John Paul

I should kill myself

8 posts in this topic

Don't rob yourself of a potential life where things can get better. You have no idea how things could be, they can be better than you are able to imagine right now. Bad times are temporary, it doesn't mean you will have a bad life.

If you are thinking of harming yourself in the immediate future or have plans please contact a suicide hotline for wherever you're from;

If you need to talk or vent PM me, I think I could understand I've been where you're at.



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On 1/25/2023 at 4:53 AM, John Paul said:

You will be sorry. I will be gone.

You will die one day anyway, you have 1 shot at life. 


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On 25/01/2023 at 4:53 AM, John Paul said:

You will be sorry. I will be gone.

You still with us OP?

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On 25/01/2023 at 3:53 PM, John Paul said:

You will be sorry. I will be gone.

I will not be sorry as I don't know you at all personally, but my future condolences as I also deal with such thoughts, but I don't allow those thoughts (currently) to seduce me into such a foolish action you cannot take back, find other solutions that are valid in your personal own life. Don't go through with it become another statistic..

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@Roy suicidal hotlines don't work they are for profit unfortunately like everything else in tue world 

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On 3/4/2023 at 10:39 AM, AlwaysJoggin said:

@Roy suicidal hotlines don't work they are for profit unfortunately like everything else in tue world 

Such a foolish statement. I’ve called them many times when I was in need, and they do save lives. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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