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Rafael Thundercat

Remote work not so remote anymore

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I am recieving  many news about the topic of companies now starting to rethink all the remote work model. 

What do you guys think, it all like a pendulum where things started to get to loose and now getting back to strict and regulated. I had a friend that was working remotely and was finding ways to slack a lot, so I can see the point of companies returning to the in-office model. 


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If a specific company has evidence that efficiency has gone down since remote working they have the right to change things IMO.


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Yeah, the trend is definitely changing from 100% remote. Most sane companies won't force people to go back 5 days a week but some presence in the office is likely to be the next thing in the post-covid world. 

I am not familiar with the evidence of remote work & productivity, I guess that is hard to measure. You can measure total revenue, net profit, sick days etc but those numbers are likely to get confounded by the fact that a lot of companies were cutting off expenses left & right during the pandemic so I don't know how reliable those results are going to be. 

Either way, I'd say a hybrid module is likely to be the future for roles like a back office where people don't need to meet clients or support the in-house running of the office. For facilities, sales, IT support and other roles that need more in-house presence more office time is likely to be expected 

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100% remote isn't beneficial for most people anyway. At least not long term. It's too isolating. Large companies would probably be inclined to say that the optimal is like 1 or 2 remote days a week for control reasons, but I would say it's probably something like 1 or 2 office days a week that would be ideal for most people.

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