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Reality Shifting

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We are in a different reality in every moment, for reality is consciousness. With every slight change in consciousness, the entire reality, the entire timeline even, seems to be changing. 

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Beautiful sounding, sounds like Reality shifting? And simultaneously we are all in our own personal universes if that's solipsistic?

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It looks like we are all in our own universes, but at the same time we are in the same universe, because we all seem to be the same one "person", if that makes sense. 


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Yes, and I believe that it does, actually in every moment, but we, probably, don't realize it for the changes usually are so small, from our perception, and that it also, kinda, seems to be paradoxical in itself, and, perhaps, it looks like it is paradoxical because of our state of being and perception that does not allow us to see the logic of what seems to be paradoxical, in a sense like the idea of the realm of noumena that Kant was talking about, in a sense, hmm. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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It could be said, that if there is change there is illusion. No matter how small or big. It's duality. It requires an observer and an object of observation. 

What you're saying is true on some level, I'd say, but ultimately, there is no change, no shifts, no timelines, etc. It's all just Stillness. It's all just now. It's not happening, it just is.


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Yes, you're right, at the deepest level it looks like change is an illusion, like the philosophers of the Elea school talked about it. I can even say that, perhaps, at the ultimate level, there even is no such thing as universe, but just the awareness that is eternally still and aware. 


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contemplate what is change, change is movement and decay, god does one man does the other, time for one to change to the other

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I struggle a bit with this idea, seems to be the same reality with relatively different content. This changing content with an imagination of previously different content seems to be what constructs a seeming consistent reality 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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2 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I struggle a bit with this idea, seems to be the same reality with relatively different content. This changing content with an imagination of previously different content seems to be what constructs a seeming consistent reality 

Yeah, I think it's because consciousness has a mode, or a habit, of creating, and that's why it looks like we are experiencing a continuity. 


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if you remove the mind and its memory, reality is a dance within another dance, to infinity. all constantly changing and meaningless

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It's built upon absolute atomic/solipsistic elemental like love, but it likely only fully mastered suffering which it uses too much of to then try to attain to direct mastery of love, because it has mastered how to perfectly remove suffering it arrogantly moves towards trying to self create love instead of being in the perfect timeless receptivity of filtered love that it was in, it wants LESS suffering even though it is already in the perfect stillness of absolute love because that's the only action it knows, so it creates  negative suffering to experience self created intentional love so that it can have an infinity of types of absolute love instead of being a single type of infinite love.

Negative suffering creates time, creates others by removing sufferings that others don't even have, why did they not have them?, because nobody was aware that their self was love itself from the perspective of others, all us and all others individually were in the state of perfect unconscious love by perfect distillation of suffering, that is the love that we were receiving was from other types of beings who by nature of removing their own suffering perfectly in their own reality bubbles, by virtue of pure metaphysical true difference induce in each other's perfect receptivity something other than suffering or negative suffering, "love" which creates the need for the awareness of each others love and therefore having to take on new sufferings, or sufferings that are different from the absolute solipsistic self mastered elemental initial self.

Imagine any one given perfect enlightened human, what reason would he have to interact even with another enlightened human, to have more of the same? More infinite love? It's simple really, it's MORE types of love, what distinguishes differences in types of love is the suffering that was solved in them, because they have different sufferings in them that need to be solved in order for this or that type of love to be experienced it helps for the interaction to be with a being with some memory and desire and intelligence to help you overcome/use a certain trial or mechanism to be able to attain to his type of love WITHOUT actually suffering.

This is a masculine energy mental perspective btw, there's the feminine one that usually everyone's confused about because it starts from love instead of ends up on, this is the masculine that finally stops HAVING to suffer to attain new love, it can simply evolve by mutual sharing, there's no need to suffer MORE, having memory that retains the continuous mental action that enables you to know you SHOULDN'T ever suffer enables you to adventure into trying to understand others love without wanting yourself or others to go through torture to attain it and coincidentally it makes the "enlightened" male energy curious about the female energy which had no such qualms from the start but does not understand the positive meaning of what removing suffering does, it also goes through a story and comes out realizing the masculine force.

That's what we seem to be, already an amalgamation of the female and masculine, I wonder if at some point in the "earlier" incarnations of the universe as my mental lore goes was more separate, because here we already have female and masculine but in "low quality levels", it makes me suspect that this is because of the realization of infinite quantity of something good being better and infinite time in something good being better than otherwise and of course BOTH together would be the greatest, with either time and quantity being interchangeable with the masculine force of destruction(destroys suffering in any given state) and the feminine force (increases quantity of any given highest quality state).

I had to say highest quality state because most people can't dissociate pleasure/love from a future negative state for some bizarre reason, which is true in an imperfect force, but untrue in the sense that it reaches it's completion while retaining that necessity for caution about a future negative state when it also turns around and incorporates "destruction" skillfully.


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The Infinite Self is immortal and escapes death by receiving intuitive signals from future timelines that have passed away. This intuition is synonymous with gravity / magnetism; the influence of a future earth timeline in which you die does not attract you gravitationally (because there's no future earth there to pull on you gravitationally right now), therefore you never find yourself in an apocalypse scenario / dead. The green line represents the unspeakable Tao. The red lines represent signals reflected back in time informing our present selves of annihilation. This is why humans have been predicting doomsday our entire history, to no avail. We intuit doomsdays scenarios, but the deep subconscious always  steers us away from those timelines. Only the ego (illusory self) dies. You Are The Immortal Self.


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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