
World religions

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It might be the case that you can find out more about God by reading literature from around the world, than focusing on one of these religions, with the exception of Hinduism and Buddhism. These two are the best in the world, because they focus on experience and growing consciousness. However, I don't agree with their ideas about afterlife, and it is also hard to see that we are just one God. Yes, we are one consciousness that expresses itself in different ways, that we are, but then again, inthe dream reality made of consciousness, it is hard to not see the difference between people and animals. Or are we all just animals of different forms?


I want to ask what do you think is the most complete religion of all Abrahamic religions? Christianity in itself kind of includes the teachings of Jews as well, what about Islam? In what ways could classic Sunni Islam be said to be better than Christianity?

Also, please let me know what do you think about Christian version of God? How did it come about? How did people start believing in post mortom spirituality, in heaven, hell, and the likes? 

Do Abrahamic religions have any pros and benefits over Eastern religions or better say Eastern sciences of consciousness?

Where do Buddhists get their teachings from when they don't have any holy books? In what ways is Buddhism better than Hinduism? Just a couple of examples. 

Do you really create bad Karma by drinking cows milk, especially today's versions of factory farmed cattle products? How is Karma weighed? If reincarnation is true, than Nazies are now hungry people in Africa, right? 


If you can answer all these questions and improve my understanding of religions, it would be great.

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No religion is better than another. 

It's best to believe in a higher power but not be affiliated with any religion. 

All religion is mental dependency



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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You will never understand God via any religion, and certainly not Buddhism.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You will never understand God via any religion, and certainly not Buddhism.

 I think from the Abrahamic religions..Islam has a very very  coherent concept of God. : god is one and only one with no any sort of a partner, who can not die or have any human characteristics or superior to human characteristics such as being the most powerful and all-knowing.

Christianity, on the other hand, says: “He’s three but one: 1+1+1=1,” “God is Jesus who is son of god who is god who created Mary,” “Jesus dead for our “sins,” while we are NOT born sinful.” It just doesn't work with me to accept such madness..this trinity fucking shit

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

No religion is better than another. 

It's best to believe in a higher power but not be affiliated with any religion. 

All religion is mental dependency

What if some religions are better than others?

What kind of higher power?

I like the statement that all religions are mental dependancy. We could read and study them all like literature of various countries, although I would have a hard time trying out a prayer in Arabic, or maybe not.

Can I be an agnostic, cause I don't want to be an atheist? I know that there must be some kind of intelligent being that has everything it needs to create a world like this. But I don't want to worship it. I'm not sure I can accept it fully, cause if it is responsible for all creation, there are some things I'd tell it I wish it never created. How can you trust such a higher power? Maybe you mean to believe in a higher power but not know what or who it is and so not get affiliated with any religion I guess. 

But why meditate if you're not a Hindu or Buddhist? Etc.


3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You will never understand God via any religion, and certainly not Buddhism.

And certainly not Buddhism, okay. 

What about psychonautism? Religion of psychonauts? Where are their temples? They should have at least two.?

I guess their temple would be something like a forest or camp for retreats. But it would be nice to build an awesome looking temple and make this a famous religion around the world if that is how you get to know God.

5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Christianity, on the other hand, says: “He’s three but one: 1+1+1=1,” “God is Jesus who is son of god who is god who created Mary,” “Jesus dead for our “sins,” while we are NOT born sinful.” It just doesn't work with me to accept such madness..this trinity fucking shit

This makes no sense to me either. 


6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

god is one

Yeah, God is one, but it can have children, right? We are like little baby Gods that cannot die and get reincarnated over time... I don't believe in this, just saying. This is absurd. 

But you know, since there is nothing outside God, inside him,I don't know. It's hard ro believe that this moment with all its contents has always existed and just keeps on repeating itself and popping back into awareness, stored in some Godlike space or nothingness which is everything that exists and ever existed.

What a weird thing this home is, this plant is and that tree is. Makes no sense. Call it God, a tiny part of God, it still makes no sense. How do you experience the whole thing? It appears God is just anything and everything that ever was, will be or could be. But why care about God and worship him through Quran and a Moswue if he's just everything? I guess there is some wisdom behind it.

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6 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

What about psychonautism? Religion of psychonauts?

The only way to understand reality truly is to break free of all isms, all beliefs, all humans.

No ideological system can help you there. Not even nonduality. You must achieve 100% sovereignty of mind. To be a slave to no idea.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

Yeah, God is one, but it can have children, right? We are like little baby Gods that cannot die and get reincarnated over time... I don't believe in this, just saying. This is absurd. 

Well the quran there Is a hilarious verse that says God can't have children because he doesn't have a wife ?..

10 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

But you know, since there is nothing outside God, inside him,I don't know. It's hard ro believe that this moment with all its contents has always existed and just keeps on repeating itself and popping back into awareness, stored in some Godlike space or nothingness which is everything that exists and ever existed.

Nice story . This present moment is all that exists . Its not repeated .its totally fresh like a newborn baby .

11 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

What a weird thing this home is, this plant is and that tree is. Makes no sense. Call it God, a tiny part of God, it still makes no sense. How do you experience the whole thing? It appears God is just anything and everything that ever was, will be or could be. But why care about God and worship him through Quran and a Moswue if he's just everything? I guess there is some wisdom behind it.

Are you aware that you are God?  If not then you should definitely worship him as though he is separate from you  . Don't fool yourself believe that you are God when you are actually not God-realized . That's a huge mistake .

9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The only way to understand reality truly is to break free of all isms, all beliefs, all humans.

No ideological system can help you there. Not even nonduality. You must achieve 100% sovereignty of mind. To be a slave to no idea.


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Are you aware that you are God?  If not then you should definitely worship him as though he is separate from you  .

No, if he is separate from me and wants me to worship him, he should make me worship him. Cause I can be angry at God if things go bad. I'll certainly blame the omnipotent being for it and lose interest in being a minion. Not to mention that there is no way I'll believe in heaven, but in hell on the other hand, now that is hard not to believe in. What makes it so that this hell won't turn into another one after death?

 I'm not gonna dedicate my life to a God that might just be an illussion or I don't know. I guess I'm an atheist then.

Maybe Buddhism is then the perfect religion for me, precisely because I would have no God to get angry at.

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8 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

No, if he is separate from me and wants me to worship him, he should make me worship him. Cause I can be angry at God if things go bad. I'll certainly blame the omnipotent being for it and lose interest in being a minion. Not to mention that there is no way I'll believe in heaven, but in hell on the other hand, now that is hard not to believe in. What makes it so that this hell won't turn into another one after death?

 I'm not gonna dedicate my life to a God that might just be an illussion or I don't know. I guess I'm an atheist then.

Maybe Buddhism is then the perfect religion for me, precisely because I would have no God to get angry at.

This speaks for itself .you don't know the truth about God.  And here comes the role of religion.  Religion Is not just a bunch of old outdated myths and fairy tales. It sure seems like it on the surface .but the root of religion are enlightened people like Jesus, Buddha ,Mohammed etc who discovered for themselves the ultimate Truth . Now did you yourself discover the ultimate truth ? Seems like you didn't. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Religion Is not just a bunch of old outdated myths and fairy tales. It sure seems like it on the surface .but the root of religion are enlightened people like Jesus, Buddha ,Mohammed etc

I'm not into their versions of truth which differ from each other significantly. I'm not able to become religious, I'm sorry. It's just not gonna work for me. 

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@Someone here also, the Bible is full of just inaccurate stuff. It's so far removed from my life that it's useless. 

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Judaism was developed to forge a national identity and is more about politics than religion.  The Eastern religions focused on knowing the self rather than speculating about a transcendent God.  Christianity was the first totalitarian system.  The worst is the current pop nonduality fad which is vapid intellectualism.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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