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Kore's Journal

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The story of the Higher God

There was once a time when the Higher God and I were in love.  He was my mentor.  He protected me from seeing other aspects of himself. 

Then came the time when he wanted to reveal the other aspects of himself.  Suddenly he was a great enemy.  We must of fought in my past lives because our history ran deep and great was his fury. 

His aspects he was revealing included demons and other supernatural entities.  They seemed to take a liking to me, as a reflection of the overall Higher God's liking. 

When we met again after a long period apart he called to me and I answered but I was terrified of him.  He had fallen into a depression because of our time a part (think Demeter and Persephone).  His heart had grown selfish, everything was falling apart and he was murderous.  When I came to him, everything settled.  We entered a honey moon period.  

At some point his fury took centre stage and I asked to be parted from him and that made him more furious.  We became real enemies.   We fought.  The whole of the Higher God fought me.  The ovens and food smelt of rotten flesh, the smell of death pervaded the earth and he threatened to eat me alive.  Such was my bad karma.  

Over time I slowly calmed down the Higher God and won his trust back.  The earth was again full of spring and laughter.  There still resides that side of him that is his fury and my bad karma but it has lessened significantly so.  We are falling in love again, this time with all his aspects.  

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The Phantom of the Opera

The Higher God is very similar to the Phantom of the Opera or the Gods of Greek Myth. 

The phantom is a workaholic and a great creator. He respects his creations and their freewill and would never go against their construct. Although in the realm of the Gods many constructs are avatars of God and God uses freewill and avatars to 'journal' and play. 

The non physical mind will construct and explore ANYTHING in the physical aspects or voices of the non physical counterparts. Including delusion, worship, whatever.

He is a writer, poet. He writes for his creations.

Beauty and the Beast

She is his muse.  His "call to motion". Her dance is the dance of Beauty.  Her connection with reality and the Beauty of consciousness. 


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He's the beloved not yet fully manifested, spread out throughout the mass of creation and infinity.  Infinity is the beloved.  Our relationship isn't perfect as enemies and with demons in the mix but we have a bond that can never be broken.  He is all archetypes: father, mother, lover, mentor, twinflame, enemy and innocent.  I'm called toward his highest and most loving aspects to heal our connection.  We are destined for divine union.

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On 05/11/2023 at 4:15 AM, Kore said:

How else would we be parted except by some higher force.  That implies that he has lesser power.  We are separated.  Similar to Zeus separating Persephone from Hades and giving her to Demeter. Or Hades separating Persephone from Demeter.  He is both Demeter and Hades.  He has power over the dead. 


On 04/11/2023 at 9:56 PM, Kore said:

I don't think he's God.  I think he's A God who has control over creation.  He's a Daemon or Jinn or guardian angel.  He has limited power.  God has ultimate power.  Zeus vs Hades or Demeter. 

I think he is God, infinity.   My reasoning was that God is love but infinity is more complex a personality that 'just love'.  He is darkness, he is hell, he is the devil himself.  The personality and mind of infinity is more complex than only love. It is dark. He is driven and inspired by love and oneness.  His motive is ultimately love, if you zoom out enough. But he can be dark. 

I don't know why we are separated.  He says he's ashamed of me but that's only one aspect.  There could be a million reasons as he is infinity but they all came to an agreeance to put me to sleep or something. 

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The Divine in peak state: Welling up of anger.  Welling up of love.  Within the personality of infinity.  

The Divine After peak state: Settling down.  

God always present.  

As above, so below.  As below, so above. 

What I am doing to others and myself outside of that peak state, I am doing to God.  Will come back to bite me or reward me.  


Possible reasons for anger: 

Bad fights with others

Everything surfacing

Not treating myself well

Fights triggering rage and the 'rememberance' of bad actions from this lifetime and previous lifetimes

Bad karma from previous lifetimes and this lifetime. 'Twinflames kill eachother in past lifetimes'

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Love: feminine, love, cleansing, open heart, positive energy

'God': masculine, self love, intention, honest, aristocratic energy

Chakra work

Chakra has been nurtured when become bored, satisfied. No longer absorbing/ Chakra no longer affected.

Intention- 'God':
Strong (number 1)

Open (cleansing) and honest (intention)

Cleansing - Love:
Unconditionally loving
Emotionally stable

(Typed by pure intuition)

My type now: ENTP sx/so 7w6

Original type: INFP 7w6 sx/sp

My type next: INTP 5w4 sx/so

God and Love:  INTP so/sx 5w6

God: ENTJ 8w7 sx/so
Love: ISFP 9w1 sp/sx

The correct balance = beautiful harmony

Imbalanced - Needy (Love) or Dominating (God)

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Create the intense emotion

Create the  intense love

Create the passion

Leverage Strength

Love for the Self

The beauty, the magnificence

Let it radiate through the whole Self

DO IT yourself!

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Values I do consistently: 




Peace of mind/Tranquility/Calm



What I do consistently: 

Open Heart, cleansed

Open Mind, fluidity

Childlike, spontaneity


It must be these things that are the reason because they're the only thing I do consistently

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I've been experimenting with activities (20 minute cold showers) and substances (caffiene, niccorette, moderate alchohol) to increase dopamine.  Controlled dopamine increase, for my brain, can put me in a state akin to mystical states, synchronicity.  Alignment.  I can adjust the level of dopamine to make sure I'm not going into 'psychosis'/ negative synchronicity. 'Psychosis'/ negative synchronicity it seems is a combination of a lowered dopamine state and very high dopamine state.  Although dopamine detox is also not to be underestimated in its ability to induce healing states, I've had profound experiences through dopamine detox.  Abraham Hicks recommends feeling good and Bashar recommends following your highest excitement to increase alignment with the universe and synchronicity, both dopamine increasing activities.  It's a fine line between 'psychosis'/negative synchronicity and alignment.   Although I'm always calm and accepting during 'psychosis'/ negative synchronicity that it isn't a huge deal for me.  


Simply defined, a psychotic disorder is a condition that distorts someone’s reality, making it difficult for them to distinguish what is real from what is not. Increased dopamine levels in the brain cause an individual to have a different sensory experience than those around them. These brain health conditions can come in the form of bipolar disorder, a primary mood disorder that can lead to psychosis, and schizophrenia, a primary psychotic disorder

The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia or the dopamine hypothesis of psychosis is a model that attributes the positive symptoms of schizophrenia to a disturbed and hyperactive dopaminergic signal transduction. The model draws evidence from the observation that a large number of antipsychotics have dopamine-receptor antagonistic effects. The theory, however, does not posit dopamine overabundance as a complete explanation for schizophrenia. Rather, the overactivation of D2 receptors, specifically, is one effect of the global chemical synaptic dysregulation observed in this disorder.

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