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Siddhasana, the perfect pose

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I truly think this yoga pose needs a topic on its own (I was actually going to put 'Siddhasana official thread' but not sure if that goes against the rules @Thought Art let me know  ) .

Anyways, I've been dabbling this last months with some asanas of hatha Yoga and being the lazy ass fuck I am the most I've practiced is Siddhasana, now you might think what its so special about just sitting with your back straight and your legs crossed (although its more nuanced than that). Well, it is special because its not only about the physical aspect of it, there are also certain energies, (and tensions) that you will start to become receptive to and learn to 'move' them once you start to really practice it for some time.

Here's so far a couple of very important things I´ve learned with this practice:

1. If I hold the pose with enough observation, I will start to notice that there are some excessive tension, energy and 'ungroundness' on my upper body, primarily on my head. I am starting to learn how to 'trap' this energies and tensions, and 'collapse them' into the lower body, to the legs, creating an almost instant feeling of feeling relaxed, safe, in control, super 'chill' in all my body. In other words, collapsing the energies from your psyche, on to the ground where they disappear. (this is why is important to sit in such a way that the legs are almost touching the floor)

2. If I would be doing a meditation breathing or simple kriya while holding Siddhasana, ujjayi breathing happens automatically. Why? I don't know. I never take the intention of doing ujjayi breathing before hand. But the fact is that when it happens there is another kind of relaxation and peacefulness through the body that happens. It hasn't happened a lot of times, but just today, I lost complete sense of the body. The breathing only remained. I suspect this uyyaji breathing, its similar to the 'breathing pathway' I experienced on some 4-AcO-DMT trips (well actually, I think its literally the same thing, I just didn't expect that it was possible to recreate it just with Yoga). This 'pathway' becomes the only one focus in your awareness and indeed all sense of body fades. 

To be continued... Feel free to share any resources, tips or personal experiences with this asana!


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@Javfly33 I don’t see an issue with that title, though it may not mean much as the topic may not draw enough attention to be an “official” or “mega” thread. But who knows. 

You are encouraged to review the forum guidelines if you are ever curious what is or isn’t allowed here. 

It is encouraged I think as well to make posts with a sense of maturity and contribution. Humour is fine. 

I am happy to answer any questions people have about the guidelines as I continue to familiarize myself with them but encourage all members to review it. 

It’s up to you guys to think for yourself. Ask, “Am I willing to act with a sense of maturity and contribution to the growth and health of the forum?” The more of us ask this the more of a healthy and incredible resource this place becomes.


Interesting observations, keep sharing what you discover as I am sure it inspires others. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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What do you mean by ujjayi breathing? Ocean breath? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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14 hours ago, Thought Art said:

What do you mean by ujjayi breathing? Ocean breath? 

I think that's what I experience. Basically try to breath through your nose doing a 'jjjjjj' sound. You will feel in a more pronounced way how the breath is going through your throat. When you do that, there is a 100% awareness on the breath, leaving the awareness on the body in the back-side, ultimately losing awareness of the body and 'becoming' literally the breath. 

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