Julian gabriel

how to control reality?

14 posts in this topic

when i’m looking at a thing (like for example a number or a letter or a car or a person or whatever) 

it seems strange that i can’t just change that thing into whatever i want to change it into, since it’s only occurring in my mind, as my imagination. 

what is preventing me from just manipulating the world into being whatever i feel like manipulating it into?

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@Julian gabriel hehe, now you wish this power to make stuff you see to change into another shape,color, position. Be careful with what you wish. It came to my mind people high in ayahuasca seeing visions with eyes open, asking: - Please, make it stop!make it stop! Take this out of me!!  

I know this because I was exactly this person not long ago. Now, just the peace to let everything is exactly as it is and perfect as it is, is one of the best experiences. But still, when the visions came it don't make me worried anymore since is something natural. But if you are trying to make some visionary change to happen in you defalt mode, good luck. 

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36 minutes ago, Julian gabriel said:

when i’m looking at a thing (like for example a number or a letter or a car or a person or whatever) 

it seems strange that i can’t just change that thing into whatever i want to change it into, since it’s only occurring in my mind, as my imagination. 

what is preventing me from just manipulating the world into being whatever i feel like manipulating it into?

Maybe it's because the I that wants it to change and the I has the power for it to change is not the same I?

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16 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

@Julian gabriel hehe, now you wish this power to make stuff you see to change into another shape,color, position. Be careful with what you wish. It came to my mind people high in ayahuasca seeing visions with eyes open, asking: - Please, make it stop!make it stop! Take this out of me!!  

I know this because I was exactly this person not long ago. Now, just the peace to let everything is exactly as it is and perfect as it is, is one of the best experiences. But still, when the visions came it don't make me worried anymore since is something natural. But if you are trying to make some visionary change to happen in you defalt mode, good luck. 

@Rafael Thundercat i know that once i get it i’ll just want to lose it. i’m just playing the game of going back and forth. 

its fun as fuck

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15 minutes ago, Julian gabriel said:

@Rafael Thundercat i know that once i get it i’ll just want to lose it. i’m just playing the game of going back and forth. 

its fun as fuck

Is all fun an games until someone lose and ego. 

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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2 hours ago, Julian gabriel said:

what is preventing me from just manipulating the world into being whatever i feel like manipulating it into?

Your sanity

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What you see in the world can be considered a part of imagination although I prefer to call it reality and not part of imagination. Either way, when have you ever controlled even a single thought? An intention to control a thought comes up in your mind without your input and that may set a chain of events that cause a certain thought to come up but you are not the one choosing what is created in your mind. If what you thought could become reality for you, it would be very dangerous and your life would likely fall apart. 

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The whole idea is that you just cannot change reality and you cannot control it either. 

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20 hours ago, Julian gabriel said:

 it seems strange that i can’t just change that thing into whatever i want to change it into, since it’s only occurring in my mind, as my imagination.

Because it's not occuring in your personal mind.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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8 minutes ago, Jehovah increases said:

Sorry, but what is a  personal mind??

The thing that is asking.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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23 hours ago, Julian gabriel said:

what is preventing me from just manipulating the world into being whatever i feel like manipulating it into?

Have you tried? 

It's clear that if it's possible, then it's not easy to do because we would all be doing it.

My idea is that the world you experience is a habit. From repetition the world learns to behave the same way each time. By repetition I mean that consciousness becomes aware of certain aspects of itself and expresses those more strongly (structure and laws). It's like a river stretching out and carving out a landscape, over time the branches get deeper and more defined. 

One way would be to jolt yourself out of your normal reality, like re-routing a river. That would "loosen" the habits of the world.

On the other hand, there are things we can all do, and that's already magic.

57% paranoid

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3 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

Sorry, what is the thing again? It was one of the best movies I saw.

The personal mind is Consciousness reducing itself down to a seemingly limited perspective.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I don't think law of attraction is real. I tried manifesting to be taller but I'm still waiting :-/

Edited by vindicated erudite

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