
Male orgasm without ejaculation.

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I'm curious to know what methods some fellas are doing to get an orgasm without ejaculation or blocking themselves up.

Has anyone had an experience where your having sex for a while and then you stop having keagles and during this time you feel your sexual energy start to move up your body and you develop better self control?

I'm not sure if this is part of a practice but happens to be something I randomly stumbled upon.

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It's an extremely powerful practice. Just enjoy the sexual energy for what it is and move it up your spine. Have enough discipline to not ejeculate. You'll get better at it it takes time and patience 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

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The Multi Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia

The Enlightened Sex Manual by David Deida

Love Satisfies: How to have infinite non-ejaculatory orgasms (Dry orgasms, Energy orgasms, Male multiple orgasms, Tantric Sex, Sustainable Sex) by Keepitup Johnson

These will teach you.

Edited by tezk

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@BlessedLion Yeah its really is a discipline to not aim for the end result but hold it in.

@tezk I really like Deida's work, ill have to check that out.

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The best methods are ones in which you are relaxed and focus on moving the sexual energy. The problem with the whole keep getting more and more aroused until you need to use Kegels to stop ejaculation is that it makes having a valley orgasm much more difficult than it needs to be.  

Valley orgasms aren't like an ejaculatory orgasm which you can force to happen by creating a lot of tension and then releasing it with ejaculation. You can't just do what you would do when you're trying to ejaculate really quickly and then at the last second squeeze your pelvic floor to prevent you from ejaculating to feel a valley orgasm. Your body needs time to build up the arousal and relax into it as women do.    

The best-written description I have seen is the chapter about non-ejaculatory orgasms written by Micheal Winn in Secrets of the Sex Masters by Carl Frankel. the best online course I have found is the multiorgasmic man course by Johnathan white.

The practices that I have found that you need to do are:

  • Deep abdominal breathing to keep yourself relaxed.
  • building the lower dan tian (dan tian breathing) over time to create a great place to store energy and increase how much energy you feel.
  • opening the Microcosmic orbit so you have an effective pathway to move energy. 
  • testicle breathing with non-aroused sexual energy through the microcosmic orbit to establish the habit of moving sexual energy through your microcosmic orbit when you're aroused.
  • Also, do it while foreplay is going on or otherwise before you start stimulating your penis so your sexual energy isn't as congested in your testicles and you are increasing the amount of energy in your dan tian before intercourse. 
  • don't do Kegels because they create tension and tension anywhere in your body makes you ejaculate quicker. 
  • Lightly do reverse Kegels to make your pelvic floor more relaxed. If you feel your pelvic floor tightening during sex while your taking deep breaths (as you should be) do a reverse kegel to ease the tension.
  • another great exercise is holding deep yoga squats or if you are not as flexible happy baby pose for a couple of minutes. while doing so focus on breathing deeply into your pelvic floor which stretches it. 
  • With reverse Kegels don't push as hard as you can because that too creates tension but lightly push so there is a gentle physical engagement. 
  • When you feel like you are getting too aroused but before you feel like you're going to ejaculate do a power lock to move your sexual energy to your dan tian.  
  • Deep earth pulsing is great for increasing your sexual energy and grounding it and making your sexual energy cooler (easier to work with).
  •  If you are feeling very advanced pulling sexual energy up from Earth through your legs will help you feel more grounded with cool yin sexual energy. 

If you practice being relaxed enough you will last a lot longer and more easily move energy throughout your body because you won't be as blocked. I prefer using the microcosmic orbit compared to just moving up the spine for four reasons:

  1. You are less likely to get headaches because you will store energy in the dan tian where your body can handle it instead of your brain where you can't. 
  2. You will keep more of the sexual energy you are working so hard to cultivate instead of having a lot of it leaving your body so you or your partner can't use it.
  3. The front channel of your microcosmic orbit has a yin-cooling effect so you don't feel as overheated and will feel more relaxed.  
  4. It helps keep you more grounded in your body so you don't experience the scary hallucinations when with your partner when you are having very intense sex for several hours like the ungrounded Tantric sex dose where once you go for longer than a couple of hours. Seeing your partner as a demon can be very scary especially if they are on top of you at the time. You still have the feeling of orgasm with the universe but no scary visions. 

Basically, you want to be very relaxed and be moving your sexual energy throughout your body even before you start physical sexual stimulation so your body is very slow to get you ready to ejaculate. If ejaculation is the destination of tension-biased sex which I like to think of as path A, you are trying to travel down path B to a valley orgasm which is based on the factors of relaxation and moving your sexual energy out of your testicles. If you focus on doing those two things while you will end up in a completely different place. It seems like a lot but if you focus on the easier stuff look at deep breathing and testicle breathing you can move up to harder things over time. This takes time to achieve but it becomes natural with time too.  

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  On 1/31/2023 at 8:05 AM, Daoguy said:
  • The front channel of your microcosmic orbit has a yin-cooling effect so you don't feel as overheated and will feel more relaxed.  

When you say microcosmic orbit vs moving up the spine, is the only difference the former being two-way (up and then down back, circulating as the name suggests, in an orbit) and the latter being one-way? or is there more to it?

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@Daoguy Excellent detailed information, thankyou. I want to know what you mean by a power lock though, that part I dont understand.

I felt you made an excellent point when mentioning warming yourself and removing tension before sex; I've noticed when I take my focus away from personal pleasure indulgence that it helps create that window for the energy to move up; thats so fascinating.

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@Kshantivadin The microcosmic orbit is basically a circle with a front channel and a back channel. You can move energy including sexual energy through this circle. So as you inhale you move the sexual energy from your genitals either up the front or back channel and as you exhale you move it down the other channel or the same one and store the energy in the dan tian. the Front channel is also very cooling which can be healful to prevent overheating and remaining relaxed.

In my experience, it's a more effective way of using your sexual energy the moving up the spine approach. So the main methods with the spine approach I have tried are:

  1. Move energy up from the genitals on the inhale to your brain and keep it in your brain on the exhale.
  2. Move energy up to the heart center (in the middle of the chest between your nipples, not your physical heart) on the inhale and keep it there on the exhale. 
  3. Move the energy up to either the heart or brain on the inhale. On the exhale move the energy down to your genitals and if you are having sex move the energy out through them into your partner.    

The first method was not very pleasant for me and just gave me a lot of headaches. The second one is kind of interesting I have felt nice doing it but you still get overheated. I don't think either of those two places are good for storing aroused sexual energy because they aren't meant to be like the dan tian. The last one is probably the best method of the three because you are moving the energy more but I think you should do it with un-aroused energy when you are creating the habit of moving sexual energy throughout your body instead of just storing it in your genitals until you ejaculate. The aroused energy is stronger and will just mostly leave your body if you don't store it properly. I don't use purely spinal movements because they are just so limited. You can do it right away in theory compared to opening the microcosmic orbit which can take some time practicing moving energy through it will also take you time but it will make more effective use of your energy and be easier for you in the long run.        


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@AJBrewThanks for the compliment. To answer your question a power lock is basically sucking as much sexual energy out of your genitals into your dan tian as possible. You would do it when you are close to your point of no return or if you have been going for a while and want to have a non-ejaculatory orgasm. Remember that you need time to do it it's not like ejaculation where you can force it to happen very quickly with enough tension. If you have been moving energy throughout your body for a while (minimum 10-15 minutes from personal experience) and are relaxed you can use them to have an orgasm without ejaculation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             There are many different power lock methods but I personally found the simpler ones more effective for me. The main method I use is:                                                                                                                                                                                           1. start by focusing on sucking up as much sexual energy to your dan tian as you can while you take a few deep abdominal breaths (I personally do between 6-9).                                                                                                                                 2.  After the deep breaths either inhale or hold your breath one more time and hole it while you gently tuck your head (no need to break your neck here) into your chest and mentally engage your pelvic floor like you are pulling it up and in. While you do physically do the head tucking you don't need to do kegels but more of a Mula Bandha ab lock type thing.                                                                              https://www.arogyayogaschool.com/blog/bandhas-the-locking-techniques-of-yoga/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3. Hold it for as long as you can and when you exhale you should feel amazing. It's a subtle feeling and won't feel like much the first few times you try it but it will feel more awesome the more you do it.    

I hope this clears things up. Your point about allowing your energy to move up, you sound like a natural at this kind of thing. I had to practice non-aroused sexual energy through my body with testicle breathing before it became a habit like breathing to move the energy that way.   


Edited by Daoguy

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@Daoguy Thank you for the explanation, I'm going to start implementing that into my practice here. There's no way I'm a natural, i just experimented with some things and got lucky.

Edited by AJBrew

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@AJBrew Your welcome, if you have any other questions I'd gladly share what I know based on my experience. Trying to explain this stuff helps me understand it more. Also, I think if this stuff was more widely known it would benefit many people and help all of us interested in this stuff figure out what tends to work and ignore what doesn't.  

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@Kshantivadin It's hard to say when it is fully opened because the orbit is a pathway for energy. Like a hiking trail if it is used regularly it will become clear of blockages. It's something that becomes more tangible over time. Sorry if that answer isn't clear but I would just say the easier it is to move energy through the orbit the more open it is.

This is a guided meditation to help you open it: 


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@AJBrew 3 week semen retention.

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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I allow myself to get really close to orgasm and then relax my whole body when you get good enough at this the energy seems to change state like from liquid to steam or somthing when u relax. It’s taken me literally years but this stuff is very wired in expecially if your older witch is why I think people like Leo are convinced that sexual cultivation practices are a bunch of bullshit

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  On 2/6/2023 at 9:19 PM, Eternal Unity said:

@AJBrew 3 week semen retention.

Why three weeks? I hear at the seven day your testosterone is at its absolute high and that every day afterwards your body starts to recycle the semen.

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