Andrew Tate said Day Game is "for children"

By Hardkill in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
Day game is definitely strange considering the fact that most people don't do it, especially in these modern times. It also can come off as being really try hard and weird if you are seen doing mass approaches. It's also one of the most challenging forms of game. However, to say that Day Game or even Night Game is "for children" is ridiculous. Ironically, I am sure that he has actually done a lot of cold approaching during the day time and night time to find and recruit many vulnerable young girls for sex work. Locario and Miles gave a great analysis on the thingsĀ Tate has been right on and many of the things that he has been wrong on. It's like the more you dig deep into who Tate is the more you realize how everything he has said and does is really just a facade.
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