Leo Gura

Are You A Narcissist? - Take The Test

197 posts in this topic

7 out of 40. I guess I lied a few times so it should be around 10 

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I got an 18.

I'm about as narcissistic as your average celebrity.

Eh, not going to contest it. Sounds about right.

My Stats:


Edited by Extreme Z7

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i scored 6 on the test, idk if it is bad when it is too low?

or what do yàll think? 

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On 31.1.2023 at 4:02 AM, Jordan said:

I scored 4. Maybe I should be more outgoing and believe in myself more haha

yea i got the same feeling haha

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24. And I really have a hard time when I perceive someone as better than me in something, especially when I just failed at that thing.

Something interesting: narcissism actually tends to not get diagnosed. People with this disorder are not aware of their own problem. 

I have experience with a narcissist. What I observed is that everything that remotely threatens their self-image, gets projected outwards towards the person that caused the threat. So now it's actually you that did something wrong, and they will not rest until they made that clear to you, which could take years of long winded emails and texts.  These person will destroy your life. They manipulate better than you will ever be able to and go to exessive lengths to take you down. 

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Got an 8. Highest reason was vanity. I think I look good, as a matter of fact I actually am. Otherwise, girls wouldn't stare at me and flick their hair constantly.  This was somewhat accurate because I hate glancing at strangers in public because 80% of the time they're ugly as fuck. But yeah, I don't like telling people what to do and hate the spotlight.

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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When I moved to the East coast of Australia a couple years back, I had moved in with a self-proclaimed Narc.

I was accused of moving his nuts in the pantry.

On the day I moved out, I hopped on my motorbike to get going and the postman rocked up.

There was this awkward scenario where as I was about to ride off, narc guy made multiple attempts to step in front of my bike so I couldn't leave along with erratic verbal prompts that seemed to be stemming from abandoment issues.

There were also multiple occasions where he would say things to 'try and pull me in' to an issue.

It was my first time dealing with a true Narc and I learned quite quickly that when involved with a Narc or anyone for that matter, always stand in Truth and a Narc can't get the satisfaction they desire, and so the sitch they are trying to create never gets momentum.

There's many tricks they will try but If always just took what they said on the most objective grounds possible, I would remain unswayed.

My replies were often just a few words because that's all that was needed, and gives them less bait to work with.

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I scored 7 first and the second attempt 13. 

I find the second attempt was more true.

I was maxed in vanity and authority was very high, I also did this with a legit psychologist all my ranges are normal. I have one SD variance in beign rebellious and one SD variance in blaming others IIRC, also some 1 SD variance in beign avoidant in some sort and anti-social.  All within healthy ranges, so these are things to work on. Especially the anti-social thing was good feeback. 

Don't have the scores did this a while back. 


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Hilarious video of some guy doing this exact test (he's a big narcissist btw):


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I’m not so sure about the quality of this test. Sometimes I wanted to choose both or neither answers. 

I ended up getting a 16… but I feel like I could have easily gotten a 12 or a 20 if I just chose slightly different answers that would have also fit.


Edit: I retook it twice… I got 11 if I erred toward the more modest answer that resonated and 24 if I erred toward the less modest answer that resonated.

Edited by Emerald

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16 but it should be higher though! xD

2022 I was puking out my selfishness and narcissism. 

The tricky part is that in the self-development journey, we create another part of ourselves that takes over and pushes away all the shit that does not fit its image/part. 

Now I try to catch how I am judging narcissism in me and others, and try to embrace it, and love it as it is. I try to see what are the desires behind it and the needs that it is trying to meet. Why so afraid? 

The thing is, the deeper I go, the deeper it hurts. but I try not to frame it as suffering, It is uncomfortable good which keeps revealing my true self, deeper and deeper.  

The spiritual/personal development ego was necessary for me (still active and running :D) to create a bigger shield that can protect me while I am dealing with the small stuff until I am ready to drop the whole shield and let all the demons and fears out in the open.  

While I am writing this, I can see all of my narcissistic traits expressed. But what can I do?  Well, I do my best to observe what "Is" with allowance and acceptance. 

The mind now says, what is the point of this? To whom are you writing? Are you pretending again? Haaa, look! I got you! Look how selfish you are! 

Shut the fuck up! The other part of the ego says! 

I love being selfish and narcissistic. I love myself and I am not afraid to speak up! 

The other part of the ego says - This is just an illusion that you are imagining. There is no one writing - LOOK! 

Which is it? Which of the infinite parts emerging Is the Truth? HAAAAA! DROP IT AND LET YOURSELF GO! 








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11/40 -

I found a lot of those questions to be a bit black and white tho. Like, if you are already pre-biased to not come of as a narcissist, it is pretty easy to guess which is the right answer. It should have 10 times as many questions and they should be asking the same things over and over but twist it in a different shape and form kinda like Martin Selignan's questionnaire in his book or the MBTI. 

Not all questions should have the same weight and there should be a gravity of different options to answer. A lot of those questions were a bit dumb tbh and most required no level of deeper reflection or retrospection. Still cool to see everyone's results 

Edited by Michael569

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I don't consider this a good test though.The questions aren't nuanced enough...they're too black-and-white.You can score a 5 or a 20 depending on your mood on the day you take the test (I took this test 2-3 weeks ago and scored a 10 lol)

Maybe taking this test multiple times would give you a more reliable score of your average narcissism level.


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