Something Funny

What I appreciate about Leo

13 posts in this topic

Authenticity and being real

I really like that Leo doesn't try to hide behind a mask of being overly politically correct just to be safe. He says what he truly beliefs without being apologetic about it. He doesn't avoid uncomfortaable topics or questions.

This is worth a lot in our world where most people are cold, closed off, and business like.


Not promoting some shady nord vpn / protein powder / miracle nootropic kind of bullshit.

Not doing some stupid black Friday course sales.

Being open to criticism and actually responding to it.

Veing extremely open about the way he does his business. 

Basically,  with Leo you don't feel like he tries to screw you over at any opportunity he gets to squeeze a few extra dollars out of you. You know that when he publishes a video, he publishes it for its own sake and not to promote his upcoming new program which will only be available for 30 days and then will get a rerun in the next year.

Putting his soul into his work

No comments needed here, hands down the highest quality content on youtube.

Kindness and compasssion

I think this is something that many people look over and don't appreciate enough. But Leo is a really kind person.

Whenever there is a person on the forum who is in a really bad place and needs help, Leo always tries to help them. Even if they are a total emotional mess and act in really stupid ways.


His style

Some might call it arrogant and unprofessional but I like it.

Leo is funny and entertaining which is an especially big achievement considering the topics he talks about.

I like the fact that Leo can sometimes be brutal in his video and say stuff like "you are not taking your life seriously enough" because it is motivating and it helps me get myself together when I feel depressed and a mess in general. Some of Leo's videos are like a nice cold shower.

And omg, his costumes, how cana you not love his costumes. Him wearing this silly horned mask and complaining how much it hurts while talking about philosophy was pure gold, lol.


Just felt like posting this...

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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I gotta add (especially considering the current events here) - his PATIENCE

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@Mz Hyde true

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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Authenticity, being Real.


Kindness, compassion.

You listed out nice qualities. These are what’s in my heart and I appreciate him as well.

I love his temperament’s CLEANNESS. It’s in his silhouette. And the vocal. The information. 

Many intellectuals or people who are into academics. Their voices and tones turn into a greasy, flippant weird feeling. Ignores every information, I purely don’t willing to feel that kind of organ sound, the temperament.

Some of the people their voice sounds like they can always feel the others. As they are always with the surroundings around us.

And when their throat is opened. It sounds like it’s coming from the place of a child. The Raw and Astringent. It made me feel so honest, and clean. In life, if you want to build identity imageries. That raw voice will change with it. When you relax and have no defensives, feel curious, hopeful, embrace open to anything. It will sound that raw.

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Same is authenticity is really what makes me have respect for him despiste the relative value we may not share at times.

I m all open to be convinced though, that's also great that we don't share same perspective but that leo can be open toward divergences in opinions and viewpoints.

This forum and the people attracted toward this work is really great, it helped me a lot in my own enlightment, in fact, probably as much if not more than psychedelics.

One critic would be, he shall push more for the ubermensh part of reality, at first it was his thirst for getting ahead of the curve that attracted me to his work.

And his attraction toward powerful dream goal like changing society, becoming more knowing.
All this seems like core of the good about his work, I just hope he doesn't forget himself in the process of becoming.


to deconstruct sandcastle is the easy part and only the early stages, but to build strong sandcastles that can hold against the wind, that is the real task of living like a true god.

Edited by A_v_E

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Yeah I concur, Leo at his best has integrity, resolve, passion, intelligence, articulation, kindness and selflessness

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Agreed. + like Mz Hyde said, his patience and love are immense.

Even tho Leo has given me a shit ton of value and I would def rather him not but I would completely understand if he decides to stop teaching / takes a break and just bask in his own beauty. This would make me love him even more - what else would be the option?

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I don’t want to kiss his ass. But, I appreciate this man. If I saw him I would put my hand on my heart and nod with a smile of gratitude.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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