
Physical suicide after enlightenment?

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What would happen to you in the spirit world if you reached full enlightenment, but then soon after you committed physical suicide? Not out of hatred or depression for this world, your love for this physical world is very deep, but you just felt like playing a different game, to just go to the other side sooner because you simply wanted to. It could thought of as, you love your country, but you feel like living in another country because you just want to. How would this affect your reincarnation cycle? I understand if you reach enlightenment, your reincarnation cycle ends, but if you commit suicide after enlightenment would you be somehow forced to go back into the reincarnation cycle? Also, would you be left in some lower dimension or even hell if you did this even after enlightenment? Or maybe somehow cause yourself some other negative consequence. Or would it all be the same as just dying of natural causes, where you would end up going into some very high dimension and be free of the reincarnation cycle? 

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@mac99 there is no "other side " or 'death " or "spirit world" or "reincarnation cycle "etc 

There is only this present moment.  Everything else is beliefs and wishful thinking. Basically nonsense. 

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Enlightenment is so rare, and life so short, why would you jump off just as the wave crests? The dissolving of the wave will come soon enough. If you are fortunate enough to realize your ultimate nature, celebrate the peak state of surfing the cosmos as long as you can, before returning to the ocean of yourself.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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20 hours ago, mac99 said:

Not out of hatred or depression for this world, your love for this physical world is very deep, but you just felt like playing a different game, to just go to the other side sooner because you simply wanted to.

No truly enlightened being would reason like that. Those are the ruminations of unenlightened people. A conscious being wouldn't destroy the precious physical body. 

"Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. That is the greatest gift anyone can give." - Dr. David R. Hawkins

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