
What's the worst thing that ever happened during your trip?

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I have had some. One of them is my 5th trip with 30g of strong magic truffles. Holy shit, my trip started very good. Did it in late afternoon where I looked outside and just was shown the magic, beauty and wonder. After 30 min it began. I got so conscious that I panicked, I didn't even think I was going to die, but just to be stuck in a state of confusion and paranoria. I took 2 baths, and I was still totally stressed out lmfao. When I went to the bathroom I forget earlier how I got there. My imagination got blurred and I thought or believed that I maybe went trough my walls! Yes like I went trough my walls, but it was a state of total confusion and paranoria so I probably did not do it. I off course I didnt know my trip would be such a mindfuck, so on the comedown my friend came by, not a good place to be after such intens trip lol. And I asked him if its just all an illussion ? He found out that I took mushrooms, and said that I shouldnt touch drugs and this is what happens. After that we basically just had a good conversation which calmed me down. What a good day, miss my earliest psychedelics trips ?

Edited by PeaceOut96

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1. First time doing LSD at a huge Rave Festival (first time also), mixed with mdma and smoked a huge joint after. 10 minutes after the joint, things stated to be weird, starting by the dark music that was playing with creepy sounds like screams and sounds of horror movies. Started to panic, tried to keep cool as i was with a friend but the anxiety was only getting worse until i actually felt my tongue twisting as it was about to roll on itself, i thought i was going to seazure and die so i panic even more and at this time i told my friend that took me to a chill area and calmed me down. To this day i still believe i would seizure or something, very weird the thing with my tongue.

2. Started to rip my clothes off in a Ayahuasca cerimony, crawling in the grass doing weird yoga asanas, with wild visuals like when you smoke DMT. I was losing it, panicking and felt an urge to scream but they didn't let me lol and asked me to put back my clothes. It was a Santo Daime church, strict rules. After this day, i kind of started resenting going to those cerimonies since i felt urges to move my body and do weird shit but they won't let me.

3. During an ayahuasca trip i cried like a baby and had to call my grandma to tell her some stuff. The staff tried to stop me but i was decided to do it. Made the call, it was VERY emotional with some big promises (that i obviously couldn't keep it afterwards). I didn't regret it but it was kind of cringe.

4. Had a couple of emotional insights with weed (my grandma was developing dementia and i couldn't see it sober but was clear to me during the trip), cried a LOT and called my dad to pick me up lol. I didn't told him i was high but he almost never saw me lose my shit like those couple of times. 

5. Sent messages like 4am to my whole family saying that i love them and stuff like that, it was cute but very cringe and the time of the message was very suspicious lol. This was AFTER a ayahuasca cerimony. Still under the afterglow effect.

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Oh yeah, my first time on MDMA at 18 years old, I accidentally pocket dialed my mom, and she overheard us talking about sniffing a booster dose (this was at the "peak" of my dysfunctional phase, or at least the first one).

She figured out the house I was at and got the parents of the aforementioned friend to drive her there (as she had been drinking wine, probably due to stress). She had been calling me constantly, and I was ignoring her calls, mainly because I had the short-term memory of an earthworm after taking the most massive bong rips of my life, but also because I had developed the uncanny ability to block out any resemblance of a conscientious thought (just generally, but also amplified by the drugs).

Long story short, she arrived at the place, the main guy opened the door, and she was asking where I was. When I got the news, I was stalling because I couldn't find my hoodie, and then she just walked inside the house and caused a hysterical scene: "I'm going to call the cops", etc., which made one of the guys who wasn't on MDMA panic and storm out of the house. Then I just gave up looking for the hoodie, put my jacket on and walked to the car in a kind of depersonalized "wtf, is this actually happening?"-state.

Then we drove home while my friend's parents were angrily questioning me on where their son was. They thought he was hiding in the house, but he was actually at another place that night. They thought I was lying to protect him, but in reality, me and the main guy had intentionally not told him about the trip, because we were already too many people at the house (and we didn't have unlimited drugs either). The cool thing about MDMA is that I was very calm about the entire thing, but I still knew deep down that this was very fucked up. That is also probably why it's not really a traumatic memory.

The aftermath was more traumatic, as most of my friends' parents were notified about the situation, and it threatened their stoner existence. It was really all my fault, but of course I was also really unlucky with the pocket dial. Had I not been acting really suspiciously for the last few months, and had I not told the name of the person I was staying at, or said that I would be home early, and had I not been ignoring the calls, that could've all been avoided. But also, in a way, that pocket dial probably saved my life.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I stopped seeing straight , I started to believe I’m stuck in a loop and will be feeling like this for ever , this caused suicidal thoughts , never mix shrooms with a weed brownie :)

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1 hour ago, GabeN said:

I started to believe I’m stuck in a loop and will be feeling like this for ever , this caused suicidal thoughts

This sounds like a serious question to face. Emotional and dramatic. You can create drama art for it. This purely hysterical pouring out of emotion is beautiful.

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On 28/01/2023 at 5:55 PM, Leo Gura said:

When you are that conscious, nothing matters. You can shit on the carpet just out of pure curiosity.


On 28/01/2023 at 6:50 PM, Leo Gura said:

One time I almost put my hand on a stove burner.

If you trip deep, you gotta be extra careful because you could seriously injure yourself.

Set guidelines for yourself and be strict about following them. It's easy to do something stupid like text a girlfriend and destroy a relationship.


Can relate. Wanted to one time Stab myself with thumbtacks to inquire into the nature of pain. 


Another time I had this idea to brand myself with a burn as a symbol of commitment to my higher ideals. And the pain in the subsequent days will be a constant reminder to do better. 




One time there was the freedom convoy rioting outside of of nowhere at the peak of my highest LSD trip. 

Another time I was on LSD, I had a annoying guy that wouldn't stop texting me about a fucking $10 purchase. Pissed me the fuck off! 


Another time I was so high on mushrooms that I couldn't even use my phone and me and my mom that was also high as fuck were near an area with a very high chance of seeing a bear. Was also in the blistering heat. Shit was a fucking mission. 


Other times I had anxiety attacks basically every day for a month. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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On 29/01/2023 at 8:25 AM, Arthogaan said:

Other than that when the trips end and i go out to the town for a walk I always see the weirdest fucking people that I never see normally. Like disabled child that walks like a dog being on a leash. Or someone being drugged out with that paranoid look. Does it happen to you when you go out?

Oh man I know exactly what you mean. One time I thought I jumped a timeline because all the people outside walking seemed like some crazy beings :P 

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Becoming ridiculously conscious on LSD, to the point of learning the ability to stop my own heart. Attempting Mahasamadhi a few times, edging death over and over again. Up until the point where I got some heart issues for a few months.

Oh, I have also taken 5g shrooms and got lost in the woods, during a beautiful summer day. Found my way out after a while though ^_^

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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1 hour ago, Kshantivadin said:

Love this thread. Ty all for posting 

Same. Y'all should stop giving me ideas. ;) 

Words can't describe You.

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1 hour ago, Sincerity said:

Same. Y'all should stop giving me ideas. ;) 

It makes me feel better about myself because I thought I was the only one ending up in crazy situations due to altered states :x

maybe I gather the courage and write some soon

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3 hours ago, Vincent S said:

edging death over and over again

The true masturbation for adults xDxDxD

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9 minutes ago, Kshantivadin said:

The true masturbation for adults xDxDxD


“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Did mushrooms for the first time with my brother and his friends and their apartment (not the most mature or safe fellows i've been with)... my brother started fucking with me a bit.  

At one point when we were walking back home I though the cops were chasing us and I called my dad telling him I'm dying.  My brother was there though so he told him I was fine. 

It was one of those "I just want it all to end" kind of feelings. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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On 1/29/2023 at 1:04 AM, Leo Gura said:

I shit all over my carpet and had to spend 3 hours scrubbing it the next day.

Eat bananas so your turds are dense, well-formed and slippery.

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Thank you all for sharing. Since it was 2 AM my time and I was tired af when I made this thread I didn't really go into details of the homicide story, which I'm gonna do now.

31 Dec 2021, 10 PM. Small party at my house. I had literally just bought it, 3 days earlier. No furniture. Just a big empty space with a carpet on the floor, dozens of hard liquor bottles and ashtrays. I was waiting for a few friends that were to join us later in the night. Me, my sister and (at the time) a friend with benefits of mine (thereby referred as M) each took an LSD gummy, 200mg.

So I live in Naples. I kid you not this city is IN LOVE with fireworks. There hasn't been a single year without at least 10-15 people getting injured due to improper pyrotechnics. It's a meme throughout Italy. The whole night it sounded like fucking Baghdad. 

3 AM. My friends finally came (A and T) and they took two gummies as well. Then they laid on the carpet, rolling some joints while waiting for the onset. My sister was in the other room with the window open.

Not 5 minutes after my friends went inside, M remarks "jesus, it's 3 AM, are the fireworks still going off?". As she says that, I share a puzzled look with A. We were thinking the same thing. My response was: "you know what, now that you made me notice, these sound more like gunshots, actually". I think I was just trying to be a smartass. I was RIGHT. Literally 10 seconds later my sister storms into the living room and says "Guys, there's something serious going on outside." She heard a commotion and thought someone was stabbed or something. We all walk to the balcony. There's a guy DIRECTLY (like 40 feet) below us bleeding like water flowing from a broken pipe, grunting and crying. I have never seen more blood in my life. 

I distinctly remember looking into his eyes. HE WAS STILL ALIVE. I noticed he had been shot on the neck and jaw. No words can describe what I felt in that moment. I was one with him. I felt what he was feeling. He was so scared. No trace of the hardened criminal that (as I later learned) he was in life. A scared little child. What he once was, before fabricating this tough, violent mask he didn't even know he had. The mask had dropped. Just a frightened, little, fragile, divine child of God. Powerless. Terrified of the circumstances he was finding himself into. I felt so much LOVE towards him. A love that no attractive sequence of words can describe. This was, no doubt, a spiritual experience like no other before or after.

Unfortunately my existential reflection was cut short due to my ego assessing the situation and realizing that holy shit, a murder was just committed a few feet from us. Police is gonna be swarming this street. We are directly above the crime scene. They will investigate, ask questions, look for security cameras. They might wanna enter my house. We are smoking so much weed they can probably smell it a mile away. We are tripping. We are FUCKED. So I panicked. I closed all the windows hoping that the smell would stay in the house. I told everyone to get inside. We were ready to throw everything in the toilet if it came to it. Later I learned that indeed the police talked to the neighbor directly below us. I don't know why they thankfully left us alone. Honestly I'm surprised I was able to stay so rational and relatively calm during the whole ordeal. Thank GOD it was a mild trip. I don't know what would've happened if any of us took more.

The scene that followed was straight out a movie. I had never seen that many officers. Relatives of the victim were informed, including his parents. They screamed. They cried. They swore revenge. Try and imagine. CSI photographed the crime scene, took samples, the whole thing. Meanwhile we were in the 3rd floor tripping.

Remember, my friends were out on the street exactly where it happened not 5 minutes before it happened. I had just bought the house. Crazy fucking night man.

I've found an english article on the incident. There it is.

I should add that my sister WOULD NOT. FUCKING. GO INSIDE. Adding to my anxiety. She stayed on the balcony, in plain sight for everyone to see, all the time. She was in the midst of a very profound trip so I get it, but fuck. Never mind the police ("oh! you're a witness, good, what happened?"), it's never a good idea to get too curious about this kind of deep organized crime shit. Mind your own business. The whole criminal gang including the kingpin gathered around the poor fellow. 

Edited by kylan11

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@kylan11Dude wtf that's crazy :o

I think my worst was when I was having sex with my ex and she suddenly went completely nuts. As if she had become a different person, I could see the madness in her eyes. She pushed me away and said I was a snake trying to steal her soul or something9_9. She was convinced that the world was ruled by Repitlians and that there was a secret conspiracy. Wasn't that bad just a bit stressful as it took her all night to calm down. 25I-NBOMe can be so weird, I think visually the most intense substance I've ever taken.

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Reading Leo’s blog post reminded me that…. These substances are for my personal use. I do not promote or encourage people to try them. If people feel inclined to try them that’s their risk. 

In my early use I fell into many traps I will not discuss here because I know what they are, have contemplated deeply why I fell into these mistakes and have created protocols, and the wisdom to avoid such mistakes in the future. Some tips I found include:

1. Create a safety pre trip protocol list you read before tripping 

2. Integrate trips

3. Don’t trip around people unless they know what you are doing 

4. Don’t make any decisions while tripping 

5. Make sure the pipe isn’t too close to the tripping location 

6. Simply so low doses

7. If you are smoking weed chronically, that is a sign to be extra cautious. Psychedelics are not like weed. Totally different beast they will fuck you up. 

Remember, it only takes one weird decision or mistake while tripping to ruin relationships, lose body parts, jobs, and even your life. It is deeply embarrassing, and totally not worth the trip at ALL if it ruins your life. 

For these reasons as well, don’t share these substances with others no matter how great you think they are. Even if people ask you for them, or want to trip with you. As a general rule, for 99% of people unless you have deep trust… no. 

These are dangerous substances. That being said, mistakes may and likely will happen. Learn from these lessons and become a mature, stable pschonaut if that is what you are called to do. Share wise protocols in psychedelic circles. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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One time when I lived in dorm and was high on lsd I visited a small party in another apartment a friend joked that I wasn't wearing pants and I panicked and  locked myself in the closed and tried for half an hour to verify if this is true or not and I became really paranoid. Finally I took a lot of pictures of my legs and concluded that I most likely was wearing them and calmed down. I was wearing pants btw.

Another time I was tripping on 2c-b during a rave and a guest came with  blinking blue lights on her bike and I thought we were getting busted. But the matter was quickly settled.


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