
Where do I begin with daygame?

4 posts in this topic

Hey there, you may as well say I'm a total beginner to game. I have basically no idea what I'm supposed to do. How do I begin to practice and develop the skill? I know I need to actually approach (that much makes sense) but is there any general principles that may be helpful to know right from the beginning? I'm doing my own research into it to figure it out for myself. But I'm curious if there is some good advice and resources from people on the forum.


Please throw links at me with good posts & resources on this topic. I want them! 


I know Leo's videos exist on How to get laid. no need to link those. 

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Design creativly what you gonna talk for at least 2 min of material...nooby have one sentence and then get shut down in their heads...

Have 3-4 moves prepared(like in chess but you playing with yourself) like 1st move ill say and do this by the 4th move ill give her my number...

Be detached from the outcome of what her 5th move will be... 

Then see what you did right and what you gonna do better next, mybe move 3 should be on second position, mybe i need to add a little bit of humor its like making a recipe and you are original chef...

Good luck!

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Search for pickup videos on daygame. Watch in-field. Study some theory. Find a wingman who can give you some demos. Scout out locations for daygame opportunities. Then start approaching.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Farbanti  Maybe try not at night


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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