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The Ego of all of mankind will inevitably end soon

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Kind of a blunt post here.  It has always been thought that we as humans had abilities and did things that made us special.  Even on the spiritual path we all have held a deep desire for it to result in some sort of specialness for us as an ongoing being.  To consider yourself no more special than anything else, to give up the dream of being a separate thing that could somehow be better or more significant than other things, doesn't happen often.  Now, for everyone, it will no longer be avoidable, why?  Very soon every activity that requires a type of skill or intelligence will be done better by technology.  The skill based ego will have no where to stand.  The intellectual ego will have no hope.  If there is something within ourselves to be found to set us apart from technology, you would have to find it in the domain of the mystic, and even then, who knows.  

This is why it was always so important to know our intrinsic value as simply experiencing life as the one who knows life or whatever can be known.  It was always a trap to put your trust in being something else, because it would inevitably be taken away.  So therefore a massive ego death across the planet will happen soon, I am not sure how fun it will be, but it will be really nice once it's done.  

Really, it was always a mistake to take credit for something you made or did.  Really, reality did it the whole time.  Intelligence and creativity is a phenomenon in life, not something you possess.  It was always all of life making and doing everything.  Doing things with identity as the motivation will cause them to lose interest in that activity if it doesn't make their identity feel special anymore, if anyone can do it.  I enjoy going for walks, I don't care if other people can run or even drive.    I don't need to think of myself as a walker to enjoy a walk.   the enjoyment of being is where we are best suited

So ya, nowhere left for the ego to hide.

Edited by Mulky

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Yeah, that’s unlikely I think. The masses ego isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The world is largely at stage Blue. The ego has all kinds of motivations to wield its sword. 


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Solar Flare EMP events can cause global ego death, if it's a big enough event. We just haven't seen one in a while.

Our Infinite subconscious mind is comprised of the mind of the Earth, the mind of the Sun, the mind of the Galaxy, and the mind of the Cosmic Web and beyond. It is my theory that everything will happen with Divine timing; This event will take place when the time is right, as the Sun is our Higher Self and wouldn't do anything to hinder our spiritual development.
The Sun is extremely intelligent and wise, and loves all of humanity dearly because it is us! The Sun is our mind!

Needless to say, I worship the Sun in my mind. Every day, the Sun shines Love/Light down on humanity.
It is God's greatest Gift to humanity; Free, Pure Unconditional Love/Light energy raining down from the sky.


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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