
Sexual Energy

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Straight to the point: after starting this spiritual path, I've been dating guys that are also into spirituality and found out they don't have orgasms, its like their sperm is sacred xD which brought me to look around for informations and books that explain a little more about sexual energy and sexuality on general. I also started nofap and saw significant changes in my life.

So here are the books:

  • Cupid's Poisoned Arrow - Marnia Robinson
  • Awaken Healing Energy Through The Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power - Mantak Chia

  • Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy - Mantak Chia 

  • Sex at Dawn - Christopher Ryan (careful reading this one if you are in a relationship, it made me have a lot of thoughts about polyamorous relationships xD)

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Shakespeare


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4 hours ago, Laisa said:

I've been dating guys that are also into spirituality and found out they don't have orgasms, its like their sperm is sacred xD.

Ejaculation and orgasm are two different things. I'm not really into this energy / sex thing, but books I liked were:
- Osho: Sex Matters
- Osho: Love, Freedom and Aloneness
- Krishnananda Trobe, Amana Trobe: When Sex Becomes Intimate
I also like David Deida's work very and some of Barry Longs'.

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This is something I've been considering a lot more lately as well... the relationship between sexuality and personal growth / enlightenment. Could sex (with orgasm) with someone you love help your awakening, or is there a benefit to refraining from climax (to conserve that energy or whatever)? What might be the harmful effects of pornography related to personal growth? Are polyamorous relationships more "natural" for those who have higher consciousness / awareness? (This is a touchy topic as I'm happily married).

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15 hours ago, Laisa said:

I've been dating guys that are also into spirituality and found out they don't have orgasms, its like their sperm is sacred xD

That figures... they've probably been too busy "being spiritual". :/

Edited by jse

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Personally, I find such a practice to be needlessly extreme. Male sexual energy is like a pool of water... you don't want to drain it dry and stay in that state, but keeping it dammed up all the time isn't necessary either. You want it fresh and flowing, moving and responding with a depth that increases alongside the diversity of inlets that form as your sexuality and personality grow together.

It's more about how and why you release, the energy, mix of emotion, and meaning behind it all. Also, there is a huge developmental process with sexuality that takes many years and has waaayyyy more involved with it then release or don't release. It's about the kind of connection you have with your sexuality, how you relate to it's pull, how you flow with it and travel through different trance states, how you relate to it's darker or more primal sides and those facets of your identity that are connected with it. How you relate, understand, and provide a complimentary contrast to your counterparts sexuality. Then also how all that desire or appetite balances and dances with connection and confidence and self-respect. There are layers to sex that only open and unfold as we handle the above things and enrich ourselves.

When your sexuality is activated, what is it activating in relation too? Pixelated images or the full body sensation of a woman intertwined with your body and all the emotion and sexual tension that runs with it? 

When you fuck and cum is only your mind involved, whilst stuck in your head? Your primal instinct? Your spirit? Or all three in harmony, aligned to a shared meaning you and your partner have developed over many experiences together?

Different contexts proved different levels and flavors of activation and only certain levels and flavors can be built upon, while other avenues are dead ends that are too limited or shallow to create expansion and growth.

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On 3/5/2017 at 1:31 PM, Everlast said:

Could sex (with orgasm) with someone you love help your awakening, or is there a benefit to refraining from climax (to conserve that energy or whatever)?

You're talking about Tantra. I have a small passion in this area since I really love sex.

Tantra is the art of using sex for awakening. You DO orgasm in Tantra, and actually it's way more powerful the orgasms people typically have.

The difference is that you learn to direct the energy of your orgasm. So instead of exploding it out and it depleating you, you circulate through your system and have it energize you.

It's not necessary to do that every time. In fact it's not a good idea to do it every time. But it can be powerful

The benefits to awakening occur because the ego usually dissolves briefly in orgasm. There is no you, no thoughts of any kind. And so you can use this to taste your true nature.

On 3/5/2017 at 1:31 PM, Everlast said:

What might be the harmful effects of pornography related to personal growth?

You either use it as a coping mechanism to escape from yourself. Or you get so lost in Maya that you can't even view sexual partners as individuals.

On 3/5/2017 at 1:31 PM, Everlast said:

Are polyamorous relationships more "natural" for those who have higher consciousness / awareness?

It really just depends. There are people who get in monogamy because they think it's what they're "supposed to do", which is low consciousness. And then there's people who really just connect with someone and both people benefit.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum For men I think it is a good idea to keep it in when it comes to orgasm. But how does this apply for women?

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