about using a penis pump right before sex? Pumping more blood into your dick should make it temporarily bigger (at least, that what I would expect from it).  

But again, if you want to try this out, do your own research on this topic and keep this in mind:


Some men become desperate to boost their size and end up over pumping, which damages the vascular system. Ask for the guidance of a sex therapist or healthcare professional that has experience with male enhancement.


Edited by zurew

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6 minutes ago, zurew said:

Don't take this advice for granted, because it might be total bullshit, so do your own research on this topic.

What about using a penis pump right before sex? Pumping more blood into your dick should make it temporarily bigger (at least, that what I would expect from it).  

But again, if you want to try this out, do your own research on this topic and keep this in mind:


I feel like anything like this that’s fuelled by insecurity should be avoided. If you’re gonna do this do it from a place of pure curiosity and not insecurity. It sounds like OP might be coming from insecurity in which case the solution is to realise that his dick is perfectly up to the task if he learns how to use it

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Just now, something_else said:

I feel like anything like this that’s fuelled by insecurity should be avoided. If you’re gonna do this do it from a place of pure curiosity and not insecurity. It sounds like OP might be coming from insecurity in which case the solution is to realise that his dick is perfectly up to the task if he learns how to use it

Yeah, I think you are right. Your advice about sex positions is much better and a lot can be done in bed that can replace dick size for sure. @Someone here Develop your game in bed, and find girls that are okay with your penis size. You have an average dick size, so you shouldn't be worried about it.

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@StarStruck keep your casual racism about Indians to yourself bud you've said stuff like this several times already 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

My penis' length is 12 cm. It's not that big .I would say it's average.  When I fucked my girlfriend a while ago. .she told me that I didn't reach to her" G-spot " inside of her .I didn't know what G-spot was back then . I Googled it. It's located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall closest to the bellybutton. My penis wasn't tall enough to hit that sweet spot inside her .

Now, Im having sex with her again in a few weeks from now (because she is busy in work ,she works two jobs ). So I wanted a solution to enlarge my penis . 3 weeks ago I ordered MaxMan gel .it's a gel that you massage your penis with and it helps with enalgering it. Or so I thought . But the results were shocking . I didn't notice ANY increase in length whatsoever. 

I've been scammed.  The cream will not, repeat NOT, enlarge your penis. Penis size is determined by genetics. You are wasting your money and time. If you think it is working, it is pure fantasy and placebo.

This is the product below .

 (I repeat. Don't waste your money and time on it .it doesn't work )


You could get circumcised bro

That's what I did

Although the new size could affect your penis-vagina compatability, so I'd think about it first

And it might really disrupt your work for like 4 weeks or something

Also, if you're living in a Western country, I don't think they do circumcision for penile length increase there. You'd have to go abroad. And make sure the anesthetic works! Because when I had my circumcision, I was told it would but it didn't! :( 

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It reminds me of Kylie Jenner’s butt cream product she sold years ago. She said that it stimulates the fat cells in your butt cheeks to make them grow. That really was a scam.

Edited by Hardkill

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Shaving makes your penis bigger, true story.


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