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Intellectualising God

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Life is so vast, that intellect and logic are unable to contain it. Life contains logic and intellect that is part of man. Logic parts life in an attempt to grasp its immensity and in which man feels an existential angst. Science is to know the exterior objective physical world, religion is to know the interior subjective world of man. The subject of which is an abyss to the intellect, for the source of who we are, that is God, is vast. A part can’t contain the whole, but is contained by it.


We are in a intellectual abyss for we are trying to grasp an abyss beyond logic and duality (subjective), with an intellect that is logical and dual (objective) Man is lost in translation, the translation of realms and dimensions that he is betwixt. The realm of logic and love. Metaphysics is about that which is beyond physics, beyond the laws of the physical world, for we exist within the spiritual,within God, not without. Logic deduces the whole to its parts. In deduction exists reduction. The part tries to get to the whole that is larger than itself.


The physical world follows logic, the other world is beyond logic. Logic is science, what is beyond logic is religious. Science is about the seen world, religion about the unseen. It is not that God is dead, but that we are dead to the world of God. People who sense something beyond the objective materialist world, are correct, but not in their interpretation and application of it to the world of physical laws. They try to impose the metaphysical which is illogical and infinite to the physical which is logical and finite.


Both exist, but in their respective realms, within reality. Reality encompasses realms, a certain realm cant encompass and be imposed on reality. To fit the metaphysical onto the physical is the issue. We are not apart from the metaphysical, but in process with it, and yet we try to part ourself from it in order to grasp it with our intellect of which it can only grasp the part and not the whole. To tie this into politics, the far left lean into subjective reality denying the objective, the far right objective reality at the cost of the subjective. The spirit is bifurcated through biology but longs to transmute that to which it is born into, back to its source, unity.


The trans movement,whether in biology or humanism appeals to the spirit of man but not in the expression it takes in society. It is a hijacking and misinterpretation of the spiritual instinct to transcend biology and be free from the flesh. Man wants to transcend the duality of his biology, not transmix biology. If we are subjects experiencing the objective world, then the question arises who is the subject, who am I? Beasts know not that they are, man knows that he is, but not who he is. An awakened one, a prophet knows who he is. Ordinary man is in limbo between these dimensions.


The external world is dual, dialectic, syllogistic, logically a place of cause and effect, thesis and antithesis. The interior world is in its essence synthesised. Synthesis isn’t external but internal, of the spirit that is one. We try to synthesis that essence, externally. Mans trouble is his sense of being between the duality of realms, lacking the awareness and comprehension of his oneness amongst the duality. His struggle and angst is in comprehending, translating, and existing between these realms, to be in the world and not of it.


To partake in life, without parting himself from it through the means of his intellect, which tries to fragment the tapestry of the life to its parts in an attempt to feel at ease with it. The finite can only hold the finite, the mind makes the infinite finite for its sake. To hold life's essence is to be-hold it. To behold, one must first be. The intellect, a lousy master but a good servant clouds this being. Empty the mind and be, to behold life and be held by the essence that is life, that is to be with the infinite, dis-embodied yet embodied.


Logic asks why, love asks why not. Logic reduces life to its part, love raises life to its whole. Logic is the realm of the physical world of cause and effect, love the realm of the spiritual world of union. Logic is causal minded, love is union felt. Logic goes through the part, love through the whole. Logic is linear, life non-linear, circular. Alchemising itself. A straight line, taken to its end will circle the earth back to itself. A line is part of a circle, yet we focus only on the line. Behold, the circle of life.

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God is Love. 

The objective world is a ego-mind construction which will be utterly destroyed by God-Logic. The same with materialism.

Science is looking at the wrong direction. Consciousness is within. Consciousness is God. Truth is within.

As for the physics world, it’s secondary.

Spirit is Primary. Energy. Consciousness. God. The Soul. All the other spiritual  beings like spirits and so on. Yea it’s all real, they all exist.

I’ve experienced literally at least hundreds of things which not only totally destroys physical ideas but also bends it’s supposed laws.

Spirituality is Truth. Materialism is not.

God exists. Absolutely. Without a shadow of doubt. No matter what any being thinks.

The Soul exists.

Demons and spirits exists. And thousands of more spiritual species.

Materialist-Atheist philosophy and science and psychology is falsehood.

All of it.


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On 1/31/2023 at 7:52 PM, Rahra said:

God is Love. 

The objective world is a ego-mind construction which will be utterly destroyed by God-Logic. The same with materialism.

Science is looking at the wrong direction. Consciousness is within. Consciousness is God. Truth is within.

As for the physics world, it’s secondary.

Spirit is Primary. Energy. Consciousness. God. The Soul. All the other spiritual  beings like spirits and so on. Yea it’s all real, they all exist.

I’ve experienced literally at least hundreds of things which not only totally destroys physical ideas but also bends it’s supposed laws.

Spirituality is Truth. Materialism is not.

God exists. Absolutely. Without a shadow of doubt. No matter what any being thinks.

The Soul exists.

Demons and spirits exists. And thousands of more spiritual species.

Materialist-Atheist philosophy and science and psychology is falsehood.

All of it.


Nicely put!

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