
Will some girls never be explicit?

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It’s a very long story which I won’t cover. But I basically told her very directly that I was into her and got rejected because she has a bf and also thought I just wanted sex but later found out I actually had romantic interest. From there she sent me a lot of hints that she still wants more from me. The thing is that I just want realtalk from her but I don’t know if there are girls who are just incapable of doing that. She seems to run on autopilot and I do everything very consciously. That’s why I want realtalk while she drops signs. Am I expecting to much or should I go on?

Edited by Jannes

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You are expecting her to act like a guy and she seems young,immature playing games, probably also because she has a bf, that is not doing great but good enough to keep her until she finds replacement...and you think too much about someone that is not even worthy of it, probably because shes cute and you started to like her from all the games shes playing and you thinking about her...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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4 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

You are expecting her to act like a guy

and you think too much about someone that is not even worthy of it, probably because shes cute and you started to like her from all the games shes playing and you thinking about her...

So what is it?

Its complicated. I rejected many of her tries bc I didn’t feel like it/ wanted realtalk.

4 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

and she seems young,immature playing games, probably also because she has a bf, that is not doing great but good enough to keep her until she finds replacement...

Yeah. Well she is 23 so it’s not that young. 

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@Jannes Dont expect anything from her btw, you rejected her moves whats the issue here,whats this real talk with someone you dont know?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Its a long story as I said. So that shit went on for quite some time so it’s not like we are strangers. We went to the adventure park, theatre and shit like that together. So I just feel like it’s her move to be explicit or at least tell one of her friends to ask me explicitly. But maybe all that shows that we are like cats and dogs to each other and can’t communicate. 

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@Jannes There is so much confusion here,why are you going with her on this "dates",why would she be explicit when shes getting free attention and you probably buying her stuff,its you not knowing what you are doing and making stuff happen then blaming her for that...you are like playing hope game...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Dude, if you want to have sex with girls you need to be playful and easy-going, not this needy guy who pressures her.

Stop expecting anything from any girl unless she is your girlfriend. And even then she will disappoint you.

You need to learn detachment and non-seriousness.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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In a bad state of mind I set up a hyper-needy-super-serious-mentality-self-abasement-cringe-bomb at the start which everybody in my theatre found out about and which traumatized my little self confidence. So I can’t be easy going around her anymore because I am too butthurt.


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@Jannes Well, that's a great lesson for the future. Fucking up with girls is how you learn to improve.

Learn your lesson never to be needy, serious, or demanding.

It's the same as with sales. In sales you cannot badger the customer to buy your product or you'll spook him off. You gotta act like you don't need his business. You dangle the carrot and then go talk to someone else.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

@Leo Gura Can you send the old "..?" if she is not replying or is that too demanding?

Depends on what she's not replying to.

It's always better to try something than just drop her forever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, if you want to have sex with girls you need to be playful and easy-going, not this needy guy who pressures her.

Stop expecting anything from any girl unless she is your girlfriend. And even then she will disappoint you.

You need to learn detachment and non-seriousness.

This is fucking gold and so easy to forget.

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