
How to get an elightenment experience ASAP (without drugs)

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On 2023. 02. 14. at 8:25 PM, Leo Gura said:

But this goes even deeper. Imagine if you had the psyche of a lion but kept your current human body.

I've actually done that. I have direct consciousness of what it's like to have the psyche of a predator animal. I will pounce on you and eat you like a cat on a bird.

In my opinion mystical states of consciousness we talk about are when the 7th or 6th chakras are active.
I feel these chakras at these "mystical" states of consciousness.
But I feel my tala chakras in my leg in the same way. But they are activated by the things like animal side of consciousness, feelings.
Of course this should be used only for good purposes!

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Learn to die without drugs. It is an absolute surrendering you must be willing to do.

You must be willing to put truth/enlightenment whatever it is for you before everything else and let go of everything else.

100% total/utter devotion, forget about food, water any of these things, they are all distractions.

If you want ASAP that is, or you could just trust in your natural process and live the middle-way ~

It is Inevitable.

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Well here’s how to do that:

Be very still for a very long time, in mind and body (really just mind but generally body stillness helps with mind stillness).

To spell it out though / In other words :

Inquiry. Find the I; the source/base of the false I, to reveal the true Self, to itself — It’s the only thing that is completely still and already present before any thought, and thus, to focus on it merely requires: the non-focus on everything that isn’t always already now… so that, via process-of-elimination (neti-neti), there is a sort of “focus” on a “special object,” the subject; that which is prior to any experience or object.

This requires first becoming aware of the whole field, so that every object of experience can be relegated to awareness, without intentional focus on any object. If you try to inquire without first becoming aware of the whole field, then that which you have yet to become aware of will masquerade as the false I, producing a situation wherein you think you’re abiding as the witness but really you’ve just surrendered quite a bit of focus on most of the objects yet for some of the (objects in the) field, you will be attending to it without realizing it; meaning: identified as it.

Once you’ve become aware of the whole field, via meditation practice, starting up the inquiry should not feel like a complicated thought move — it should be like one snap of a finger and you’re already doing it fully. Because the focus is the most essential aspect of your experience; that which is always already present, and prior to everything else. If it feels bumpy or jumpy getting it started, like the focus turns on and off repeatedly, just notice how what you’re actually looking for is equally prior to both of those two (on & off) conditions, and retract your focus from those supposed conditions and just be the witness that requires no object (including an object such as one of those conditions).

Don’t look for what is already the case but you just aren’t noticing. Look for what is already the case and the only thing you always notice.

Edited by The0Self

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As a few have mentioned, void oneself of all sensory stimulation, is the surest and fastest way.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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There's drugs, and also there's drugs. If you hate drugs and have an extreme strong mind (not susceptible to things like meditation or hypnosis), in the end, don't forget that even the most allegedly unenlightened person will be infinitely more enlightened than even Leo because every human inevitably dies.

Not that anyone can ever not be technically enlightened like a cracked vase is still a vase.

But some people especially if they have a mystical experience induced within them, cannot stand not knowing. It drives them too crazy.

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11 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

But some people especially if they have a mystical experience induced within them, cannot stand not knowing. It drives them too crazy.

The irony is that it is the mind that insists on knowing, while the unconditional spaciousness within is beyond knowledge. Craving spiritual facts only buries people deeper.

Awakening is about letting go of the need to know, of the desperate desire for certainty, and of seeking validation through mystical experiences.

The truth of who you actually are is realized through inner submission to the wisdom of absolute silence, not in clamoring for signs.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha That is right. Any knowledge is invariably an appearance which often takes the form of a thought, and all appearances arise and fall without anybody there to actually know them. There is nobody to ever know anything, but the thought of a particular piece of knowledge might appear.

I don't mind indulging it though, and I don't mind indulging in me myself and I either. It has happened only a very limited number of times where there was no such thing as a me, and my mind is desperare for the same to happen again. At the last time I was not ready at all and it scared me, so rather than explore the shining existence of reality completely absent of a self, I distracted myself until I snapped out of it. Now I cannot get the same thing to happen through any means and it is driving me crazy.

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4 hours ago, OldManCorcoran said:

I don't mind indulging it though, and I don't mind indulging in me myself and I either. It has happened only a very limited number of times where there was no such thing as a me, and my mind is desperare for the same to happen again. At the last time I was not ready at all and it scared me, so rather than explore the shining existence of reality completely absent of a self, I distracted myself until I snapped out of it. Now I cannot get the same thing to happen through any means and it is driving me crazy.

Indulging the mind is a treacherous game :ph34r: Are you sure your mind is being honest when it proclaims that it wants you to disappear again? After all, if you truly disidentify with the mind, doesn't that disempower it? Maybe the reason you are unable to realize inner spaciousness is because the mind is secretly sabotaging your efforts.

There is nothing that frightens the mind more than the threat of losing your attention. Inner silence is its worst nightmare.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

Indulging the mind is a treacherous game :ph34r: Are you sure your mind is being honest when it proclaims that it wants you to disappear again? After all, if you truly disidentify with the mind, doesn't that disempower it? Maybe the reason you are unable to realize inner spaciousness is because the mind is secretly sabotaging your efforts.

There is nothing that frightens the mind more than the threat of losing your attention. Inner silence is its worst nightmare.

Who knows. I think about it over and over obsessively. Nothing I think or do or even don't do produces the effect again, of existence without subject. Heard sound existing still but somehow absolutely and entirely without a hearer, seen sights just as much without a viewer. Not any different from the reality we know, just without the self existing in conjunction with that reality.

I am reminded of something Leo said before in a video. That if something like a sound is to come into existence, it is so direct that there is no middleman, the sound just exists and it's as simple as that. As opposed to there first having to exist a conscious being to hear that sound. Of course, consciousness is just the fact of existence itself. What else is meant when saying we are conscious of a sound, except to convey the fact that the sound exists. That the sound is present. That's what the term is used to denote but I suppose that is really hidden behind layers of thought.

Do you see the madness? Existence exists as distant unobserved galaxies and tiny unobserved atoms, and equally as apparently observed colors and sounds. No categorical difference whatever between an atom and a color. Categories do not exist outside the mind which thinks them. Existence being an atom and being a sound. Right? And it just so happens that for a perception to exist, it has to be a perception. See how it is entirely impossible to remove perceiving from the qualitative element of sound. So whenever existence exists as qualitative sound, there is invariably what we conceptualize as perceiving. But there's not actually anybody doing the perceiving, it is just existence appearing as a perception. And to say we are "conscious" of something is merely to give a word to the fact of its presence. Not because there is a process or person there, conscious of a sound completely = saying the sound is existing. And then you see that is all there actually is, it has always just been that sheer existence itself.

Then do you see you do not exist at all. Existence has been existing as various forms in absence of witness and it's doing so right now. Even though it so strongly seems that there is a person here seeing it. How do you convince nobody it is somebody except by the appearance of the thought "I am somebody"? And this is all the effect but, I cannot replicate it again. My mind will not go away again even though I feel ready to face non existence again.

Edited by OldManCorcoran

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49 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

Then do you see you do not exist at all. Existence has been existing as various forms in absence of witness and it's doing so right now. Even though it so strongly seems that there is a person here seeing it. How do you convince nobody it is somebody except by the appearance of the thought "I am somebody"? And this is all the effect but, I cannot replicate it again. My mind will not go away again even though I feel ready to face non existence again.

There is no absolute existence, only being. You seem to have realized this about the perceiver, but the same is true about the perceived. Anything that can be thought, felt, or sensed is an illusion. The perceiver and the perceived are dualities within the dream. Neither of them is ultimately real.

There is only unconditional awareness, which is within and beyond the dream. You can't convince the character of anything. You can only strip away everything about it that you are not, until you are ready to directly realize what you are.

People believe they are ready to face the non-existence of their character, but it is rare to embrace this non-existence and live lucidly within the dream. It is not death, but it is seen as death. The mind only sees a bottomless void, and will fight like a demon to avoid it. It is only when you are ready to release the mind that the brilliance of your ultimate nature is realized. You need to desire this unchangeable nature more than anything the transient cosmos can offer you.

The known, the changeable, is what you live with -- the unchangeable is of no use to you. It is only when you are satiated with the changeable and long for the unchangeable, that you are ready for the turning round and stepping into what can be described, when seen from the level of the mind, as emptiness and darkness. For the mind craves for content and variety, while reality is, to the mind, contentless and invariable.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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3 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Anything that can be thought, felt, or sensed is an illusion. The perceiver and the perceived are dualities within the dream. Neither of them is ultimately real.

May you explain why you prefer this interpretation? I see in one sense I would not consider the places in my dreams real beyond illusion, but I find it easiest to understand that something appearing is in fact appearing. If something is appearing I think the fact it is appearing can be accepted and I consider it existent. No matter how temporary that object is.

I would not want my mind to vanish for my entire life, no. But when it briefly happened, I bugged out before I actually had time to allow the event to unfold. To me, it seemed to actually be death. Without a me who is there to be alive or dead? Only existence existing as many things, like sounds and sights, which neither I nor anybody else nor any conscious being has ever been present for.

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51 minutes ago, OldManCorcoran said:

May you explain why you prefer this interpretation? I see in one sense I would not consider the places in my dreams real beyond illusion, but I find it easiest to understand that something appearing is in fact appearing. If something is appearing I think the fact it is appearing can be accepted and I consider it existent. No matter how temporary that object is.

When you dream tonight, the character within your dream will probably believe that what it perceives is real. Even if temporary, the character believes that what it sees actually exists. Tomorrow morning, you will realize that both the character and what the character perceived are not real.

That is what is meant by awakening. You realize that within the cosmos, phenomenal reality is only relative rather than absolute. As you ate your latest meal, no doubt you believed the food was real, and the time passing between each bite was real, and maybe even the enjoyment of that bite was real. There are no absolutes within the cosmos. Einstein proved it with relativity. Time, space, and matter depend entirely on the observer and cannot be objectively defined.

Without a me who is there to be alive or dead? Only existence existing as many things, like sounds and sights, which neither I nor anybody else nor any conscious being has ever been present for.

You are as alive as anything else you perceive in the cosmos. When you let go of the idea of "me as the perceiver" and "other as the perceived", you directly realize that there is an underlying seamless reality that pervades and is beyond the cosmos. Existence is seen for the creative dream that it is. Your ultimate nature was never born and cannot die.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Make a leap. Do it. Intend to grasp who you are now. Do that until you do.

Edited by UnbornTao

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