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Moving to Birmingham Alabama

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As a result of a project for a client, I’m gonna have to move to Birmingham Alabama for some time. I am from New Jersey, a brown guy, and I know the history of Alabama and how it’s the old south, so that does make me somewhat uncomfortable. The only reason I’m moving there is because the opportunity for this client is really good, which is innovations and solutions for a major bank, and this will take my career to another level. However I am worried, as I am stage green/orange, if I will be able to survive in an environment like Alabama, which is more stage red/blue. For those of you living in the southern United States and may have experience with this region, is there anything I should know and be prepared for before moving down there?

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Nah. Nothing too big to worry about. Most of the racism is subtle and most of the people there aren't actually racist, but it might be a bit less comfortable feeling as New Jersey. You may be pleasantly surprised too. I don't know, haven't been in the south for a while tho

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what's wrong with Alabama? Screenshot_2023-02-14_at_1.24.23_AM_1_50.png  





Edited by PenguinPablo

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